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PC 1959-1960-281
. _.,~ ---~----~- ~. r, • , . Ra.~ ,~urxox No., 2sl - s~xi~s ~a~:`'';~ ~ . A RfiSOI,UTION OF TH8 GITY PLANAIHG CO1~[ISSION OF SAE CITY OF ANAHEItd ~'Sv.ww4t~ ~ y~~'1 ~~a Nn ~~'4 WAEREAS, The Citq Plaaniag Commissioa of the Citq of Anahaim has received a Verified Petit3on lrom the 6wner(s) of a oertniu paroAl of real propertp situated in the Citq of Anaheim, Couutp o~ Orange. Stato of California. described as folloas: TAat pasYta~.~ a~ ~e i~' ~f S~s'L~.rn~i 27~ $saa~ip B Sc~t6 tLti4~s @t~ tisa Itaetr.tta ~ Jwan Casara .~e ~+qtst~ •. ' ~s d~ ~ +~ r .?qr~ ruca~d i~a ~k:«rt~ °vl, p~~e 1~4 af ~i~ar.gllar~~-aes ~!Spe, recoxxla ~f Csrre~ 'Cc~ntY, ~ali~.:. ef~axsi~.*s tsl~»roc~# ~5~9 ~ a~Q#dbt ~a ~e ti. ~ of said Esc.'t!c-r~ 27, d~~tae~t 5. ~9° Jd' 3'~" ~. ~.i~E9' ts~me i,lu~ .. G~ cc~rei~t ~i` ~it3d ~+~ti~xii t~ue S. ~4~0 3+F' 9!3" ~, i!~.~Cf° ~,~e ~~tid !~. 2la~~ ttnanaa S. t' 3,4' 3f3" ~~• ~y~G', ~sll~i wi4A !ha ~. Ii~ af ss3d 8act~:~ !u ~ 13sea ~ealioF witle ~id d3ataa~C S•a~nt~tbarly ~~~~'p~'s ~a~r~ r! sipb! ee~A~M, fr~ tL~. 1t. i~s~ o~ gai~• ~e~cL~-.~,! tl~aee ta. 6~* 5s~ 94" ~. i!~G.C~p~ ~.1:ws~ .6m3~ p~rslAol .2l~F tbans~ i~h x" L~° ~i' ~',. ~.QS' t. .ttat ~~2ng af te~qir~niag. .7l~S:ii. ~s 7~Cd itttuTEa ~it~.~ 11~s+3a~ i~pti~.s ,a8~ lic~~. WHBREAS. The ~ity Plaan3.ng Commission did hold a Publio Hearing at the -0itp Hall in the Citp of Antsheim; on ~~r~. NOTICES of whioh aaid Public Heariag were dulq given as requ~re~ bp 3awr"~n~ the provisioas of the ANAHEIli MIJNICIPAL CODTs. Seotion 9200; aad ' WFIEREAS, Sai:~ Com~ission, after due iaspeotion. invest:.gation end studias made by itselY and in its behalf aad after due oonsideration of all evidence aad ; reports oYYered at said Hearing, doea tiad and determiae the Pollowiag faots: 1. ~Ipp~St~a'i stqpea~ma! pe=aise~l~n 2n con~3xget ara~ :~~sR~ta m spxLt+~ r~i' ep}vr~ ~Se~cly i~ aaf~~ 2: ~lAfs ~1ica~Ycn aas tielaF o+~r Sroat ~ FI~.~ting b':u~i~ai~ kc~c~l:osg c~g .~e 6, I4bC1 f~ lack _~f }+ra3~x l~dsc,~ptmg- 3. Se+r3e~ ~L~cp~ e~FSxr ~as+rr~ ~u ibe C+zm~iseS~~•x4~+x~ ~ri-3slf pr~>vid~Q f~r ~[!• Aandscayi~py. ~. !8~ :~s, ie! t!~ aasdl~a~a~ srppsaa+d #!~c Yaxi+eACe,. HOW, THERI3FORS, BE IT RBSOL98D THAT THS ANAHPsIM CITY PI,ANNING COlI~ISSION HFRLBY ~~ ~ '.' J .~" . '~ac3. tn 'Eia~ f~+!lsKei:tg epnditie~fs+ l. ~ 1Ae+itei~~,}+~a,t~! !Q. ~Ca+sidi~5+~'-'`~ ~h ~~~~#a~ presmaatad. 2. ~~S#1r~;us~ :5€ :t.x~e~ ispx~v)scrf~ P?sns s~tt4 3.-ss~~l~art3~sa -: f~11 fe~z~te r,fl Keteii Ave. 3n tSCh~;drRC3 Mf~A #jf~Y.V4'~ it~37~ ~IAHE 91k Q3I4 is- afli~~ 4f t:itY Fi~gix~e~r. .~w ~71~A'~'.. ~' ~~'QQ_,~T ~TPn9t. ~~ ~OS E~.'QI!