PC 1959-1960-174 R~ '~TIOH. N0. 174 - SERIF~ - I~ '-50 : A ~ESO~UTIOH OF T~ CITY I'LIF~IN~ COMMISSION OF T~ CITY OF A~A~EIN ORANTING SI~CIAL U~ P~IT ~O. 61 ~S, ~e City Pl~ulng Co~ission o~ ~he City o~ ~eim ~s ~eeeived a Verified Petition from the ~er(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated in the Cl~y of ~eim, .C~t7 of 0r~ge, State ~ Califo~ia, described as follows= ~at portion of ~t 19 of ~e~m Anvcs~ment Ce.ts. tzac~, in ~he C of A., C. of 0., S. of ~llf., as per map recorded in B. 7, Pga. 33.~ 34 of Misc. M~s. in the office of the ~unty Recorder of said county, des. ~s follows: ~eglnn~ng at the intersec$1on of the easterly llne m~ Lo+ Po ~; T. 1421, as per m~p ~ecorded in B. 62, P. ~4 of ~sc. Maps, in the office of +he county recorde~ of s~d co~nt~,~h ~, ~-nter line of gall Rd.(60' wi~); thence N. 0o 03' 14" ~. $Yl.[J' alone the easterAy.l~ne of said T. No. ~421 to the noz~h lane of ~id ~t 19: thence N. 8~ 3~~ [1" ~ 2~7 30' s~d northerly line. ~hencc . ~ 18' 02" R. 671.28' to a oin$ ~n s~d center l~e ~i~ ~ ginni~e. ~ easement fo~ roa~ pur~ses over the northerly 20.00' o~ ~s 17, 1S & 19 o~ ~a. Invest~ Co. ~act, in the C. of A, C. of 0., S. of C., as ~r map recof~d in B. 7,.P~es 33 2 34 of ~sc. Map~, ~n ~ pfflce.of.th~ coun~y.~eco~r of ~d ~ount~. ~cept that ~rXxon of said ~t 19 171ng wes~ezA7 of the e~2 ~ne CZ Aand ae~c~i~a in--cci i herein. w~, ~ne City Pl~ng Co~ission did hold a ~blic He,ins a~ the City Hall in the City of ~eim, on Pebruary. l~, 1960 ~321~ of which s~id ~blic Hearing were duly given as required by law :'.~ the provisions of the ~IM ~CIP~ CODE, Section 9200= ~d ~S, Said Co~ission, after due inspection, investigation ~d studies ~de by itself ~d in its be~lf ~d cffter ~-e consideration of all evidence ~d ro~orts offered at said Hearing, does find ~d dete~Ine the fo~lowlng facts: 1. ~e proposed use is a logical ad~tlon to established uses in the area. 5he Applicant, PRINCE O~ PI~ACE LlffH~RAN CHU~, 1421 West Rail Rd., Anaheim, Calif., requesting permission to construct Parish Hall and ~unda7 School Rooms. NOW, TF~RE~0~RE,.~E IT RES0~VED T~ 2~,~IM ~I2Y ~I~ C0~ISSI0~ ~Y ~ SP~C~'~IT NO. 62,~r ~xnaX~at the use o~ the p~ope~ty ~uld require off-street packing, .'e~cation, side~iks and street light~g at ~eco~en~d by th~. ~glneering ~ittee ~n or~r to preserve the safety and ~ifaze of the cltizcns of the City of ~elm, and subject to the foll;~ing: 1. Plus presented plus off-street parking to meet code requirements. 2. ~dicate ~3t from centerline. 3. Install sidewalks. 4. Pa~cnt of $2.00 ~r front ft. for street lighting puzpozes. ~y required parking be blackt~p~d. T~ FO~60IN6 ~SOLUTION As sl~ed ~d approve~ by me this 1~th daM of February, 1960. ~e vo~e on the above resolutAon ~s as follow~Y~.C~s..~lr~ Gaue~, Hapgood, , M~coux, ~ueth~, Morris, S~ers. NO~: //1~~ ~[~_~/~ '. None. ~'1': C~.'s. Hapgoo~ ~ ~ungall.C~I~'i~ali 012~ P~NI~G C0~N SECI~ETARY/~N.~I~EIM CITY PI~m~ING COMMISSION Pre Tem STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF~IM ) : l, ~I~ R~ Secretary of the City Plying Co~ssion of the City of ~eim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~SO~UTION ~0. 174 - S~IES 1939-$0, was ~ssed ~d adopted by a motion duly ~de, seconded ~d carried at a Re~la~ Meeting of the City Plying Co~ission held on the ltth da~ of February, 19~0. l~ ~IT~S~ ~0~, I ~ve here~to set ~ ~d this ll~hday of Pebruary, $EC~T~~ CITY ~G CO~XSSION ~'~ ~0~