PC 1960-1961-34 .-~S05UTI011 110. 34 - SERTR$ lO-"0-61
D~G' V~I~ NO. 1~.
~, ~e City PI~-~ Co~ssion of ~e C~ of ~-~e~ ~-~ received
a Ver~ied Peri,ion from ~e ~er(s) of a ce~ ~cel of ~ p~ope~y sl%~ed
~ ~e Ci~ of ~e~, Co~y of 0r~e. S~%e of ~ifo~a, desc~bed-as fo~o~:
See attached ~ge.
Applicant: H~ ~ ~d Hffie Slagle
1619 H. Center St.
~e~, ~lif.
W~Fm.~, The City ?l,~nt~g Co~4 sston did hold a Public Hearl~g at ~e
Ci~ ~ ~ ~e City of An,~e~, on Aunt 1, 1960, N0~I~ of w~ ~d
~b~c He~ were ~Y ~ven ~ req~ed by ~w ~d ~e pro~sio~ of ~e
~C~ CODE, ~c~on 9~0; ~d
~, ~d ~ssion, ~er due ~pec~ion, ~es~on ~d s%u~es
~de by i~se~ ~d ~ its be~le ~d ~er due co~idera~lon of ~ evidence ~d
repo~ offered a~ ~d H~, does f~d -~d delete ~e Cologne facts:
1. ~ re~e~ co~titutes an expansion of a non-co~or~n$ use; the re~e~ed ~e,
though noi~s~Hicall~ ~sted in any zone, is most similar to those ~tted in
either the ~3 or the M-1 Zone.
2. ~ s~ect pro~rty is ~ potion of a l~ger ~1 ~a which has not yet dev~lo~d
and the u~ of t~s prope~y could estab~h ~ p~cedent for f~e developments in
3. ~e ~1 area ~ bonded ~ single felly homes; 4. No one .appeared in opposition.
On =oll call the foregoing resolu~on was ~ssed by the roll,in9 vote:
~SIO~: Allred, ~ois, Gauer, ~rco~, ~uerhan, M~gall and S~ers/
T~ F0~GOIN~ ~0L~0N is sl~ed ~d approved by me ~s 1st day of
Richard'Reese,Secre~ of ~e Ci%y Pl---~g Co~ssion of ~e
Ci~y of ~e~, do hereb~ certi~ ~t ~e foregoi~ ~SOL~0N N0. 34 - S~S
1~0~1, ~ ~ssed ~d adopted by a notion d~y ~de, seconded ~d c~ied at
a Re~ Neet~ of ~e City Pl~ug Co~ssion held on ~e ~t
· ~T ~ August, 1960.
Amounts 7,000.00 Da~ February 27, 't951 at 9:00 A.M. PolicyNo. 173529
1. The title to said land is, at the date hereof, vested in: '~
husband and wife, as Joint tenants ~i~.
2. Description oflan~ fifleto which~ i-_~-edby
That portion of Lot 6 of Anaheim Extension, in the City
of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on
a map of survey made by Wm. Hamel, signed and acknowledged by
Alfred Robinson, Trustee, on December llth, 1868, and on file
in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County,
California, described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Cen~er
Street as shown on said maP with the Westerly line ~r the South-
erly extension thereof Of the trac~ of land conve~d by jame~
B. Mul~ey ~o Cornelia Mulvey, et al. by deed recorded january
6th, 1934 in Book 650, page 2R7 of Official Records, being the
Westerly line or the Southerly extension thereof of the land de-
scribed in Certificate of Title No. 9794 issued by the Registrar
of Titles of Orange County on December 24th, 1943; thence North
15° 24' West along said Westerly line or the extension thereof,
a distance of 407.32 feet to the true point of beginning; thence
South 75° 01~ West.a distance of 107.5 feet; thence South 14
East to the cehter line of said Center Street; thence North 74
3O' East along~ said center line of Center Street 107.5 feet ~o a
point distant 4.86 feet South 74° 30' West along said center line
from the intersection of said center line of Center Street with
the Westerly line or the Southerly extension thereof of said
~ract of land conveyed by the deed above mentioned, being the
Westerly line or the Southerly extension thereof of said land
described in Registrar's Certificate of Title above mentioned;
thence North 14° 4~' West ~07.38 feet to the true ooint of be-
ginning. EXCEPT that portion of said land Within ~he-!ines
of Center Street.
..-'~'~'~LSO ~EXCEPT one-half of all oil, gas, asphaltum and
'other hydrocarbon substances in, under or upon said land.