= ~~~Q ~~SQB. YLo f~x~gaittg ~aa~;ixns srs t~iad t~. ~c g r~sae~tmta.y ~asn~~r9.~fts ;n ~the pca ~t t0a prc,~s4q 3ss ~~:a+~~ ~cp ~~~« t~ ,~~ty ~d ~~at.r~ ~t s~ ra~QRS ~ ~~. THE FORSGOINa R~SOLUTION is sigaed aa3 agproved by me this On z~;ll t~7~.i 'tha fsiz~ ' ~4ih,daY a4' 3vrsor, 346~. g:£a8 retalt~iCie+u ~ayr1 p~lea~t ~g:.tha :~'~ii,s~rit~g'~n cr~ RY~Si t~t1&~r"Xkt,~s : i~pts~,d* ~drrca»z~, 3~RS~, .y i~Ia},'~,~qe~,~'w~* lllirm~. . _ ., - : . .. .~. ,. .. i~Sa . CC~iiISBI.~Sa ~~tt~. ... - ' - -` ,qQ,$E~'s .~gy~I~ ~~,qQ. ~ ~~.~ ~~~ ~ CHA ANAf~IM CITY PLANNINfi COM7(ISSION ` ~ . ATTEST; . ,.. , . . . . . . . ._ • i....~- s :._ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY P7,ANNIN(i COHI[ISSIOft STAT~ OF ClII,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss. ' CITY OF ANAHSIM ) I. Seeretary ot tha City Plaaaiag Co~iasion of the City of Anahei~p~~~ertify that the Soregoing RTs50LUTI0N NOo - SSRIES 19 -. was passed and adopted bp a motion duly ma3e, seooaded aad na9~ied at a 94 60 Regular MeeLiag of the CiLy Plaaning CommiBSioa held oa the day oP ~ .SvAe~ I96D ,,` IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, I have hereunto set:.ay handl~this- ` day of ~, r .. .. = . ,~, ,--_ '~s . . _....: ~'~JteRO; i~. `, ~. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COI~IISSION :~ ~v ~ A 3. S : r:-:: :.. ~- _ '~ :: > ~~ ; ~_ `i ;~'- 1 .~ .,; , ~ >: ;> ; : I 'i ~ . ., I ,I ~' i ~ , i ~ ,,. -; t;: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ~'_' - __ ---- - ~t c.:: ~ _, - .~-,_ _ ':,'l • R~r'~ ':UTION N0. ~; - SffitIfiS s~s,'ti °` ,:1 1 A RESOLUTION OB Tfl CITY PLANPINQ C019~SISSION OF TFi~ CITY OF ANAHEIk - IA"""t~OQ vPi'~1~Ct l~.. ~''~yq~ WEJTRFJIS. The City Plaaniag Co~ies~loa oP the City of Aashaim has received a Verified Petition Yrom Lhe Owaer(s) o! a oertaia paroel oP real property situated in tha City of Anaheim, Coun4y of Oraage. State of ~aliforni~, described as Yolloxs: 1'Aa# prxtti+~p ~o!' tAe 1~' at Sectl,as~ J37~ 1'erAiT~p 4 Ssrtttt ~I(~§i i~ 4tu- Aua~lre Se~t hu~ Ce~~a~f de S~ents +~rw.e ~us R!-~n» .e4 a 1~ xsaesdod !~ Sa+~ ~!~ 910'- l~k ~f B~A~.tsSlaaw•;a~i ~+ayalt ~'lCflt"~0 4f ~~ ~:.mes2~1~. I Ca2i!`.i tl~~6r.~'~~d ,ps Tuil-~~rsa I~tBi~dSs~g rrk ~~.~ da td~c ~0 linu 9t tttid ~eQtS,sA ~7, rtts~~nt ~~ 8'~4 ~t• ~~. 395.t10• lr.wom tis~ ,:. ~~ r:~ntiatt~ as3~ am~tS~~as 3bs~ra S~. 8ryn~ $q~ 30* ~„ 1lfp?,t~D' ~Zs+n~ aai~ li. litta~ tF~nae 8. i" ll~• 31A" 2.rt~5't33 p~etrali~a7t ~r~~,is 4isa Fi. llrw ~z# s~+3Q ~Irn'tlor~ ~,ac ~ S,izrr ~ira1lioi zi!t~ atad dSstsoC S~~nlbarl~- `` ~•~ s~ ~. ~9t ri~ght ~gla~s tx~ 4~x t~. l3su~ ~~ ~ai+3• 3~a~ti;+e~ ~lAeate- ~t. 8+9° ~• 8C" x. f.