PC 1960-1961-132rt _.
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tT54A~tY'INf3 VAki~w,."~ 3~4. I.31d
WHEREAS. The Citq Plenning Commission of the Citq of Anaheim has received
a Verifled Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parael oi rea3 property situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Yollorvs:
(~ ATTACli~iJ LE~t~. E'~S~RIF?IC~I)
bP~IEP. s
l~o~mlt! F. i3es~ ~t eI
35tf E. 17Lh ~~r~o,f ~
5anta A.Re, ~alffarnla
FJH~REAS~ The City Planniag Commission did hold a Publia Hearing at the
Cl.ty Ha71 ia the City of Anaheim. on p NOTYCES of which said
Yublio Heariag were dely given as requi'r~e~$~y ~lav~u9~n~~fie provisions oP the ANAHPsIM
MUNIGIPAL CODE. Seatiott 9200; and
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AF1EFcEAS~ Seict Coramissiun~ aftsr dus fn~pscticn, invoBtigatipn and studies mado by 1Y-
eelf snd !n its t~half snd after due consideration of all evi~enca and roporta offeresl at se5d
Hoaring, does find ~nd clotermitio ihe follaaiaq fact~~
1• Fetitionar arigfnalay reqneated a veriance frow Codo~ 5~ectfon 18.i6.fl10~ rrhlch stipulates
~rmi~~1b2~e us~d ~ R~-AQrcia2,duseifor bers,icafae, and raata~iusanteuwith~dancln~tand~antortafnmen~
for cttallQa~~e~ept; ~~~ pictur~ atui talevision broadceeting stodioe~ and for mnteis and euto
Z• She Caa~i,sslon holr! a public t:eering cn aa3d Aot~tfon fcr Variance op T~com~ar g~ 1950~ but
continu8d the caso to provido ttuz pa~titionor an opportvnity to aelac2 ueoa he mfght consider noc-
e~aary ar~3 daelr~blo~ in ca~_eRivn with thm Planning ~opartment and th~ City At!orney•e off3ca,
for the propsr utilizstion o#' tAt sttb3ect property.
3• 5ubs~ct 3~tition for Variance was modifled et the psti2lon~zs request to aeak approval of th~
followfng ugas~ businea~ and pro:'eseionsl officea~ drug etores~ pharmacie~~ raetaurants with cock-
i tsil loungos, beauty ahop9~ bmstwr ahops; floKOr ahop~. reteil dry cloaning-lavnday agenciea,
, tailor ahopcs eoffoo ehops~ tmlept~one anawor3nfl a~rvice, book and atationery atores~ epecSalty gift
~~4y.t~bec~o ~shops, photo shope, shao repaiz ehops, c1otA4ng ~haps, toy ahopao hobby ehops. f~-
~~t-rl:ur decosxtor'e stu~ioe~ rrsdical aru3 dental centere~ l~anka~ diagnoetic laboratories~ bakories,
acu! television and radio atudios.
4• St~bjoct Fotition far VerlanGe h~a been conai~~rod fn kee~SFCtg~;w~th the variance policy of thc+
t~leneylanci area ae itaplementsd on the Ci~~~, P~en. -
3. Varlanco Mo. 1269 wae g=onted try tFu~ Goitmiealan ta uah sub~ect property for a Aigh rise re-
91ona1 of~'ico buAld#ng complex cont~fning officoa and chops: No actiars~veg kekan by the Ci#y
..ouncll fo?.ltirtitlg filio s~iltl~i~sion e~d sppa'ov+~l oF t}s~ revisttd plot plUn.e deted Biy;~mkisrc27~:•:f460.
Rs~}'.<thts::~cf~awsossi3ttfcaa::aZtachrd~:ta;.ther:,Gcmmiasfcn.+.reQO3u3~bi-~P~u~ nat Men fulffi~led.
g• ""t~t~t:onor roqueats that at~b~cct Patit~on for UarlensQ De grantod to the westorly ~90 finet af
the souther2y 291 foet oF sub~oct pioys~rty aB ohown on revfsed plot pien approved by the City
; cQUnci l an sopt~a~bor a7, a9f~o.
