PC 1959-1960-253_.._~ __ ~ ~ -~ .~.:,:~^_~".~:-. , :'- . _.,.re'T..: ~.r~r ,r: 3rt ~_~,,:.,. , ,..... - ~. ` - . _ .__-- ~ . .., .. _' ~~~~~,. ~.- x~ ; rxiox Ho. aRa - srsxiss ~* -~ ~~~ ,~ ~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PI,ANNING COF~ISSION OF TEiE CITY OF ANAHEZM - ~°~Tatetl~~ l~'imrlts~c'~o ~'a. ~~A2 WHEREAS, The Citq Planniag Co~isslon oY trie City oY Anaheim has received a VerlYied Petitioa from the Owaer(s) of a certain parcel of real property 9ltuated in the City oP Anaheim. CounLp oY Orange, State of Californie~ described as follows: ~ . ~ J. ~lEe L~['o~,L A?TAl;~lEa7. i : .Y`:~IN RLIC'+b~ i7'~7.LlAfi,S 8$..~'~d?V A4Il:~ ~dS.E3d1~IF5'* ~39 S~IIa1i41uS~t,Pl.~ 1'CIl!lt91E~ Gl11Sf. FF.~S~C 3'e .rv7'ILS+fe~.LL ~~~~~"i~~ ~~S,~R~C3'd~~P&e~~ag~~fif-~F~ldih8~d~l~~~6i"eari-nB at~the' ~ City Hall in the City of Anahaim, oa ~ ~ ~ NOTICES oP which said Public Heariag were duly given as requirbd ~~a~ and the provisions oP the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODS. Section 9200; tsnd WHEREAS. Said Commissioa, aPter dua iaspection, investigation and studies t made by itself and ia its behalf and aYtes due coasideration of all evidance and reports oFiered a8 said Heariag, does fiad and determine the following facts: ~. ~her a~iic~s4s saq~xt ~xeiScsfaeS ~+s ~ivitte S pasCOl~ ta ~12car '~ Ints6 s.a~ aq ~h~ca ~ri21 ba los~ 'tAaa tA~ a~iais~sa fiegeslrsad w4dtt~ and area. .2. Psu~o~ei ail~ pet~i4t e~saL~sal trzteasfo.m af C~lm~n i?. t~ ~a~ra d:s. ' NOW. 2F~REFORfi. BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C01~SSSION ~ax r~,~,~ v~essn~g ~. ~, ~,,,~~~c :o t~d i~Ii~ri~g caaadAti,xas: 1. u~a~~eatYua at 6CT• fxrx~ ceertbr ~it~ G~ea St. ~rxSst. ~•~ ~K~iC3ts.ikll ~?~ .~~ rr.{i~ i,dl~i{fi2 3~iiB ~2d~ ~ib~ {9XZ8t~ p2'SV~t+C H'G'.r~ ~. •3gS.t~O per st~el~E3~~ naS~E aaak aas5 l3~scsne~ti~ t~ to lt~r c~al2astrrl ,~$ ~ri sf ~~adi~r Y~=mit. ~. Iastail tusb #'~asf ,~el4~et iA ~~t~sdaacR te:tRa p1aa~ ~a ffin izr Qifi.eo Af C4tg cag3n~ss. 4. Rocoad atl' ~u~rsan~r to t-o ftd~. 2is~ fozagssA~t~ ecuf~ltic~ns ~e ~'~ad ta 3~a :+~ea~ qtsisl'ta~ ta tl~r nae a4 't~tw pra~Y #a~ ~3'+d~s it- pCastrv~~~f~O~~T,~ll~ '3~i p~$v69l~giee this ;Jn x~~8 Ca21 t~ss taro i ~Ca~aintim~s mrse 16Lts <fay of l~ap* li~tt. ~ a6 ~at+ird~~4 fatla.t~s~ ratv.o +~YR~Ss CC~51ISiSI(~Sa ~totmce lS~ft~~ 7~3'~r~~s ~i2 :f.~" ~Y7C. ~Sj ~~~~~~~ ~~~ CHAIRMAN ANAF~IM CITY PLANNING COl~IISSION A~'i !'X~3SLIf~it3~ I6ISrc~~ ~rx1~y ~ar t, ATTBST: ~~Q~` ~ -~, : ~.. ..~. SECF2TTARY ANAf~IM CITY PI,ANNING COMIdI5SI0N STATE 6F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAf~IM ) I. Secretarq of the City Plannittg Commission of the City of Apa~a~4~ ~ QerLiYy that the Poregoiag RESOLUTION N0. - SERIES 19 , was passad and adopted by a motion duly mada, seooaded and ~ried at a~ ~ Regulsr Meeting o! the Citp Planning Commission held oa the day oY ~Ye i~. Ft'l4b IN WITNESS WEifiREOF, I have hereunto set myY hand this day of ~~c~ t~wr4 ~+~o. SSCRETARY ANAElEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION~~ ~'F f ::,: i