PC 1959-1960-140-; ; ~h i , I ; ryI 1 I t ; i t' ~ ; ; ,i i i '~ 4 } ~ ", i + j i -- .; ~vuTtox xo. a40 _~ sEx1ES 19~s:::. ~ ~ ~`~,`s ~ ~ _ ~: . A RBSOLUTION OF.TAE CITY PLANNING CON![ISSION OF THE CTTY OF ANAF~IM f~A~TIlQi SPEC3AL ~iSB PI~NlIT 1~11 3& WHERfiAS, The Citp Planniag Commission oY the City,of Anaheim has reoeived a VeriPied Petition from.the Owaer(s) oP a oertaia parael of real propertp situated in the Citp oP Aaaheim, Cuunty of Oraage. State of California, desorfbed as folloss: Applicants sII~i~BT Pat~„4, ~ laSb, Stgdio Cisy. Califaseeie, A21 tLat ur~aix i~ad situpted ia t4~ Statm of t~lifosii;a, aar~o Loa ~orotws. CouaRy of Osan~e~ deacribeE aa folYoxs: 7R-~ Dtartb 100 f~eet of tdat pozlioa of tbc Biorthe~st quarb~r uf the lAortit~asi qnarter Of SOCt~p3~ 16e '[bMlZ~lhip 4 SOblh~ AiOge 20 W@!L~ ~.B.B. 8 Id.~ dessriDad as foiloera: Ae~inaiae~ aC s~0lat ia t~e S+o~! iine of' Section 19~ 'lbauli3p 4 Smath. RAp~r ip pe~t. 8.7l.H. A tt., ~.td ~is# ~e~ So~th t~ 29~ it~es! d00.d0 feest Esou~ tlae xort2~ess! cosna ot spl~4 sectioss 11-~ spmiag theacs fz9a said qo3at of bs~iaa4pg South 89~ 5~1• 4p° l~e~t p~~,~Y tu t1~e Hosth line op qid seCiioa 19. 27S.p0 fett to a g~v3nti than-. 8aath Ce aT~ West. pasallsl to +l9s Eas4 Aine o€ said icrtion ip~ 263.9i fee! to a yoiat iq t~r Hautber2Y liae of tAst carlnla putol aE 2aad described iu detd recoz8ad ,j+~lr 2i. 18D? in boobc 31. Da~a 62 of Deads; thenee Horth 58~ 38• 20° 8aet alorg asiQl~mrtLerl~ line 2tlS.93 feet to a~ poiat Aa the ~;t lina of aaSd Seetioa 1V; t~aee 1Pe~rth E%+ 87~ Ba~t nloe~ aa:Q ~t 1ine, 139.OD fse! 40 ¢8e paint o€ ba~inei~yv,, Aa 8aeereo~t t'or roRd and pn6lic ptility purpoeas orer. uader a~nd acroas ther 8astarir ~Q feet of aaid 1aa4 a~ araated to the City of Aaaheim. ~nrthaa Quseri~bea as 2237 5onth 8roo~Aurs#, 3eiag oa ths ~Yest aide of ~moki~nrrt betweea Bali ~d Yala~la xoeda. WHIIiEAS. The City Pleaaiag Commissioa did hold a Public Heariag at the City Hall 3a the Citp ot Aneheim. oa NO~ICTS of whioh said Publio Heariag were duly givea as req~Ll~ ]~rq AiQ~9t,he provisions of the A."d:.._'~IM MUNICIPAL CODB~ Seotioa 9200; aad . -1- _ .( l .; ; , ;. .i i ~ ~ i ~ , ~-'sk 1 ~:~i , . . ,..,. . . ..` .. ~.~`. . ~ r;sc .~?. ~~. ..~.. , ,1 . WF~REA$, Sa1d C~ ~~; :sioa. after d~e inspection, •~ ~ Liga 1'oa~~d studies . made by itself aad in iL.-u0half aad after due ooasideratic..~f a11 evidenoe aad reports oYPered at said Hearing, does Yind and determiae Lhe follopiag facta: ~. 76e paspartp is ~seaea4ly clas~ift~ed G1. ~. 31f3,s t~pt oE bqsinoos rclieo ox Rttr~c~tiv~ preaeataYioa. ~. A4oQuate atE-,tree4•pu~ing i~ a~a3l~ble at t3te xe~ of tha qroy~rty. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMIIISSION HEREBY (dFiARTS SPE~IAi. VS8 D~1iA1dT NQ. S8. ~iBJliC~ T0: 1. ~c d~dicatioa to t~Ae C3tp of pn~koim of 64 f~eet ~Erom the ceateritne ot !lreokhurat. Z. ~e pte~+na~tton o$ etreet i.apsoecsxnt p2ans aad Lha 3na.oila~ion af sii ispro~e- Aeats fa ~aceordance tdth appgovad skandard piaeus on fik in tte oFfice o~ the etar ~ag~neer. 3. 3'be payne~t of ~Z.Op per fcont fs-at foratreei 3i~Ltiag purpoaes. 4. I~e inmtallalioa of ~ufety meaonrrs, snch Ra slars arystua in qoois. padiockod ga4~e~ faacfng of yoolw ~s-d cospiute fencias of the psoperty oa tbe ltorth~ Fleat aad aoutla s3des of the proDertq, s• Upon abaadoaveat af use tLe land wuai be ratnsaeII to its origin~i coaAition, xt-~ vote on the *bov~e Aesolution aas as follors: A!'R~: ~"'~.t`STC."..".:.."': ~~_ ~~~~~~= guBoia, Gauer, Hapgood, INauerhan~ Morris, AE9PN?: COM~6I83i0if:~ASs Ailrad. THE FOREGOIN(i RfiSOLUTION is signed end approved by me this DeaewbQr. 1939. ATTF75T: ~//~ ~~ / ~,/'Lt~-~ . SBCRETARY ANAFIfiIN C TY PLAN1dINQ COMHISSION STATPs OF CALIFORNIA~) COUNTY OF ORANGfi ) ss. CITY OH ANAF~III ) Su~ezs, Mungali. 2iat 4sy of ~y~ ~~ ~/-/'E~f..~i,.~. ~ ~~-~. ~~ d CHAIRMAN ANAF~IM CITY PLANNTN(i COl1![I p~i 1 I I. Secretary of Lhe City Planaiag Commission oP the CiLq of Anahei'~; ~o ~oertify that the Yoregoing RESOLUTION N0. - SffitIES 19 was passed and adopted by a motion duly made. se¢onded and c~lapied at 8~~~ ~ Regular Meetiag oY the City Planaing Commission held on the dg9' 'of~; .:: :~ - 31~1't DeCe~bar~ 1939, IN WITNESS WHERSOF. I have hereunto set and Lhis dap of 21;! UlCeab4t~ 19'J9. ~. . ' 5ECRETARY ANAHEIM C,~T PLANNIN(i COLOIISSION l ~,. .g_, ~~ c.,u