_,; 7• iVo ona oppeused ih oppoeitSO~ to ~Re pa~tition.
''~" ` t1~~i~ Tti&itcFORE, 8E IT ~$ULVL~D ?Fi~-i THE Atd~11~~IR1 CITY -Pi~StdTiIf3Cx L~3I551(N+f t~tif?I3Y Gn"ATfTS
: VAt2IAidCE NJ, 13141'Q'~ESTABL'ISfi'V~RIOUS-'UE3E`PERMI'~TED INiTF[E,-C=~~~.i~IGHBORf;00D;f30MME}ZC,i•lkE:;~~C~,~~
- BENF~AI: ~OMME12CIkL-; `and; C;3~z:HEAVY.',COMMERCIAL;~::ZONES; .sl~b~ecf."fo ',the; foTlowing..c_onditionea. : _, , .
_, .. ':e:::.. . ,,.„..
1.~ That th~a par~?ited uses of entire~ aub~ect praporiy be ao folle~wsc pysinese and pzofaeslonal
(except raol ~gtatR) otficos~ urud atox~a, pharraacxo~, rastaurant~ and aockta:i lounqea (dvveloped
iR ~ccordance w=th floor pla~s svlanfltod to and approved by tho CSty Council), flo~wer shope,
; beatrty shope, barbor abops~ rarta~.i c+ry cleanSnp - Iaundry agona:es, taflor shopa, telophcne
anower~ng e~rv:cc,s~ boak ond statioaery atozes~ cgeci.aity ~ift ,shapa~ tobacca ahc~a~ Rholo shops~
eho~ repair ehops~ clafihinQ sP~opa> toy shop$~ hobby ahops~ interior decorator!• atudioa~ medioal
. anr3 dantal contmro~ banks. diagnootic lbbosatsrfos~ bakar3ee, tei~vision atud~ae and radRo
' atw.tlos, and aiud:oa zelated to possntttRd uaes.
2, Th~t ell permitted uoa8•tso developed ie eccardrince wi#h tlie reviaad plot plan epproved by the
C~ty Council on 5aptotabar 27~ 1960 end conducl.od ontfroly with~n tho etty~ci.urea shown thoreon.
3: Ihadicatio~n of E~ fept fraa~ th~ centar23ne of l~at¢11a Avenue.
4. Preparst3on of strQ~t :mgrova~ont plans and 3r-st~`~~a#ion vf all improyomsnts 9n eccordonce
' with t~o ~pproved ataccsiord plans on f:le 3n tho ofi9c~ of tiur C14y ~:n,,nQOr.
g• Payment o! ~2.00 per frant foqt for et.reet lfr,htie~ purposos:`
' 7hv Sor~qOSC~g•cqn~~tioris.wel'~§~:~oun~ to ba n rvr~ms~ary pr~reqt~Sefte to the uae af tF~e propurt4• in
ux~er to pre~erve #ha eaf~ty and aoelfaxo of the Citizeno of AnaAe3m.
i TFtE ~ORc.G0i2~ RBSOLUTIQN is a'.gned and ~pprav~d by rao this 19th d3y of fJeco~r, I4'.40.
~~' ~ . .~%h~L'~rlL-~~~ ~~. ~ .~ - ~
~MHh7;ttfAh IW1~PL?T~" ~,T'Y1` FiANNING C:CJ~~QN
A'tT~s~' ^ ,,,~~ Gm YolE ae31 tDo ebovs aoeolntion was pagsed br thu
( \ - ' tolEoeafqQ voto:
\i ~~ ,~=` CL _ ~'
. ~,. ~_ ~.Ttt5:f%i~ESSIQ1iBF1S:Allr~d, Gsuoa, biaraoux, qn~all
.+kC.it°~tAFt~Y~kFil~FfETM CITY~~ l.A1~iNING Ct~4+tISSIpN ag~ ~~~.