~.4~~ al~_sq~.#~d #~as~la~a7~ i,X~arF tbars~~s !i. L" 2~• 90" 5~'.. Zb~.€~• ~t~ #!~ ~C,lat ^~! t~agl~uinQ. '~ JAwEl~S".i~* Rti~GE~~ i4~A2 ~Al~ ifrrra.~~ ~3~* ~Ra!!'.~ ~ta op~ Il~atA~a ; IAHPsREAS. The Citq Planaiag Co~l.asion did 7iold a Publio Hear~ng at the ~ City Hall iri the Citp of Aaaheim. oa ~ Z~,p~. NOTICfiS of •ahioh said I Publia Hearing were dulp givea as requfred"b~aa`~$ the provisions oP the ANAHBIII ' MUNICIPAL CODB. Sootioa 9200; aad iV.T~REAS, Said Commiasion, after due inspeation~ inveatigation aad studies ~:.de by itself end in its behalf r,nd aYter due consideratioa oP ali evideace aad reporCS oPiered at said Heariag. does fiad and datermirae the Po1loWing facts: D. J~`jY~I~GABi'~ YYQOitli'~6d jIR~}.Il~~o}!r ~0 LmAB~tt ~Q •o~1C?~ dl ~L4~~ ^•'~ ~GS41'~1~+1!~lY +EQI i11Rt'Q~s 2. t~e ~2S~aClqqi ~a 1-~r3d ralearr lrc+~ tM ~l+~iag ~oa4ai.a~ioup 9a~e~ti~ ~af Jeeue ba 19dA fc~r lack ~~d Ts~a'~po,t Ird~ac~Ag. 19. ~asaamd~^~e onire ~c~n'ete~f t~ 1~a Cr.~~s3~:-noxe wA:eR ps+:v3des~ !na ~' 3muiec~a~sla~. r. .... „wr, ww rwe ~+~orMlrw ~~+~t~.;1n1 tiLY Mt~'d~~s ~ NOW. Tf~ERfiFQRB. ,HTs IT RBSOLVSD THAT THE ANAE~EI![ CITY PLAHNIN(i COHI[ISSION HEREBY ~,i~'~ ~ "'~i ~ ~!~1~?`~~1~~#_tQ ~ ~~~l~e~rlaq t~m~iti<~e- i. ~xede~~t ia s~~ ~!i.i~~nirS~ar,3 ~trea~ por~ra~~,od. ~., psq~wr~3~~o af ~t~+e+~ i+a~r~at ga~}ns ~ tat3a11at#~~ ~:# sll ~,p~ts~nroe~c-ts :~ iLaleli Aae. 3n *rie~?~~:~w3~~u;+ru+psE ~ {t~aat ~mt ~Ti7a ~ ~iica ~sf ~tly ~f:riegs. 3. ~nt ~i ~:fle,,~tr ,~s~ ~!. tor ~lutet ~iglttlag ~Q~, Ti~ !'~+76~e9'G#q0 cwsd~tl,lsrlsK 1~'r t~nq6 ta As~ +o i~ae }ss~svrtpt53tA to tlA~ u~c af t8,a psc+p~stlCy i~ ~stal+t= ir ~ci~set~ th~ trsfot~ a~d ~r!£tsacas of 't0~ CS~ ets et ~e5~. THE FOR8fi0INfi R850LUTION is:signed and approved by me.t~~s ~A !'u~~ fiill ~E ;^ZdJ~~~.P!$ iW#~711~LfUtt YRp~ ~60Cf~ .~: f~ ~ ~~ .~~ .~ ~i1Ci~7~ .~~. ~~kGx ~1~1~~~'~s i~?sd~ ~CCVtcy ~+atA~ a,~,, ' ~,~ ~"50. CG~3fs5~~185a 1~ase,; . ' . il ~¢~'i ~g+,~~f #~x~p ~~, a~ GYAI AHBIM C TY PLANNINa COMhlISSION ..`: f ASSfiST: . - , . •... ~:;. ; ~:. SECI:.`TpRy /-Np.HPIM CITY PLANNINti CO1D[ISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 4F ORAN(iE ) ss. CITY OE' ANAH$Il[ ) I. Seoretary aR.the Citq Planaiag Commiesl.aa of the City of Anahe:~~pertify that Lhe foregoiag RESOLUTIOIQ N0. - SERI&S 19 -, was passed aad adopted by a motion dulq mada, seaonded and aa~led at e~$ 6i1 iiegular Neetiag of the City Plaaniug Co~isaioa held oa the dap of ~b ~tan~~ 19dta . IN WITNESS WHSRfiOF. I l~ave hereunto set mq head°~this ~~`~day oi -., . . . .,- .,.. ~:.- ,19~?. ~ . ~ , .Ttms~ :; SBCRETARY ANAHSIAt CITY PSANNIN(i COl~`E5SION . . .. . ,. `:~# ~