PC 1959-1960-286T . ;OI,UTI01~ A0. ~ •• SfiRYTsS !. ~~-b~ '~ A RESOLUTION OF THS CITY PL~ANNINa C0161~ISSION OF TH~ CITY OF AN6HSIL[ C~RIt40~'!1l~i IA~Jt8~19C,H 3~l. A~~ W4iERiAS, The City Planniing Ca.~issioa of tha C3ty oY Anaheim h9s received ~ a Verifiad'Patitioa Yrom the Ovner(s) o! a certain parool of reaZ property pixuated i in the City of Anaheim, Couaty oP Oraage, State of Csliforaia, desoribed ~ss iollox3: '~ .~. .~4.O~:t• s# tLl~ ~. 916.00• oi t~e 9. ~3Q.'p~1' oE d~st ~ rAaE+i,~ua e~E R~ta....~~ af ~~lS~ ot . ~G~W~-:~s 71~$~ ~ ~~i~ A~ ~~R~ ~Q~$a 9$ '~8 ~O ~ ~ ~.1~~~ Ifl~ F~~- ~Ry $~ a~otias ar n: ~a~ e~rs~~ r~ce~edead ~!s ~. Sl. F~Sr Y. e! aEq.. ~f Dld~ue. MG~a-. ,u:m~:r~sds +mf' ss,~.B ; '.t~csa~e-C+~.. ~~ttsi{rr~ eo foll~a~ ~,fpr~~ at s Qa~i~t:~ t6t 9~. 7.3se af s~?i3 ~~ of ths N~~ f d3stsaR! eR~uees 9db.38• ir. fsas t~r i~ eoor~ a~ ssi~ ,o~c4£ae ~ swaaiqt ~~e as iei~t ; ~ot~ s; eao~.c~a•: ~ .a r3t~ a,-~x~s ~. ~a.ae~ _ ~aee ~s ss~t ~xes x. es~,~• a '~r.; i6,: ~I.tm~ ta- tLe. p~s~~ ot ee~i~. ~: ~• ~Ai~~,. IS4 A. Mtit tAt}ieac3~t 1G~t. a FetilastR~O. C~li!'.. ~i~ 2itl~l. [RHL'REAS, The Citp PZanaiag Commission did hold a Pub11o F~e'eriag at the Cit'y Hall in the City oi Anaheim, on t~~ ,L~ NOTIC:~B ot whioh said R:blic He :ria^ +~er9 duly given as rag~red ~S~ I-aw and the proviaioas of the ANAABIM ~ MUNICI,PAL C~DB. Seation 9200; aad R'HTREAS, Said Co~isslon. after due inspeQtion, invr~s:igation and studies made.bp itselP and in its behalf aad aiter due consideratio~ a; all evidenoe sad ,eports offered at said. Heariag. does fiad and determiae the :"cllovii~g Yaots: i. A~i3c.~m4 re~at~ C+eaa~fi~ to cpa[alx~set ~ o~erata a T:f ?yalz ~S. ~lae~ t~ ~raiv~c ~° b~LtOffpA s~f~¢k ta~q~eltese~! ta ~! s++~! S~• lro~ildSag s@it2+a~&. 2. '~3oy~ui uoroe ~ar~aeote~ 4~r Bi~e ~si3o~att~. .°ie a~S! N~ AC 01~7 ~tl ~l~S! 1`J~~(L~ '~~Y iaRt~RCQ. PTOW. THSREFORE. BE IT RfiSOLVPi'3 THAT TL~ ANAH$IY CETY PT~ANNIflG COI~![ISSYON ~F,{ WY::`T19 '~9i~ iIG. 1~3!• ~i ta~ 1tL~ febl~wirr6 cos~di!l~st 1. ifrn~.8~.~+ess ~ef 33• Ezse tffi castas t3ms ar tfarat~thos~. Z. 3htror~I,t:r ~. ta~rav~a~ ~if~ 8 fa~ts~t R31 in~-sa~ots i~t aiecocdsaca mi~h s~+p~y~e~red «liuma4~vm ptaIIS eo f~a 1m otfl+e~ +at Q[ty Sr~ieee~. 3. 1~4++~csd a~' ~.60 ~+tr Rceat g!. f~ st. 2l~t8~ ~s. 4. G'~-:~o;ts~;~e7p~ t~ s~eeess~a~a- ~eil~ ~ Wrt~. os~;~~ ~A com~tteam ~s EeorM !0 3wa a a~cesau~t teita ta tE~e ~am o~ @A~e ~ aprxtp 3a ~eaHV~!~ae ths sefst~ ~~iti~! o!' i'6r CilimeB~~e~E~~s. THE FOREGOING RE50LUTIOH is signed aad approvsd bg .•; s ~A oE .N~. 24bEJ. ~fls swEt c,~:i,L 8ba far~gmi~g s~sa2s~a~ vas -bf . qrd~'„ 1 ! A'6~Sit t~JStkll~ ~63YtieA. ~a9. il~ca~s, ~74w~`ilr i~l1 ~1 ,'~ ~~ ~'~~ ~~~ CHAIItYAN ~iAF~IY CITY PLAia2tINa (:Ok!lTSSIOft ~d3l8ECad~Ji~~Se ft~ois aaA Cia~a. ATTEl~.T : ~ ~ '• .. • .- . .. . SECRETAitY ANAHEIM CITY PI,AIQNINfi C01AlI5SION STATE OF CAT,IFOYiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ; ss. CITY OF ANAHSIE[ ) I, Se~areCar, oi the Ci.tp Plaanivg Commissfca ef *he City oP Anah~l y~k~.aerLity that the foregoing RBSOLUTIOH N0. - SffitIES 19 -, was passod aad adopted b•,q a motion duly made, seaonded and ~Q',ried ut a 34 bQ Regular D6eetiag of Cue CiLy Plaatting Commissioa held oa the day oP ~~ da~t. 143D. IN NSTNESS WF~R80F. I heve hereuato set my haad this day of . ~Ctt~a ,3~mo• l.~3Q. - . '~ - c._ SfiCR$TARY ANAHEIM CITl' PLANNING COl(M[ISSION ... ... '. . . ~:;115