WHEREAS, Tho City Planning Com~ission of the City of Anaheim has received
a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated
in the 0ity of Anaheim, 0ounty of Orange, State of California, described as follows:
~WN~R - J~es P. and ~hyllis J. Czaw~ord:
'~e ~ou~hwes~ quarter 0~ the Nor~heas~ quarter of the Northeast quarter of
21, To,ship 4 8ouCh, R~ge 10 West of the ~an Be~nardino 14eridimn, in ~he County
Of Orange, s~mte of California.
~xcep~ an undivided four-fifths interes~ in and to tha~ portion of said premises
described as follows: Beginning ~ ~he soutlleas~ corner of ti%e southwest quarter
of ~he northeast quarter of ~he northeast quoter of said section 21; ~hence
North 50.00 fee~; thence ~t rlgh~ angles ~/est ~5.00 feet; thence at right angles
South 50.00 feet; thence ~as~ 25.00 fee~ to the point of beginning.
OW~ - Paul F. Neubauer:
~e Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of ~he Northeast quarter of Section
21, Township 4 South, Range l0 West, of the San ~ernardino Meridians, in the county of 0
Orange, s~ate of Califoznta.
~ - Serepta A. Mohn~
~outheas~ quazter of ~he Northeast quarter of the North,gust quarter of Sec~on 21,
~wnship 4 South, Range 10 West, in ~he Rancho 8~ Juan Cajon de San~a Aha, county
Or,ge, sta~e of California.
~T thai per,ion thereof described as follows: An undivided one-half interest
and ~o the following:
Begi~ing at a poin~ oD the ~as~ line of the Southeast quarter of the Nor~heas~ quarter
of the Northeast quarter of said 5ec~on 21, which point is 427.00 feet North of ~he
Southeas~ corner of said quarter section; thence at right angles westerly 84.00 feet;
~hence at righ~ angles northerly S4.00 feet; thence a~ right angles easterly 84.00 feet
~o said east line; ~hence south along said east line 34.00 feet ~o ~he poin~ of beginn~g.
~ - ~n Ter Beest and ~va I.. ~r Beest:
~e northeast quoter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 21,
Township 4 South, Range 10 ~cs~, of ~he San Bernardino meridian, in the count of
Orange, state of Califor~a.
07~:- H. D. a~d ~aiilda Bie~efeld:
~e northwest quoter of the southeast quarter of the northeas~ quarter of section
Township 4 8curb, Range 10 Wes~ of ~he San Bernar~no meridian, in the county of
Orange, state of California. '
~C~ the north 344.06 feet thereof..
Also an ~divided one-tenth in~crezt i~.~d ~o ~"pumping pl~t and equ~ment and the
ground upon which s~e is situated described as follows;.
Beginning at ~he sou~heasi corner of %he southwest.q~rter of the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of Said section 21~ ~ence N0r~h 50.00 feei; ~bence a~ right
angles West 25.00 feet; thence a~ right angles South ~0.00 fee~; ~hence at right angles~
Bast 25.00 feet to the poin~ of beginning.
~ - La~ence L and Doris Brummett:
Parcel 1. Begi~ing at ~he no~hl~st co~ner of the nor~h~,,est quarter of the southeast
quarter of ~he northeast quar%ezdof section 21~ To,ship 4 ~uth, Range 10 West, of the
San Bernardino meridian, in ~he County of Orange, state of California,'and ~heme southerly
344.06 feet ~o a point; thence easterly 647.70 fee~ ~o a point; ~hencenortherly 344.06
feet to a point; ~hence westerly 647.70 fee~ ~o the point of begi~ing.
P~ce~ 2. An un~vided one-tenth interest in and ~o a pumping plant and equipment and
the ground upon which the same is situated, described as follol~s: (See next page)
WH~AS, 2he City Pla~ing Oo~ission did hold a ~blic Hearing a% the
City Hall in the City of An~eim, on December 7, 1959~ N02ICES of which said
~blic Hearing were duly given as r%qui~ed by law and the provisions of the
~NICIP~ O0DE, Section 9200; and
WHEREAS, S~id Co~ssion, after due ~nspeotion, i~..~stigation and studies
~ made by itself and in its~half and after due eonsiderati~of all evidence and
~ reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. It is proposed to place the following facilities on the subject property:
:. a. A 12-stor~ Hotel with restaurant, Coffee Shop, Ballroom, Banquet and
Convention Rooms (approximately $,000 capacity), and Cocktail Bars.
b. Stadium for Aquacade and other shows (approximately $,000 capacity).
c. An 18 hole pitch and putt golf course with a Driving Range.
2.There will be a total of 1,020 rooms in the Hotel and Cabana Units.
3..~he total building area will be 983,$00 square feet or 22.58 acres.
There are approximately $8.29 acres in thc properties under consideration.
9. Parking spaces'fDr_2,9$O cars will be provided.
1. The dedication of 53 feet from the center line of Ball Road to the City of
2.The dedication of 57 feet from the center line of Walnut Street to a point
1320 feet southerly from Ball Road to the City of Anaheim.
3.The dedication of 45 feet from the center line of Walnut Street to a point
1320 feet northerly from Cerritos Avenue to the City of Anaheim.
4.The dedication of 45 feet from the center line of Cerritos Avenue to the City
of Anaheim.
5.The dedication of 45 feet from the center line Of West Street to the City
of Anaheim.
6. Prepare street impro~.e~ent plans and install all improvements in accordance
with approved standard plans on file in the off~ e of the City Mngineer on
......... Ball Road, Walnut Street, West Street and Cerritos Avenue.
7. Install sidewalks on ~fest Street.
8. Payment of $2.00 per front foot forstreet lighting purposes on Ball Road,*
T~E F01~EGOIN~ RESOLUTION is si~ned and approved by me this 7th day of
I, R. W. MUNGALL, Secretary of the City..Planning Commission of tho
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. 125 - SERIES
19~-50, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at
a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 7th
day of December, 1~$~.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntose~~d this ?th day of
December, 1~$~.
~. Brect a four foot block wall on Ball ~oad and ,-s'~ Stre th landscap~go
I 10. Brection of building s and other faci~£ties essentially the same as per
plan and rendering presented. -2- '
Parcel 2 - Bru~mett Property - Mira Plores, Inc., Continued:
Beginning at the soUtlleast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of section 21, township 4 South, Range lO West, of the
San Bernardino Meridian, in the county of Orange, state of California; thence
North 50.00 feet; thence at right angles West 25.00 fee~; then¢ at right ~ng~es
South SO.On feet; thence at right angles Bast 25.00 feet to the point of beginning.
~he southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northesst quarter of section
21, Township 4,South, Range l0 West of the San Bernardino meridian, in the county
of Orange, state of California.
ADplicant: Mira Nlores, Inc.
c/o Luren E. Wagner, Authorized Agent
1~03 So. Los Angeles St.
Anaheim, California
~urther described as: being on the West side of ~est Street between Bal~ Road
and Cerritos Avenue,-
T~e vote as follows:
AYES: COEflMMISSION~RS: DuBoi~, Gauer, Hapgood, ~auerhan, Morris,
Summers, Mungall,
- la-