PC 1959-1960-173 r~re s~eet ~o~ec'cs, street ~ ~g~eet~ C~ttee :n or~: to pze~ ~e ~ty of ~e~.a.~d subject to the fol~o~ng: ~, ~bject to pt~ pzeaent;ed. 2, ~y te~ted p~g ~ b~acktoppe& 3. De~c&te 32 ft, iz~ ceztterL4.ne of ~e file ~ of/ice of ~t? ~ee:, ~. Paint of ~.00 ~z fton~ foot for street 6. 25 feet fo: front ~:.i ~ea to ~ ~i~d ~e vote on the ~ teso~utl~ ~s ~s fo~: ~~ None. ~ ~G ~L~Z~ ~s S~od ~ ap~ov~ ~ ~e ~s 15th ~y of Peb~u~y, ~o ~e ) X, ~ ;~ Soe~ o~ City ut ~eW, do he?e~ ooFtX~ ~t ~o. XO ~ 69 ~ ~ssed ~ ~opted W a ration ~y a Ro~ bet~ of ~ Oity ~y of Fe~u~y, ~9~. . . .. ::'_•Y'::. 1 '~~ ~ '.M ~ , ~ I r _ ~ , , ~• ~ . ~,~~ , - ~: ~EC~J~,ITY TI~'L~ II~SU~3,AI'~~~ C~~,~~.~~~T ,~';, p; R25 yORTH RRI).AR{{'.~}'. ~.U'T.1 ~~Y:1, l>U.IF(IR1IA ., . ~..~~ t!.Lr.rr~nnC xi~,~..~~ v.tms~ ..,n~~,,,,~o '.~.n•~ilr. ...p` . n.~.•• in,w• V~STING: ORANGE AVENUE BAPTIST CHl1R~~{, a r.orporation. .'..` . DESCRIE'TION: All that certain real propert,y situa~ed in the ecunty uf Orange, s;,ate of California, described ae followe: FARCEI, 1: A portion of I,ot ~'~ of Tract Nu. l-~~t?, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 20, page 3~~ Dtiscellaneous Mapq, ,-o~~~~ `i gaid Oran~e County, ne,e particularly de~cribed as Pollows: ~8i~ing at a point 124.03 leet F,ast and 11~; i'eet North ef ~he Southweet ccrner of Lot 4, (s2id corner bei;~ in ;,,ye ~cn~~r line of ~ u0-foot street) "I a8id Tract No. C4?, and I-unning thence AlorLh paraliel to the EaRt line of aaid Lot 4, 4y,00 feet; thence Fzst para]lel !;o the S~oth 11ne uf said ~'t 4, 124 feet; thence Suuth p~rallel tc~ the East line oi' sald Lot 4, 4g,00 feet; thence West parallel to the Soutk; line of said ?,ot 4, ~2tF feet to the point of beginning. PARCEI, 2: A DOTti.c?n ~P r~+ ~~ . thereof' recorded in book 20 ' vi 'ijay~ `~". "~ ~, A& shown on a map said Oracige County, describedpasefollow~s3cellanecus Mapg, recorda of ~eSinning at a po3nt on the South line of said Lur, 4, wiiich point is 24$ feet Weot ±'rom the Southeast corner of said Let 4; 1;hP~cE: West aloro; the South line of' said L,ot ~1, 124 feet; thence North parallel with the East llne of said lot, 98 feet; L-hence East parallel wit-h said South llne o1' said lot, 124 feet; thence South parallel with Lhe said ;ast line of said lot, 98 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 3: An undlvided 3/36 3nterest in and to that portion of Lot 4 of Tract Nu. 047, as shown on a map thereof recorded in buc~k 2C, page g4~ Miscellaneoua Maps, reco:ds of said Orange Cc;unL-y, described as follow~: ~Siznir~ at a point 24~3 feet Ea.st and ib7 feet North oi' the intereection of the West line oS' eaid I,o~ 4 produced South with the center line of a 40-foot atreet lying South