PC 1960-1961-203/+ . ,i f` ~, ' ' f~ , • ~ `~ ;,:r;', ;L: 1r r ti ~ ii .-.:.: _:-... , ., . .... , ~.n.,.w«,.~.-..~......~...._ s sr::.,. , . •r~. ;~ ~,. ~ ''~t' ~ ... ~ ... ~ , ~y `,r;if+ ]~$$Qa,UTIpiV N0. 203. SERIES 1960-1961 ,,, - A RBBpLUPI~I OP THH CITY PIAHIdING C~TQSIai OP iFffi CITY OP ANAHHIN - TFYAT pgTIT"IQN ppR ~}'pItIANCB NO 1341 S$ GRANTED. _ ~Ag~ the City Flanming Comaiseion of the Ci4~ o£ Anaheim did recaive s verified petition for Y3riaace froa Richa=d H. and JoAnn B. Welty, 620 Pandora Piace, Anaheim, California, Owners of eertaia reai property situated ia the City of Aneheim~ Couaty af Oran`e, Stste of Califoraia, ta;described in Bxhibit "A" or es foiloxa: Lot No. 76 of Tract No, 2152, ; ~nd ~{g~3AS~ the City Plaaning Commieaion did hold a public heariag st the Cil:y H~11 ia !he City of~Aaoheim~oa MARCH 20, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.N., aotice of aaid public hesring having beeA duly.given ae reQuired by]a~t aad in accordance with tize provi- eionu of.the Aaaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.68. to hear and coasider evicP~nee for snd ig~inat said propoaed wriaace and Lo iaveatigate and aate findin3s and rxcumaendatioae ia connection lhereMith; and 1dt~A8Ag~~sa+d Commieaioa~ sfter due inepection, inveetigalion~ar~d at!udp aad~ by it- ' suif•ond fa ~ta behalf~ and •fter due coaaideration of ail evideaee ~nd reports offered a~ eaid heazing, doee find ~nd determine the followiag f~ctss .l~ w;.; ,we r:±t±o~* sequeets o variaace froa the Moheia !(unicipal Code: Section 18.24.030(3) which requires for sub3ect property a 25 foot rear yard to pernit encroachment of 7.75 feet into required rear yard to permit the construction of a room . addition to an existing single family residence. 2~ That there ~yre_i,_ exceptional or extraordiaary circumetanea~ or coadition~ applicabie to the property involved or to the intended uee of the property lhat do aot applq aeaer~ily to the psoperty ~r ciaea of use ia the eame vieinity ~~d aoae. 3, ThaL the :equeated varisnce ~g_ aeceseary for the preaerw-tioa sad en,~oy~eat af a~ab~4aatial Droperty right poeeeeeed by other property ia the ~ase viciaitq ~nd zoae~ nnd denied to the pzopertq ia que~tion. ~ 4; Th4t the requested variance ~~,11 No_be aateri~lly detr3aeat~l to the publie weifsre or in~urious to 4he property or improvemente in such viciaity ~ad zone in vdiich the property ie loeated. • s, That the requeated variaace Eyill NeT adveraely affect the Ct~eprehenoive Gencral Pion. 6. THAT THE STRUCTURE IS UNDER'CVNSTRUCTION'AT THE PRE5ENT'T'IME'AND THE REQUESTED VARIANCE WILL'PERMIT ITS COMPLETION. 7. THAT AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF REAR YARO AREA W~LL REMAIN AFTER CONSTRUCTION i5 COMPLETED. 8. ND ONE APPEARED IN OPPOSITION TO SUBJECT PETITION. - _ _ . __ ,.4 • ' `:;; . b ;~ : , t, ~~~ N~I, ~iHiEBP~tB~ SB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Plaaniag Gommiss3on hereby grants VARIANCE NJ. 13A1 ~ upon the follopiag coadit3ons which are hereby found to b~ a neceaeary prerequis:ite to t~~e proposed uae of the aub,~ect pro- pertq ia arder *a preserve the safety aad generai welfare of the Citfzena of Aaahei~: 1. DEVELOPMENT SUBSTANTIALLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS PRESENTED. i TY~ p~tBGOING RBSOLUTIOI~I ia si8ned and approved by M THIS 20TH. DAY OF MARCH~ 1961. ~,". ~~'.. f<7~ ~2 C~C _ C IRAtAN ANAI~II~! CITY PIAtiNING CQI~4lIS91 A1188T: ~ . ~y/ ~ . Y ANAFIBIM CY:.'Y EPiG C@9~fISSIQAi , STATB OP CALIPQRNIA ) ~ COUN'fY OP 9RANGB ) ss. CITY OP .ANAHBIM ) I, JEAN PAGE , Secretary of the City Plaaaing Cow~iesion of the City of 14aaheim, du hereby certify that the forega3,ng resoiutioa ~^as paased aad adop4ed at a meetiag of the City PS.aaa~?ng Com~.isaion of the City of Anaheim, heid on MARGH 20, 1961 at 2:00 a'cloct P.M.~ bp the iollowing vote of the aeabera thereof: AYBSC COA~S~~.~ICEYHR.~: ALLRED~ GAUER' MARCOUX~ h~ORR15~ I'1UNGALLy SUMMERS. NOB3: CaP4~lI3SIQNBRS: None. AB.~.$Nr: ~MMI$$I~~9: ~ARG06D. IN 1MIT21B33 i~IffitHOP, S have hereuato set ~ny hand ?HIS 20TH. OAY oF ~~4RCHi 1961. ~ ~ SBCR~3t , A.NAH6IM CITY p +_2iG CQA4dI9SI0A1 (/ VC?rA -2- ,.... __ ........................ ____ __ ____ ..__-____... ..._. ..__ -.,..,.... ..._ . , _. ~ .... . _ . ~ . ~. . . ~ . . ~ ~ _ , a i ` ~i 'i ,i `' 'z ; - i ; ,