PC 1960-1961-25 ~ S.0LUTION NO. 25 - SERIES ] · .~Lsi I 1%ESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI/Y 0g ~AHEI~ ~TI~ V~IAN~ NO. 1272 W~S. The CiW Plying Comission of the City of ~eim has received ,~, Verified F'otition from tho Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real proper~ sl~uaged in tho 0itF of ~eim. Oount~ of 0r~go. S~ate of Ualifornia. describod as follows : ~e Applicant: TI~TZ C~S~UCTION C~ 11900 Gilbert Avenue Garden Grove, Califor~a CttF Hall in the Ctt~ of An~oim, on July 18, 1960 NOTICES of which said ~blic Hearing wero dul~ givon as requireO b~ law ~d ~he provisions of the ~EIM ~ICIP~ CODE, Section 9200; ~d ~S Said Comtssion, after due inspection, investigation and studies made bF itself and in its behalf and after duo considers~ion of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1.~e proposal is compagable wi~h ogher uses in ghe DisneyJ.~d area. should complemen~ the existing uses in the general ~ea. NOW, THE~FO~, BE IT ~SOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM ~ITY PLANING C0~ISSION 1. Buil~ng go be restricted ~o single s~ory for 150 fg. from ~he R-1 proper~y line, 3. ~[ep~re,s~ ~mprov~m~n~.pla~ ~ in~all all i~pr0ve~,en~ in accordance ~ith app*d. ~tanaa{c ~s_gn rii~ ~n orzi'ce of City ~ineer. 4. ~a~en~ o~ ~.ou per frong f~. for s~. ligh~in~ purpo.~es. 5 8ubjecg ~o ghe pl~ presengod. ~e fqreg~g conditions are found go be a nec~ssary~rerequtslge ~o ghe use o'f ~he proper~y ~n oraer go preaerve ghe ~afe~y and welfare of ~he ~izens of Anaheim, C~I~ ~AHEIM CITY ~NXNrJ ~0~ISSiO~ ATTEST: SEC~T~Y AN~EIM CITY PL~NIN~ C0~ISSION · STATE OF C~IFO~IA ) COUNTY OF O~E ) ss. CITY 0F ~A~EIM ) I, RIC~ R~B, Secrotar~ of the 0i%7 Pla~ing Commission of tho Cit~ of ~eim. do hereby cor[if~ that tho foregoing ~80~UTION ~0. 25 19 6~ 6% was passed and adopted by a motion t'uly made, seconded ~d caPrtod at a Regular Meuting of the Cit~ Planning 0o~ission held on tho 18gh ~8~ of July~ ~960. I~ ~II~gS8 ~g~0~, I havo horoun~o ~o~ m~ hand ~hl~ 18ghfla~ of July~ 1960. SEC~T~Y '~IM CITY PL.~INING ~0~ISSI~ ,.~ . " "..-'~s~j, 'ys..-ir.rnuatz+sucnoon..+...<...,. `_.__.._.._.....:...x.w ~ 1;:... , _ ~ . . . ~ ~~i ~ s! ~ ~ ~ °~~,~, ~:, • ~ ~' ±(~ ' ~ , ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ . . ~~ .;w MAIN STREET AT FIFTH, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA • KIMBEALY 9-6892 • 2ENITH 5621 ;~ ;~ . . ~`~>'li~ ,; \~t~ .;'~::~:Tu . All tl~mt eertain lantl siLuated ia t~e 8tatr ~ C~litornie, Conaty oi Orw~a. CiLy of Anahetm. deacribod eo follanrot F~arell 1. Tbi-i po~riioa ar! 4he N~trLhwpeqw-rtor oi th~ Nmrthao~t qudrt~r of ~ctioa 27, Township 4 So~ath~ Rsa~e lA W~st. fn t6n Pi~ncha ~a Juw-n ~:ojon de SanRa Ana~ ae ~hown on a msp rocord~d !A book 31. peae 1@ oi Mieasllaa~ono Msps, rocorde o! Orwa~ GauaSy. ~"''alltos~io. deocribed as Iallawss Boginalag at a polnt oa tle~ Wee~tmsly line of t!w Northwaet qur-at0r of ~id 8octic>n ~T~ diBt'nt &outh 0' 48' 35" East 6b0.01 fe~t faoa~ th~e Ttortbwest cernas of em~id 3~cG;.3a 2?; t:anca North 89' 34' 90" Ea~i ~93. Om ic~t; Bbence 9atth 0' 48' 5b" B:aat 330. 00 fee3; thsace Sa~ 8~' S~' 30" Weot 393. 00 feet to tha WesLsAly li.um of tha I3o~thweot qusrt~r od swid ~tction 27; t1le~so NgrEM 0' 48' SS" We4t 330.60 f~ot to t!~ poiat of b~gianln~. Psresl t. /-u oasomsnt 4or rosd and publle ntllity purpaioo w~r a strip oi land 40. 00 Fe~t ia width, ttw P~ortdorly liw o! ~sid atrip bsing de~caibod a~ tollovrr Begianln~ ot tho Southweat corce~r oi Pascol 1~bov~ do~crib~d; 4l~oaes l~arth 89' '~' 30" ICast 398. 00 fo~t.