PC 1959-1960-60 NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF A~AHEIM Denying Variance No. 1149 W~EP~?~S, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as fellows: PARCEL 1. Ihat portion of lot 26 of Anaheim Hxt~nsion, in the City of Anaheim, ,County of Orange, State of California~ as shown On a map of surMey made by William Hamel and filed in the Offi.~e of the Country Re,~:order of Los Angeles County;~ California, a copy of w~hich is shown in book 3 pages 162 et seq, entitled "Los Angeles Cd6nty Maps", in the Offi~;e of the County Recorder of said Orange County, des~;ribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said lot 26, 323.19' North 15° 32' 15" West from the southeast corner of s'aid lot 26, said' southeest corner being the intersection of the .~:enter line 6f Los Angeles Street.wi{h the center line of Ball Rd. as shown on said map; thence N. 15° 32' 15" W. along tho northeasterly line of'said lot 26 to ~ point 120.00' southeasterly of the northr.,esterly line of that ,.ertain par.:el.of land des~cribed.in deed recorded November 18, 1946 in book 1456 page 555 of orris:iai Records of said orange County;' then.~e S6uth 74~ 20' 15" W., parallel with said northwesterly li~e, 200.00'; then. e South 15° 32' 15" E., parallel ~th the northeasterly' line of said lot', 60.00';' thence N. 74° 20' 15" E. 200.00' to 'the point of beginning. PARCEL 2. That portion of lot 26 of Anaheim Extension, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orar!ge~ State of California, as shown on a map of survey made by William Hamel and filed i~ the Office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles'Couhty, California, a copy of which is shown in book 3 pages 163 et seq, entitl'e~' "Los Angeles County Maps", in the Offi.~6' of the County Recorder of said Orange County, d'es~ribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said lot N. 15° 32' 15" West 323.19' from the Southeast corner of said lot, said southeast corner beigg the point of intersection of the center lido of Los Angeles Street'with the .enter line.of Bail Road, as said streets ere show~on 'said msp~ then,~'e S. '74° 20' 15" West 230.00' to'~ a point on the. Northeasterly lin~ o~ Perf.:el. 1 in'the de~d to' Werner R. atoll and'wife ret:orde~ March 13, 1950 in book 1988 page 592 of Offi,~ial Records of said Orange County; thence South' 15~ 32' 15" E. along said northeasterly line t10.00' to an angle point therein; thence N. 7~~ 20' 15" E. along the northr~esterly line of Par~;el 2 in said deed to Werner R. Stoll ~and wife and its southt~estorly extension 230.00' to a point on the northeasterly line of s~id lot 26, said point being the most northerly ~:orner of said Parcel 2 in said deed to Werner R. Stoll and wife;' thence North 15° 32' 15" W.. along the northeasterly line of said lot 26, 110.00' to the .point of beginning. ~. DYMMEL. 4118 Guinida Lane, Anaheim, Californie, as Applicant. WHEREAS, The'City Pl-nning Commission did h~ld aPublic Hearing at the Clt~ Hall in the CitM of Anaheim; on September 21, 1959 NOTICES of which said Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and ~i1'~'~ WHEREAS, Said Co~sion, after due inspection, i~Stigation and studies i ~" made by itself an~ in its~half and after due considerati~of ail evidence and ii~'i:~ reports offered at said Hearing, does find an~ de~ermine the following facts: ~-'~ 1. The property is presently zoned as C.1, NEIGH~R~OD CO~ERCI~, with a 50' P-L, PARKING- LA~SCAPI~G. Zone in front along South Los Angeles Street. ~'~'~'~ 2. The appii~ation stated that ~he property would be used for new and used car retail sales with ?~" possibly 8 Service buildin~ 8t 8 1stet · ~:~j, 3. No men%ion was made in the application of a dealership. At the hean~ug the applicant stated :.~:~.~ that it would be a dealership but no plans were presented for such a development.- :l~, 4. It is expected that Used Car Sales ~oUld not extend beyond those presently located at · ' South St. ~. 5. With the erection of a branch Bank .of ~erica at the Northeastccorner of Bali Road and South Los Angeles Street it is expected that the entire area would.be upgraded and that , a hetter~use could he found for this property. NOW, T~FO~, BE IT ~SOLV~ THAT T~ ~IM ~XTY ~IN~ CO~ISSION H~BY Denies Variance No. 1'149. :' "~ The vote on the above resolufion was as follows: AYES: ~ISSIONERS: Gauer, Mauerhan, S~ers, ~unga!l. ~ NOES: ~ISSION~RS~ Allred, Morris, Hapgood. ~S~: C~ISSiON~RS ~ Thompson. 2~ FO~GOINO'~SOLUTXON ts si~ed ~d approvedb~ me this 21st day of September, 1959. C~I~A~XM CITY P~XN~ C0~IS~ STATE OF C~IF0~XA ) C0~TY 0F 0~E ) CITY 0F ~XM X, R.W. MUraL, Secreta~ of the City Plying Co~ission of the City of ~e.im, do hereby certifF that the foregoing ~SOLUTXON N0. 60 - 195~60, was passed ~d adopted by a motion duly made, seconded ~d carried an Adjourned Re~lar Meeting of the City Plying :o~tssion held on the 21st day of September, 1959. ~ 21st ~ sept her ... IN WIT~SS W~0F, I have here~to set~d this ea of em 1959.