PC 1959-1960-172 A RES0~,UTZ0~ OF ~gE Cl~Y
Gr~n~na S~c[~l Use Pe~lt No. 60
~S. ~e Clt~ Pl~ C~ssion of ~e CitF ~f ~e~ ~w received
a Verified Petition from ~e ~er(s) of a
i= ~e Clt~ of ~el~, Co~t~ of Or.e, Sta~e of ~ifo~a, desoribed ~ follows=
S~ ATTAC~ ~'.
Applicant, ~. ~. ~~, 1~8 Atlantic Blvd., Long Beach, Calif., re.eating ~ssion to
~ C~ T~I~R P~ BA~ 100'
~, ~e Cit~ Pla-~ Co~ssion
Cit~ ~1 l~ ~e Cit~ of ~e~,
~blia He.lag were dulF ~ven as required b~ law ~d
~CZP~ CODE, Seation g~O:
~, S~d Co~ssAon, after due inspection. ~ves~l~tioa
l~s be~lf ~d after due consideration of
reports offered a~ ~d ge~, does find ~d delete ~e follow~ facts:
1. The trailer ~rk has already ~en granted under S~ciel
2. Incr,~a~im~ the setback fr~ ~0 ft. to
hig~ay ~rontage and child not ~e det:imental to a~acent pro~tiee.
· OW, 2~0~, ~ IT ~OL~
~Y Gran~s S~cial Use Permit No. 60
The vote om the eb~e resolution was as
A~S= ~SSION~S~ Allred, ~Bois, Gaue:, ~rcoux, ~uerhan, ~ers.
A~.~Tt ~SS[O~RS= ~p~ood and ~ngall.
~ FO~gO~g ~O~ZO~
Pzo Tom
~TAg~ 0F ~l~ )
~0~ 0F 0~gE )
CI~ 0~ ~ )
P~o Tem
X, RI~ ~ 5~ere~/of ~e CLtF Pi~ Co. salon of ~e
Clt~ of ~eim, do hereb~ eertXfy ~t ~e forego~ ~$O~U2XO~ ~. 172-
19 5~0, was ~ssed ~d adopted W a motion d~F ~de, seoonde~ ~ o~ed
a Re~l~ Meeting of the CLW Pl~i~ Co~ssi~ held on ~e ~
da~ of Tab., 1960.
~ ~X2~ ~F. I ~ve bare. to set m2 ~d t~!s 15~ ~ o~ Tab., I~0.
1~0 Tern ' ].
''. ~1 t~t ceftin l~nd e~t~ed ~n the S~e o~ ~i~or~, ~un~y
o~Orange, deecribe~ as
· T~ ~rt~on of ~he North ~lf of the Sou~ea~ quarter of ~he
"" ~:~r~ea~ q~r~er of Section 14, Town~Hip 4 ~u~h, ~ange ~
i~ ~e ~ncho Los Co~o~es, as show,, on a ~p recorde~ [n ~k ~1,
~e i1 of Mi~ceUaneoue Maps, record~ of Orange ~un~y,
descried ~,
Be~innin~ ~t the Northeast corner ~f said ~or~h h~f of the
~uthe~et quarter of tRe Northeast q~rter of ~ction 14; thence
~u~h 0* 10' [5" E~ot 40.00 [est along tbs ~8t line of said North
h~{; thence ~tlth 89' ~6' 49" West 340.00 feet parallel with the
North line of said North half; thence South 0* I0' 1~" East 47!. 59
feet; thence ~u~ 57' 4~' 45" West 114.90 feet to th, ~gi~in~ of
~ ~An~ent curve concave Northwesterly ~vin~ a radius of 1760. O0
feet; theace Sou~l,westerly ~Ion~ said curv~ through a central
[. ~ngle of 6' 19' 33" a d.etance of 194. 3Z ~eet to the ~ath line of
e~id North ~lf; thence So~tth 89" 3(,' 03" Welt 119.02 feet along
~ig $o~th line; thence North 0~ 10' t~" West 665.1~ f~t to s~id North
.~j_. line of ~e North ~lf; thence North 8?' 36' 49" East 726.60 feet to ,, ~...
~: ..... the point of beginniag.
~ . .' ' ~xcepti~g ~erefrom that portion 1yin~ within S~nton Avenue
~r' ~s described in the de,sd to ~he S~:s of ~lifornia recorded on
,~:.:- ~ctober 13, t951 in ~ok 2240, ~ge 152 of Official Re,'ords.
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