PC 1960-1961-106 A R~S0~t~X0~ OF ,~ CITY I'~X~ C0MMXgSXON OF TM'. CX~Y OF ANAR~XM
GRA~ING ~C~ U~ P~T NO. 86
~S, 2be Clt~ PI~.~ Co. salon of ~e ~lt~ of ~eim ~s ~eoe~ved
a Verified Petition f~om the ~er(s) of a eortain P~eel of real propert~ si~ted
........ in the CiW of ~el~, Co~t~ of 0~e, State of Ca~ifo~a, desoribed as follo~s~
P~ceX ~: ~e eas~ ~30.00 fee~ of the ~s~ half of the north h~f of the no~th~st qu~te~
'of ~he nor~heas~ quarter of Section ~4, ~s~ 4 ~uth, R~e ~ ~st, ~ the R~o
Co~tes, ~ the ~ty of ~e~n, Count~ of ~e, State of Cal.~fo~a, as per map
~n Book ~, P~e ~1 of ~scell~eous ~ps, of sa~d county.
~ the no~th 2~6 feet thereof.
~ ~ the south Z34 feet thereo[.
.P~ceZ 2: ~e south ~50.00 feet of the north 2~6.00 feet of the east 180.00 feet of the
~s~ h~f of the no~th half of the north~s$ quoter of the northe~t quoter of ~ct~on
~4, ?o~shXp 4 ~uth, ~o 31 West, ~n the ~cho Los ~tes, ~:y of ~m, ~unty
O~e, St~tc of ~l~for~a, as pe~ap ~ecorded ~n Book 51, Pa~e ~1 of ~sce~Xa~eous H~ps,
ef sa~d c~unty.
~ ~ BUX~Z~, INC.
2183 ~. 7th
~s ~eles 25, Ca/if.
~d~REAS, Tho City Planning Cc-"al=~lon dig hold a Public Hea~tng at the
City ~a/1 tn the City of Anaheim, on October 17, 1960 NOTICES o£ wh/oh Said
Publ/e Hea~tng were duly given as requi~ed ~y law and the provisions of the A~Z~
MUNICIPA~CODS, Sect/on 9200; and
WHEREAS, Said P ~lssion, after duo inspection, · ',eetl~ation and studios
made by itself and in l, behalf and after du~ oonsidorat..d of all evidence and
reports offered at said Hearing, ~eea find and detemtnc, the followin~ facts=
1. ?he subJ~c~ property ia presently zoned
2. ltie proposed development &ppe~rs to be a proper use for the subject property,
3. No one appeared in oppo~:!tion to the petition.
CON~ION~T~ A S~ B~ S~ F~, ~ubjec'; to the fo~o~n~ con.tact:
~. ~opmnt Ln acco:~ce vLth p~ns p~esented.
~ P~ING ~I~ ~s found to ~ a necess~y P:e~equ~s~tc to the usc of the pro~rtv
Ln or~: to preserve the safet~ and ~lffare of t~e C~t~ze~ of ~e~. '
~e ~reKo~ ~esolutLon ~s passed by the
A~: ~:"~I~I~$; Allred, ~a~er, Marcoux, Morris, ~all, S~s and Hap~ood.
N~: ~I~I~: None.
TKE FOREGOING RESOLU~IOH is ,~i~nod and al~proved by m~ this ~7$h ~y of Octo~, ~9~,
CO~Y OF O~E ) tis.
City of ~.eim, do hereby oo~ti~- t~t ~o fo~esoi~ ~0LUTION H0. ~06 - S~
iM0~i, wa~ ~ssed ~d e~optod ~y a motion d~y nde. seconded ~d car~led at
a Ro~lar ~ootinS vf ~e City Pi~4~ Cohesion hold on tho 17th
~y of ~ober, 1960.
I~ WIT~gS ~0F, I kayo hero. to sot ~ ~,~d ~ls lTthday of ~to~r, 1960.