of and ad;!oining sald In;t 4; thenoe North paral- lel to the Ezst line oT said lct, 25 feet; ther,ce West paral.lel to the South 11ne ~„f sald lot, 25 feet; ther.ce ~ou~h parallel t;o tne Fzst '_ine o=' said lot, 2~, fee~; thence Eas~ parallel te the South line of said lnt, ~5 feet to the po+_nt o: bE!o'i n,n j~, PARCEL 4; q*}1$t p~r;,ior. of L,~t u of 'rract No, b47, as sho~rn cn a rnap th~recf recorded in book 20, ~age 34, Miscelia;~aous ~~laps, records ef' said Urange Ccunt,y, described as fol.l~>w:.; }a: • CVY '~~.: ~ E:4y': .v' ~.:..'~'~~-e-~~~~ ..-~a ~'^~'~ ~~------~~ ~ i x . . ~~.'~~~~ ...~ ?:~:;:,: :~ :' ' y ~~ ~ . T ~ ~ ,' k r ~ 3 B=~ix~:iing at the North~eat cornei° c.f said Iqt ~-; thenc~ South y$,O1 if~et a=•on~ the ~test lln~ of said Iot; th~nce EeFt 2~~$,1Q aRet p~.ra11~1 with tt;e ?Jorth line oT aaid lot to the true ooir.,i oi beginz;i,~,g; nc~ncQ Scut<~ ~9.~ fe~t paralleZ with the Eaet line of sa1:: lof:; ~hezce~ k)eet 1?~.00 =~=~ r'~+"Laliel erien Lhe Nortti line ox sa.id 1ot; chence Soi,t,`. 7~7,00 ree~ na.rallel ~oith rhe E~.at 21ne o~' aal.d let; thenC~ ~:aot 1'~~.OQ .~aet pa,re~ll°i wJ_tn the A3orth .li.ne of eaid lot; thence No; ~h 15b,OG ieet paral'le; with the F.ur~t 13ne of eald .lot; thanae k'eet u8.00 feet p~.rallel ti;~ith t•he Nor.th line of esai~ lot tc the true point oi begtnning; EXCEPT that portion thereof included wi'thin the follo~yin,~: Be:ginning at s. point 248.00 feet Eaet ar.d 167.OG rePt Nortb of' the inter- section of ti~e Weet line of aa3d I.oi. ~! produced South witn the center li.1r oi a!~0-foot street Iying 5outh of and a~,jol.ning aaici Lti~t ~; thence Horth 25 feet parall.el with tne Eaet lin.e :;f said lot; ~hence l~est 25.00 feet paz^aZlel with the Soutn line of asid ~ot; thence 3out:~ 25.Q0 Peet par=l7.el ~ith the Ea.at line o~ eaid loi:; thence Eaat: 25,C0 feet parallel with thc South llne of ~aid lot to tYie poicit of he~izn?ng~ ~ARCEI, 5; ,~n undiaided 7.33j3~ interest in and ~o that pori;lvr. of -i,oc 4 oP 7'~act No. a'-~7, ao ahown :;n a m~p thereof recorded in book 20, pag~ 31c, Mlacellaneol~ Meps, records of aaid OrangP Cn>>n~:y, fjQa!~?~+bsd v. :cllo::~: Begirning at a polnt 248,00 feet r,ast and 1b7,C0 feet North o!' the .inter•- eectior of the Weat line of saici L~.~t 11 pruduca3 South wS.t-h thE center :ine oL' a 40-foot street l;~ing South oP and ad~oininx sa.id Lot ~+: the:,ce 2~orth 25.00 feet par~llel with *he F,ast line oi said let; thence Me~t 25•Q~ feet parallel with the 5outh line of a~id ]i~t: thence S~~,r.h ?F nn 1~e~ ~arallel with tha .Earst line of eaid lot; tfi-~nc~ EaaY. 25~Q0 fe~t pars.llel with the South line of sald lot to the point of beginni;~. . k~. _ ----I - -.~"~ ~v .. . _ - -- :-- 1 . . k~:9