PC 1959-1960-168 JOLUTION NO. 'lbo - - SERIES - ~ :60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM G;antinc~ Vazience No. 1200 WHEREAS. The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1. The N.162.00' of the $. 362.00' of the E } of the H ~ of the SE Q2 of the southeast ~ of sec. 14, T4S, RllW of the San Bez'nardino meridian, in the county of Orange, state of Calif. EXCEPT the E. 40.00' thereof. PARCEL 2. The N. 162.00' of the S. 362.00' of the E. 8.00' of the W. ~-of the E~ of the SE~ of the SEQ cf. Sec. 14, T4S, RilW of the San Bernardino meridian, in the county of Orange, state cf Calif. Applicant, BILL T. ASAWA, 720 So Stanton Avenue, Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission 'to CONSTRUCT 50 UNIT MOTEL S1NGLE STORY. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, on Feb. 15, 1960 NOTICES of which said Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the Provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Across the street is a Motel and north of the property is a Restaurant and Cocktail ~ar. To the sou~h of the subject property is C-3, HEAVY COMMERCIAL. 2. The proposed motel would be a complementary use to those now in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY Grants Variance No. 1200, ~fte~'r .finding That the use of the property would require street improvements and streot lightin9 as recommended 5y the Engineering Committee in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the citizens .'of the C~ty of Anaheimmnd subjec~ to the following: 1. Prepare street improvemen~ plans and install all improvemenls in accordance with approved standard plans on. file in office of City En.qineer. 2. Payment of $2.00 per front ft. for street lightin9 purposes. 3. Rahs presented. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 15th day of Feb. 1960 Yhe,, ,.v°'¢ on ti,,: A:~S. CO,~MISSIONERS: Alh'ed, DuBots, Gauer, Marcoux uu ~4orl is, SummeZ~. ,'oEs: CO SS O ERS: Ion .. ' . ~BSENI. CO~gISSIONEB$: Hapgood, gungall. CHAIRMAN ANANEIM .CIT~ PLANNING COMMI ATTEST: SECRETAR~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Pro Tem STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, RICHARD REESE~ Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. 168 . SERIES 1959-60, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 15th day of February, 1960. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of Feb.~ 1960. SECRETAR~ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PRO TEM r ~---•~r--F,,;~"~y.~,,, r 1 F ` fcv ;,~~~ . =~„ ,;. ,': ,. - •>a ' ~ ~ ...~ f .....~.~G`r:' . .' ~'S ~Pf \~ -' ~ ~., . , ~ ~ -~ i ;7~ti ~. °~SOIiUTION I~O. 7rS$ SL'RIES - Ld' ~(4 '•,~. ,.,i : ~~,y~ •~..,,. , - ~ ~ ' , A RESOLUTION OF. TFIE CITX PLANNIIIG COhSMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM •, ~. , _ CTa!'ltinn Vnr9~nco mn )~nn - ~ WSEREAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has raoeived a Varifiod Petition from tho Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property;situated in the Cfty oP Antiheim, County of Orango, Stato of California, dese ibed as follo~vst ~ iPARCEL I. '1'he I1 162.Q0' of the 8. 