PC 1960-1961-111 A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY PLAI~NINH COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM D~AmZING VARIANCE NO. 1309 ~S, 2he 0i~y Planing Co~ission of ~ho 0t~y of ~otm has recoivo~ a Verified Poti~ion from the 0whorls) of a cer[ain parcol of real propor~ situatod in .tho City of ~eim, County of 0r~go, State of California, descrtbo~ as follo~s: ~e~north 408.00 feet of the southwest uar~er of the southwest quoter'of ~he southeas~ of An~eim, ~unty 0f Orang~, Sta~e of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscell~eous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said coun*y. R. B. ~d Mable Ostroot ' WH~S, /he Olty Plying 0omission did hold a ~bltc Hearing at tho Cit~ Hall in tho 0i~ of ~n~oim, on ~ovember 7, 1960 N02IOE8 of which '~aid ~bltc Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ~A~IM ~NICIP~ CODE, Section 92001 ~d WHEREAS, Said ~ission, after due inspection, !~estigation and studies made by itself and in it~.behalf and after due considorat;~a of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine tho following facts: l. Petitioner requests a variance from Code, Section 18.32.120(1), which requires !~ parking spaces per dwelling unit in a garage, to permit construction of 93 carports. 2. Quality of the proposed, plan and the surrounding property will hot b~rde~r~ci~t~d~by construction of the required ~9 garages. 3. Residents from the surrounding area appeared in q~position to the petition. NOW, THERE¥0RE, BE IT RESOLVED TgAT THE ANA~LEIM 0ITY PLANNIN~ OOMMISSION HEREBY D~NI~S VARIANCR NO. 1309 FOR THR WAIlr~R OF COD]~ R~QUI~TS TO P~IT CONSTRUCTION 9~ CARPORTS and 26 GARAGES IN LI2U OF 119 GARAGES AS R~QUIPd~D BY COD~. Ii On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vote: · i A-v~s: COMMISSION]~RS: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, Summers and Hapgood. ~ NO~S: CO~ISSIONE$ ~ None. ABSENT: COMMI$~,I ON-~R$: None. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ;(s signed and approved b~ me this 7th day of November, 1960. ~T~Y ~IEIM OI~ ~I~ ~0~ISSION STATE 0F 0~IF0~IA ) 00UNTY 0F 0~N~E ) ss. 0ITY OF ~EIM ) I, ~ PAGA, SecretarM of the 0itM Pla~ing Oo~ission of the 0itM of ~eim, do hereby certifM that the foregoing ~SOLUTION N0. 111 - S~IES 1~0- 6% was passed ~d adopted bM a motion dulM made, seconded ~d carried at a Regular Meeting of %he 0ity Pla~ing 0ommission held on the 7th dam of November, 1960. IN WITNESS WHE~OF, I have hereunto set ~ hand this 7th dam of November, 1960.