PC 1959-1960-52 , .................
~, ~he ~/ty Pl~ln~ ~o~/ss/on of the ~ity of ~e/m has ~eae/ved
a Verified Petitio~ ~ro~ the 0~er(s) of a oerte~n pa~oel of ~e~l p~ope~ty situated
La the 5ity at ~ei~, ~o~ty of 0r~e, State of California, described aS follo~s~
of ~and described as ~a~:e~ ~3-& in a i~o~ice of &~t~o~ dated ~azeh ltth~ 1955 in Case No,
649,0~ in the Superior Cou~t of ~he St6te of Californ£a in and for the County of Orange,
entitled the State of O~li£ornia rs, Orban ~e~t~er anO others, a certified copy o£ which
was recorded Match ltth, lg$$, in Book 2996, l~ge $20, of Of¢icial Recordsl
Begtnniug at the northeast corner uf Lot 3~ of Anaheim Bxt~nsion as shown on a map of
survey made by~m. Ha~e~ and filect in the office of ~he O, unty Recorder of Los A~geles
County, Californial running thence along the northerly boundary of said lot, westerly
to its intersection with the easterly line of the S~at~ Highway I00 feet wide knotm as
~anchestar Boulevard, as condemned for the'use of ~h~ people of ~e State of California
by Ptnal Order tn ~ndem~ttoa made November 4th, 1936 in Action No. 33172, tn the
Bupettot ~u~t of the State of Caltfotl, i~ and Eot the ~un~y of O~ge, a ce:tilted copy
of ~hlch was recorded in Book 847, Pa~e 4T8, off O~ficiai Recot~, in the office of the
COunty Recorder of said Orange County, thence Southeasterly sion& ti&hr of way to the land
now formerly of R~on~u~latl thence easterly along the no:therly l~ne of said ~u~la:~a
l~d to the easterly boundary of said Lot 321 thence aotthe~ly alon~ a~d e~tetly
boundary to the point of be&Inning. ~INg '~FR~ the no,th 240 feet of the south
513 feet of the east 111 feet.
~SO ~C~ING ~OM the South 273 feet.
~O~ING'~I the east 125 feet of that portion lying nott~ of the south 5~3
feet thereof.
Applicant, UNITtRD. N I~OCII~ OF 01~ COUNTY, 1625 Ctestlane Anahe~.m, California.
~S, ~he Olty Pl.nning ~o~eission did hold a Publi.- .~ea~ing at the
0ity Hall in the 0ity of ~eim, on September 8, 19~9 N0~I0~S of which said
~blio ~ea~ing were duly ~iven as ~equi~e~ by law ~d the p~ovlalons of %he ~A~IM
MU~IOIP~ 00O~, ~eation 9~001 ~a
: . ~, ' WI~R~S, '~atd Oom~'si°n' '.afroF dUo 4ns~oot4on, in,~ti~atiozi ir~ StUdies
~epo~t. affered at .eLd Hea~,,n~, doss fled ~d detains'the'
~ts ~s a p~ob~em parcel of land 17~~ a!ofl~ the ~My, tha~ ~s, p~e~ou~y
been considered as a ch~t~ 8~e by ~o~he~ group ~ for a
~ ~se ~s a church s~te ~u~d be ~ess ~n~e~s~ use o~ ~he
that m~ght be proposed.
3, ~e:e W~ be a 6 foot b,Lock ~lJ, bet~en the residences on West
4. ~e p~s fo~ the buttings $o be erected shows that they shottld ~o~ be detrimental
to the area.
1, ~e e~ec~on of the b~l~s ~fl ~ccor~ce w~h the plan sub. tied.
3. P~e~ of $2.00 a front foo~ o~ g~a ~a Street for street l~h$~ purposes.
The vote on the .above resolution was as
A~ C~ISSIO~S~ All~ed, Oauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Mo~r~s, Supers,
NO~ ~I~I~St None.
~S~T~C~I~IO~S~ Du~s ~d
CITY OF ~xa . )
I, 1. W, M~, ~ao~ota~ ol !,ho ~lty Pl~in~ 0o~iasion ct tho
a Re~l~ Meetin~ of the ~lty PlaY. ins ~o~ission held on the 8th
day o~
X. WXT~,, ~0F, l hav. ho.e~to ~~ this 8th day of ged,ember, 195g.