362.00' oY tha E~~ of the E'~ of tho Sfi ~ af tb,e BQutYleQBt ~'' iof, sec 14, .T4S, Rlll~':a~f .the 5an BernardiRO ~teridian~ in the county of Oran e; sta~k~ ttf': iC.~ii~. .>:; ~;' jEX:,er~: ~I'ie ~. dfi.~t3° tiiereof. " ~PARCEJ. ~'. ' The' N. 1G2.00' of the S. 3~.2.00' of the E. 6.C0' of the @Y. ~ of the ;~ of tha SE~~ ef ~~a'~ jSE~ Of Sec. 14~ • 7'4So Rllidl of the San BQrnsrdino tneridian, in the couhty 'of t3range~ st~te: of Ca1~ 1.~` . f APPi~C~t-t~ ~xLL T. ASA'~A, 720 S. 5tanton Avet~ue, Anah~im~ Calif., requsffit.fng p~rm4ssioit tb " ~CObtSTRi`iCl` 50' T3AlIT ddQT&L 5INGfE STQTiY. - WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the ' Citq Hall in the City of Aaahaim, on Feh. 15 1950 NOTICES of which aqi:d ~' Public Hearing were duly givea as reguired by ~aw and the provisions oY the ANAHEIM `~ 1dUNTCIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and T cl • • I _ YJH~REAS, Said Commission, after due inspectioiz, invostigation and studios ~ made by itself and in its behslf and aft5r due considerstion of all evidence aad ' I reports o~fored at said Hearing, doos find and determine the following Paats:, i 3. AcxQSa the s~reet ia a Motel and nor.th of the property fs a Restaurant and Cock't~il bar. ~ • Ta the aat~th af the sub~ect property is C-3, HEAVY CO}~dERCiAL. I 2. The groposed m~tei aould be a complementary use ~o ~hose now in the aaaa, ~ ~ N~BY NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOatZEDrTH_~n SHaE~ ANAHEIAS CITY PS,ANNSNG COMMISSION fi f di ` Grants Yariance Na. 1200, ~ ~ , Tha~~the use of the ~aropartq vsauld reyuire street-xraprovements ond streat lighting qB ;eqtdpmendod' F.v ~t.ka Ltce~iiqeeirinr. Cnrs~ai~an i.. .a,... a.. ~. _ i_ gffd°311G;~lCY~~G f~Qr~~YZOW~II~;y~~~Yy y~N: ~Yl~:{.y uAii Yrailii2'a OS Lliet G1L1YB[tN~;G¢ ~OS ;~ City of Anaheim. 1. Qrs~axe stroet improvement plane and install all improvements in accardance vrith.~pp~+rpyed standasd plans on file i~ o#£ice Qf 61ty Engineex. 2e P~pmett$ of $S~,Op' prer front ft. for s~reet lic~hting ptsrposea, .-~.wc,.:.. ~ 3. $~~ : prelsers*ad. - 1'it~, FORr.GOING RESOLUTTON 3.s signo3 aud approved by me this `' ~2.--" - ~-~ ~ ~ c.. l~t~ ~~ 0~ •~eb ~s~a :, The vat~t'ot~ 3~1e g~ave resolttt3ori tvas as fotolovaae AYESi '~dISSIOl4BI2Ss Allred~ D~Bo~s~ Gattes~ Wrccn+Y~ Mn72arhpn~ 1~t ~~ria t~m+mprs. NOE~Ss C~LfISSIC~'ERSe I~or1e. CELIii'iMAN ANAHEIrt CITY PLANNING COMMFSSION ABSEN~'s >: :CQIQMISSIt'~1£0Sr Hapgoal. d4ungali. ATTEST: SECfiETAR$ qpU~HEIM CITY PLANNING COb4uIISSTON . p ~~, ~D~_ ~TATE DI+-CA~iiFORNIA ) .¢OUNTY,OF ORANGE ) ss. CSTY Ol~ aNAHEIM ) l. ~p~p ~ Secretary of the City Planning~Commission oY the. Dity of Anaheim;-cI"o he~reby'cortify that.tho Sorogoing R~SOLUTTON N0. 1~8 .= SERIES 19~,~ ~, was passed and adopted by a motion duly mado, secondod and carried at. a. Rogular hieeting of the City Plaxming Commi3sion hold'on'the 'x•5,F~! da- o. Febrv „ ary, 1460. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hsve herounto sot my hand this day of 19th Feb.~ 1960. SECRETARY ANAH~IM CITY PLpNNING COMMISSION oun/~rcu . ,, ~,:; n : __ - ---- --- ": ' ~ SS ; 1 .:•_ ..,T_ .._.....__..._:=^~--c-.-....^-----~-~-- - . _ Y~