Ve~Lflod Po~LtLon f~om ~o O~e~(s) of a oertaln ~eel of re~ property si~tod
~ee at~ached shee~.
APPLIC~ First ~aptist Church of ~aheim
Anaheim, Califoxnla
~S, The Cit~ Pl~lag Co~lssion did held a ~blie geari~ at the
Cit~ ~1 ia ~e CitF of ~eim, om July 5, 1960, ~OTl~S of w~eh sala
~blie Be~lmg were dul~ given r.s required b~ law ~d ~he provialoas of the
~ZCXP~ CODE, Section 9~00~ ~d
~. Said Co~ssion. a~ter due inspeotion,' i~estl~tloa ~d studies
· opo~s offered a~ s~d ge~i~, does find ~d dare.ne ~he following facts
Applicant request~ expansion of present ch~ch facilities.
Adequate parkin~ was mot indicated om plans
Plans did not sh~ required front and side yard setbacks as required in R-2
Zone, which would ~ 20 feet and 10 feet, res~ctively.
~OW, 2~0~, BE l~ ~SOL~ 2~AT 2~ Aq~lN CX~Y ~XN~ CO~ISSZO~
~'~G~S $~CI~USE ~IT N0. 78, ~TOT~ FO~.I~ ~ITi~S,
~ov$$~o~ tot gde~gte parkSmg wSth ~ mSnSmum rgtio of omo sp~ce ~r f~ve
or per 40 square feet of floor area in the main sanctuary~ all off-street parking
to be px'ovtded for W$~hin 300 feet of the subject property.
~ront and sic.o setbacks to be tn a.;cordance with R-2 Zone retirements.
Repairin~ of curb on Broadway.
Dedication c,f 30 feet from cent~r~tne of Citron (exi~ting 2~.75).
Remo'z~l aha reconstruction of ~rh, ~tte: an~ sidewalk on Citron
Zo all~7.+ .
~ FO~GOINO ~OB~IOA' ~ st~ed ~d ~pproved b~ me this 5~h day of
~uly~ 1960.
~o~c~o~n~ con~on~ ~-~ .C.)un~ ~o b~ a no~sa~y p~e~e~e ~o ~he u~e cf ~he
ST~ 0F ~Z~XA )
OZ ~ )
X. Richard Reese, Seoreta~ o~ the ~Aty Pla~i~ Co~ssion of ~o
of ~eim, do hereb7 eer~i~ t~t ~e foregoing ~O~UTIO~ ~0. 7 -
1~0~I, was ~ssed ~d adopted b~ a me,ion duA~ ~de. seconded ~d e~ied at
~e~l~ Meeting of the Cl~y Plying Co~s~ion he~d on ~e 5th
of Jcly, i960.
1960. ZN WZ2~SS ~OF, Z ~ve hereunto sot ~ ~d this 5zh ~a~ of Jul~
.._ i ~ I . ~ ram 1ic. ,a.56, ---.~_..._.....,.. - W.,_. K,n_..._..,....,..s...~.~..,..~...._.___ __--._
t' ~.. . Am~ Ican Y'1 Ai~~ci~tlon
•.. ~ lo~n~'olicY-Aaditton~l Cov~r~Q•
-` ~ ~, ~~r9
• Continued
3. The land re[erred to in this rolicy is situated in the State of Californin, County of Orange, and is
described as follows:
A7.1 tbat c~rtml.n .lead aitva~md in the Cits oi Aaatsmim deecribed aie ibllcw:
Parasl l. '1`hst ~~ian of Vineyard Lot ~6, ae s}soe~a oa m s~, record.ed in Dook
4~, P~a 629, ~ai 6'_10 of DeeCa, recorda of i,os Aegele^ Caruianty, Ca7.iiorais.
~ laginatag st 4,ha l~ort`~ee~aterly eo2aer oP Citroa Btrnet and Eroaev~r, ~sid lli~r4h-
~ eaaterl~- oors~tr b~aing kl.?'S ftaet BorCh 15• 30' t~leat Prom tba xout~w~eet cornar oi
4 vinnyarl Int ~6, the9:.a ibrthePly on the Saat liae of Citroa StTeet 1~0 f~et to
~• ~ an nllm~r; 'tl~acs 8nstar],y, gmrpllel rrith DrooQxq~, yp teet; t~aemce 6out~heer~y
+`.: pexal7.~l Cita~m Btreet, 130 i~et to the mos~r]~r li~ oP Bro~3xay; tbeaQe
~ ~ WOYtAY~}~ AO~~- l~f Ot ~O~Qri~~ 9O 1~Q'~ t0 'C~9@ Z10~kiL Or b0g'S,RL~IIR.
