PC 1959-1960-267.~~,.,~.. `. _ Ftfi~; "~T~ON H0. 2fi7 A RESOLUTION ~F THfi CITX PLANNINf3 COIOdISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAF~'SIM rsn,.;~n~v~~l.e~n un_ l'la/5 .. WFIEREAS. The City Planaiag Commission of 4he Citp of Anaheim has received a VeriPied Petition from the Ovmer(s) o! a aertain parcel of rosl property situated in the City of Anaheim; Couatq o! Oraage. State of California. described as follows: Lat $,Z, 7rac't Dto. IAZI 3n Citg ~f Anah@i~, aa nhu~arn ~ ittp tl~ereaf rec4rd~d in Bo~k b~* i+sqas 13, 14~ 15 oad 1Ga 1Ai,ecellsneout l~ps, seconis nt said C~aa,nge Cr~~r-ty. E~RS. G~ tinWLI.L~ 996 timapste~d, Anahenm, Ca13f., as epplicant. WAEREAS, The City Planniag Commission did hold a Pub13a Hearing at the City Hall in the City oY Anaheim. on ~~tte 6 3~ NOTICES oP Which sa±d Public Hearing were duly given as requirod by ~av and the provisions oY the ANAF~YM MUNICIPAI, CODB, Seotion 9200; aad YVIiERBAS, Said Co~ission, alter due inspection. investigati~in aad studies made by itself and ia its behalf aad after due oonsideration ~f all evideace sad reports ofYered a8 said Hearing. does find and determiae tha follo~ing facts: 1. Appliean2 raqua~ated p+srmfsal~n t:~ apozstQ prafesai4nel a~J hvsiness aflieee ip a h.~ma. 2. Area is grimsrily residaatfal in ehasacte+r. 3. 7u t~ront~ a~_~Fe ~u~ ~;ar.-s O~~~AA~~1NAAEIS CITY PLArTNING CONllESSION ' NOW HERR$FO RSS HEREBY C~shiea tlar3onCe 37a. 124b. On rull cell the forcgoing rasalut3an a8s pase+~d as falicwes AYESr ;C~fiISSi(3p0E~.fi= A3.lred~ ~~a3~, Haggn~d, ktarcr~x, T~uerhan, A~goll and 5watuere. bi~?ESi t.L~I5EIQNEA5~ N~e. r485t~e C~StdI55it7~ER3, Gaq~er araF kTorrfs. THE FORTsGOIN(i RESOLUTION is 8igned and approved bq t¢e this 5th d~y of June~ i960. -~;" / ~/. ,:i ~fJ !/ '~ \`~~~ CHAI . ANAS~IM CITY PLANNING CO)AdISSION ATTEST: i - -.~:.x...F~-~.c..-ti'~\ -.~ c c..... C. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANAINa COMNISSIOFI SiA'I'E OF CALIFORNIA ) COU"dTY OF ORAIdGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. ~tI c~~~R~~ Secreiary of the City Plaaa3ag Commission of the City oY Anah3m; 3o bere~&~ certiry that the Yoregoing RESOLUTION N0. - SERIES . was passed aad adopted bq a motioa dulq made, secoaded and B~ied at a9~ ~ Regular ldeetiag oP the Citq Plaaning Commission held on the $~ d8p oP J~' ~~. IN WITNESS WI~RSOF. I have hereunto set my hand this daq of Sth 3une, 196~. ~-,.. ~ ~`' •'-.~-~_--, _.... _ , ~ .~--t_c. r-'c- . ~ ' ~.~•~..•'=rCa. .C SSCRETARY ANAHEI}d CITY PLAN1dING COYNi3SI0N