5TA~~Ol• C~'s,IFQRt~iA j i~ffi:C~ii5.S1Q[ifASi lbpA.
, Gr3tJNrY aF oRMiGE j e8. ABSkMst~alSSiONEBSs ~i~~d em1 ~ur$ia.
" GI?Y C~f ~1HA.~1EItd )
- I~ JisAN PAC~~ Secretary of tFm City Plannin~ Cotamlasfon of 4~ha City of Mahoim. do hareby
cartiiy that the f~regoir,q NE50LU7IOfit lt0. 13?_, 5ERIES 29b0-61, wae paes~d endadopted bY a i~ot.ldn
duly ma;to~ ncconded +~nd carried et a Rcegulor PAaniing of' the CSty Planning Ce+~niegioi; h~id on ths
i9Eh day of ~.ecamber~ 1960.
IPi ~yI'fHESS s7ti~itEOi~, I have hsreunta Bet cry hanQ thls 14th d of pecemb0r, 1960.
~ ~
5E / qRY ANRH~IY, CI~ PLANii;[yG CCt~Df1S~I~BV
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ift7.f'tI fTR1E~Y AT F1FYN. &AP!SR .nNR. C.A.LiFOAPiIf.~ ^;IAf~ ~,A,T,y 7-JBB2 > 2EP~ST}I 8a41
.A11 4btn4 ~mxRn~n latwcA raA$ur~4ad in rJa.a ~,qca caA' G~,L~~~mt~~
GIDauit7 ~si ~Px,~ung~o~ Ci.&~ a.~Q,~e,wt~i~on, dwa~cri*sad ~r~ ~s~~an~rms
R'~tn~ ~p.orAAcnu aat "Ja~ A'wutRb~aaat s~w¢~xxcam ~aA ~ca~cfa~xa ~x,
"~i.`a~uvnalai~p ~9 f3~Ox~h~ R.~y~Aa Am ~'d'mot, ir. 41t,o ~u~iteon ~p.a .~x,!~ ~atj~an
~. F3.nrafua .!,~an, at~ nhai~ on a snnp s~eordr~d in bcaa}.~ ~l~ ir,a~a %'U
rn~ A,6xmcmlU.a~csaaas Jbdmpm, rocaarda of Q~xau~~ ~CauscSY~ +.:.~lA:t~rx~q.ttr
c~~~C~ i~r.sd ~r~ 4~7J1~ sg
~x~vm~a~~~g mR t~m ~autla~sat carac~ ~4 ~ssi~i tT~rnu.tF~rr~.~ gvi.s~xR:~~
a~ ~cB3on 22; ~Pbmnca kiar.th 675 ~amt ~Ioa~ 2a,o WiT~m~ Lina ant amic~
~uit~mras¢ quatirimr; t~mncm F.,soA 83~~. ~1 ~~04 ~r+~.ll01 x+~4bt 4Aub ,Qei-.nA~;
l~ ca~' a+xiidt mmct~a~n Aa xb.c Pti'oxChmmaR cornmr SD~ xAACi G~~AQCX'~I~GALFi ~~
".kua d9md Ra .A1~rya ~. Jceroll ~aud rrifo~ xa~aardmd on v~cRa6~x~ g~~
~i;a~2 of b~ A~9xh, ~9°8' lA2 mf CM~.iaietl kLex~zdA, bmxa~ e~m P.s~cnrs
P.iM+ ~muthean£~~na~a~i awi~d l~nd afZJm~aIJ. ~Qi 67~o ZA 4caR 2a
~'~¢m lim~; t~~ncm ~.04 ko thm 3~:aet lfa~a mf ~/~~ °~ a~:i~
°~ ~af i~a~tfibJaa+mR rowartexj t~onc~ Idor~h 673 am~ s~taar~~~n.n: ~, ~,~~~;
~~6 tc~,r,,t~~c+ Rp'naag ¢~~, yQ f~ea~R, moro o,~r Aom~, :a ~a 2r.:r~raa ~a.k
~~ 1~a~yArJUOUl,~~
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~ CIT`r OF l1~,tiHcIM