R: ~~0
F~rc~l ~. R7~at portioa of Vimeyarti Lot ~6, ae shova on a n~ rocarSad iss Book
`~ 4, p~em 689, e~ad 630 0! DQede, recorL of Loe Angolea Oountq, CaliPornim, deacxibed
~ ~1D]loew:
;: ~' Be~niitg at a poiut on ~t~o rly lino 02 Nast Brom$xa~y g0 foet Baater~}r
~'3 !M~ tho ~itorsactioa oi che ly li~ ai weet Broadaay RaO, tbe gaater],y
,~j J.1am cS Baut~ Citram 8treet; ]~ortherly pare~l.le:. to anid T~st~rly lint ot
~. 8ou'~Ch Ci~tr~n Btzret, 130 ibet to tLm 9outher],~r ].ine oi' a 2J-4t~t alloy; tt-cace
i K;f :"
' ~aob~t]y al,ong eaid 8butt~erl,Y line, 55 i+oe~; t2yenca Bo~Ct~ssl,r ~11e1 to t~o
:~:.; ~,t,
'` ~' ' Baet~x'7,7 1~ of Aout7n Citron 6ts+~ot, 130 itret to t~a px~eoeat ~ortherly line of
` i' ~~~
~s t~ tilaateal,y a1onE ~w1d ~r3,p lizae 55 teet to the poir.~ oi
•. r
: ~;.~,~'.:
• ~~8
;, Parool 3. ~et rtioa or v
go in~yar8 lint 506, ea n~airn on s ssy raoozdad in Book
` i~ ~, prea+s 629, and 630 oi ~ada, rccoads ai Loe A~sg+elaa oauunt~, Calltbrnia~, d,eecribed
f ~.I t-a i'~llcni6:
~BiaB nt s 1x~inti o1n t1~a Bnst 13ao af GitrGa Btre't, u+r eaift ctraa~ ie a~nva
oa s~ or t1o~a Lea~aaDsrges ~08 ncor~oM sn Hook l, pag.s 550 .~a 551 ~,
raaoida o! Iae At~olao aoimt,,y, Calitt~rni,o, 41.75 tis~et llorLh oi t~rs 8outhv~e a,ra~er
o! w-id Yinryord Lot H6, eei~i po{at boing alao t~s intwr~etioa of tt~e Ede~ liaat
of C3ltros~ BtiwL eaa ffie ~ort$ liao of He~~t DroaQreyr, ar aetabllehad by Dse3 to
City of Aaad~.~ias raoordod ia ]bok 166, pagw 246 of D~ads; thenos East on t~ Horth
li~ oi oaid 6-o.t Bs~~, z45 ieet to t3~a trua goint or beginaing or 4Le pa~aperty
haraim Geoo~ibedi tbsmca ]Oarth pasa~Liol vith t,~i~ $ast l.i~a of ~e-id Citron 8tt~et,
13U l~~; t~ce Hsat ~aro11a,1 srit~ t~ Sorth iine oi oaid iimat D~roadva~Y, 55 f~set
thtsao Sout~ ~a.~mLl,sl vrith t~e ~st lime of oniQ Cit,raa 8'breot, 130 f~eet bo ~he
~'t~ata ].sae ar 6rost D~+Oadvey; th~acm we~t on t1~e sasa aos~Eh isne 55 re@t to tho
tiw goint of bmgiar-,i~g.
..._::__'I~ ~'arc~t b. 9l~-~ portioa of V9.rs~yas~ I~t ~6, aa el~oxa oa a rap reccidnd in Book ~,
~ Pe~o S$9 +~l 690 02 Dasdi, rsoorde af IoB Aagr_lee O~unty, Calilbrnio, deacribad
Page 3
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,a ' •"' ~ _~ ~ 321279
as tol].ove: ~
9oglnniug at a point on t~e South line,of said I~ot Is'~, 200 Yeet Beat tYom the
3outhweat coraer oP scid Lot H6, thcrnce hrom eai.d psiat of L~eginning continuing
al.ong the 8out2~erly liae of eaid Lot E6, a dietenae of 55 feet; thence Aortherly,
parellel vith ~he Wester~y lina of eaid Lot D6 ta nn intersection with the
South~rly liae of n certain alley aa cottveyed t7y ~snk l3aum aad xifle, to the
city or anan~im by aeea reco~ -a~ 23, 1924 in ~oox 52k, ~e 297 or reeae;
tbence WeBterly, along xh~e Sou~'aarly lir~e of eai.d etrip oi land eo coaveyed to
the City of Anabeia, a dietsace of 55•k2 feet, mora or ie~s, to a point in m liae
drevn pnrallel to aad dietaat 200 f~eet Easterly i'~nm tLe iiester]r line of seid
Lot n6, tl~ncc~ souther~p on s liiu parau.el co thee Neaterl~r line or 8a.ta rut P6,
ead, c00 teet diste~nt thereil~om to the point ai boginni,ng.
Rxceptisg~t portion thereof xithin the linas of Hros3Wqq.
_ :~