PC 1960-1961-168~-- . .. , . .. .:,, ~.~;q i. . ~TSt~ ! ~,, r`~;r .e . ~ -ti_, . . . . ; ' ~ ~ n•~~~~~~ , •~cSOLl1TI0N N0. 1~^S _ sExiES : 296r ~t1 ~ S r,~~` ~ y - . G~ ;',r~i _ . . . _ ',~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING C02dMISSEON OR THE CdTY OF ANAHEIM . , f~tAI~T~I~f'. VARIANc.''~ D10. 139i ' WHfiREAS, The Citp Planning Commission oS the City oY Anaheim has received. a VeriPied Petit3on from the Owner(s) of a eertain paroel ot real property situated ~ in the C3tq of Anahelm, County of praage~ State oP CaliPornia. described as follows: A,11 tAa4 e~rtain lauad. ~3teeaRed ia the Stats ~f Califosnia, Conntp og (?range, City of A~aatieins. d~~sibe9 ae follo~rs: ~'he danth 5 ec:res of t~s¢ nosth 20 acrea of the we~t 20 acsec of the morth ane== , of the mortbaeet $nartax of 3ect3on S8. in aopnship q;Sout&. Rau~c 10 YJest, Sna $t~ra~zdi~o Bpse aad ~Sesid3.nn. ~9NAR: 1Roma~a CatAolie ,lrchi~faiu~p o~ Ioa dngeles n/o Or~n-gc ~oaaty La-ad lfeve3Ap~at Ccmprsny 23Q18 I3~at1ld Ameaxne Garden tiso~e. Calffornie A~AEtT: 1dcD~nie1 &ngimering Compmny : 222 ~t ~enLer Str~et . ~:;~ Anehe3m~ ~alifornia WAEREAS, The City Planning Coffinission did hold a Publia Heariag at the City Hall ia Lha City oY Anaheim, ott NOTICES oP whiah said Publia Hearing wesa duly given as requ~p~q11Xy1~ gg~~the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE. Seation 9200; and -1- ' , -. ,.. , k ;° i j j'3 .~. 4 Y ~ ~ ~ ; ~ .,..,~--------'-^-_- . . . . . . . . .. ~ .:: .'. 4~.. i~JHEREAS= Said ~~'•awission. after due iuspection,~'~veBLigatlou and studies msde by itself 8nd in i'. .± behalf aIId BYte: due consSdarai ~ ot`riell evidenCe. 8ad'~~ reports o%fered at said Hearing, does find and detet~m3ne'rthe Yo11~Wing factsr i. Setllt3aaer re~qae~ts a varinnce f:o~ coa,Q. se~t~: xs.~a.asota~, o~tich seqnires thpt B~~e 7~aStiDi~ Psimi3q Re~f6~utiul. zaua eor~!er 2ote bsee ~~iaiuwa~ mid4h oF ~0 feet,. `, ia oader to pex~s#t develapm~nt of ac R-3, Idn~tip3m P~ly Rm~i6entia], tract coutafn3.n~ tao ec:rnar loSS haoing s minireua- aidtg of 7S feet. 2. r/.^.b,ta~R p~fi~t~oa fbr 7aRiaace i~ fiZcB cwacurseatly ~e:tth AeCl~asaiff~tion No. b0-81-34 aa~ ~~tat;r~ ~u- m€ ~rA~,~ ~ao. ~aaao. ~ 3. Petit~oars otQtea tlq~f~ :apb,ject oariaaco is meaeesary iu oxder 4o perpit tDn dev~lq~ierc4 of sub,I~ct pro~:tp i~to i6 =snltiprie iam~.2p s~eid~atiai lors. ~. Y'he pacposed cozaer lots are fa eae~ess of tY~ saiaimw R-3 cosaer lmt ~ces Ccda r~c~~iss- rt+aen of s,E~OO e~gbar~e feet r+u~d wDula co~ipaemrar t1s~ aevml~pnaent. ~~. Bio oae ayyeared fn upyoaition to anD,fcct Petitica fos 'Ve~risuca. A~elit4oa of op~r,~i- •.:.::tioa ~aa aa~b~.i#ted ia rtepact 4o PQtitfoa for Rc~lassiEicst3on Na. b~-81-54 and ~a~,~eet ~`~~tition tor '9arisace. ~iopever, oub~ect y~t3tioa of ~poai;fon tisa aot pexttnca! ta sub.tcct pctition For eariance, , NOW, THEREFORy, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIhI CITY PLANNING C039~[ISSI~N HEREBY(~RAHTS ~'ARIADlCB ~0. 1334, F~ T8E VfATVBtt OF MI14IMiiD~ GCttti$R LtYP ~OED1H REQDIltEbtB4iT OF $0 PES~ IDt 8•3 2UHR TE7 ~~1tMIT (bRN~c; LOT WYIYFH OP TS NEET f?~ 1N0 L~'1'3~e. ~~.1ect to ~~e foflo~eriag coad~tian0 1. gubjasct to approval of TarYttrtive dtas,i of Tracfi No. 4U8~. dstad ,~aauary. ~461 and ze- ctived bp 4hc Blanning i?epastmen4 aanuary 2~. 19Q2, and th~.appzoval af PeC3tS~mt Eor T~ Realasaai8~.~~~ioa Na. b0-61.•Sd. ,. 19~e Evsegoia~ coaditiom xas 8oand Eo ba a aaeesaaz~q prerequimite to t!-e use of tbe prespertq •• 3xc a~rder 3o prss~rvc the aafety aad veifaze of !be C3s3zea0 af A~ss2ce3m. . ~an zoxi caii tha for~agoix~ :eaoautiva er~a ps~asea ~y t~e fauae-tx~ va~e: A1tB~: C~8i3ffi3r03iER3s l1lYrkd, G~aner. N,aPBood. idatcoctx, Alorsis. 5lnagall ar.d 3ue~,ere. ROBSs CE~AWI86IOtdF~Ss Dioaa. ABS +LNT: C~FIS~If~QBFtSe ltone. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by ma this btL day of Fgbru~ry.l9bL CHAIRMAN ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COMNISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMtdISSION STATE OF CALIFORNYA ). COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Secretary oY the Citp Planning Commission of the City of Anahelm,~8bA1h$M'egy aertify tha~, the Yaregoing RESOLUTION N0. ~[s~ - SERIES 19 -, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and aS~Pied ~t a btf 61 Regular Meeting oY the City Planning Commission held on the day oS 6th Pebsuarq. 1461. IN WITNESS wFIEfftEOF. I havE herounto set my haad this day of Bth Pebruszy, .~961.