PC 1960-1961-206~ . . . ~^'~ ~ ~ . . , ', ~ .4,~;. ~ , . RBSQLUTION N0. 206, SERIES 1960-1961 A RHSOL'U1YON OP TFffi CITY PIAIaIING COl~iIBSI~t OF TH8 CITY OP 6'UiHSt{~ THAT PBTITION POR ~'ALIAPiCH N0. 1344 BS DHNIHD. ' M?.?~tHA3, #he City Planning Commiasioa of the City of Anaheim did rrceive a verified peti$ t,oi Veriamce froa Bve D. Diggins~ 1307 Columbine Place, Anaheim, Caiifornia, Owner of.cer~aia sewl,~ptoperty bituated in 4he City o~ Aaeheim, Couaty of Orange, Stnte of Califor~ia~ as described ia Hxhibit "A" or as follows; Lot No. 78 of Tract No. 2197 ; ~nd WE~RBAS, the ~City P~nning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at Lhe City Ha11 in ttie C~ty of Anqtie~m~ c~n March 20, 1961 at 2;00 0' cloek P,M.,~ notice of said ptlblic he~'ring havipg been duly gfvea as required by]aw 4nd ia accordance with the psovi- sioae'of t ~e~ Anaheim Muaicip~i Code~ Chapter 18.68. to hear atid coneider evideace for aad agaiabt said propos~d vsriance and tc inveatigate and a~ke fiadiaga aad recommeadations in counect3on therewith; aad. • W~it&19~ eaid'Commisaion~ after due inepectioa~ investigatioa,and etudq made by it- aetf.and ia ita beNaif, and a:4er due conaideratioa of a11 evideace snd.repor4e offered ae enid hearinq~ doea fiad snd determiae 4he foilowing factat •1. .That the petitioner requesta a variance from the rinmheim kuaicipal Code: 8ee4ion 18.24.010 which stipulates per~itted uses ~ property classified in the R-1, 0;-e Family Residential, zone to permi~ the use of one room of an existing single family residence for the operation of a Ueauty shop. 2: TtiaL there ~~ ~~o ' exceptionai or extraordinsry circnmetancea or coaditlaaa appi~ceble' to the pxoperty involved or to the iateaded'use of the propertq that do aot Apply geaereily to the propertq or claea of uee in ihe earae vicieaity an~ aoae. 3~ Ti~s4 the requeatied variaaee r+oT neceeeary for the preeervatioa ~ad en,~oy~eat of a e~betmssbial. property right pasaeaaaG bq other property in the asae vioinity and zone~ and denied to the propertq ia queation. , • 4. 3'hd4 the sequeeted varinac~ niil be materiaify detria-eatai #o tha pubiic weifsre or ia,{urtoua to the property ar improvemettto ia euch vicinilq aad soae in which tlie proyerty ie located, ~ S, That the requested variance wiil advereely affec4 the Compreheasive Generel PLan. 6. VERB'A'L OPPOS1Ti0N~ IN ADDITION TO TWO LETTERS OF PROTeST AND A PETITION OF OPPO- SfTI'ON CnNT'ATNIWG' S3 5'1'OW74TURES~ WERE RECORDED A~AINST THE SUBJECT PETITION FOR VARIA~CE. V-1 _1. ~';i , ' 3 .~s u ,~ `j~ ,.~~} .y ra. 'ti. _ ~a . ~, _. __ __. , .. _._.. _. _ _.. . . .. , .... ~~„ }.. - - . .._ . .. .. _ _ . :~, ; . ;. , .._ .._,.__.; _ ... _. _ . . . -,.---. _ . . , i _ _ ~~~ _ .. . ~------ .. . . _ . .. . ~ . '^~ '.r f ~4 ' _ - _ _' t";vy,k. ~:~ ~ ~ ~: I ~ ` 7~ . . ~~~~ F E ' ~ ~ (~ ~ 'S'.,, . . t I ~ " .'..l ~ ~•t. w~~ -n: ~. ' ii NOW, T~RBPQRB, BE YT RHSOLVHD that the pttaLeim City PlaYming Gommisaion hereby deniea VARIANCE No. 13440 ~ USB ONS ROOM OP R-1, ONH PAMILY RHSIDBNCE PCR THH OPffi2A- TION OP A BHElUTy SHOP. Tf3 P~wG03NG RHSOLUTION is aigned and approved bq me this 20th day of March, 1961. ATTS9T: SBCRB~(R~ ANAHBIM CIT3f P~NG COI~AtISSION STA~ OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP O1tANGB ) s8. CIT7t OP ANAHBIM ) ~ c~~ CHp RMAN-~%INAHSIM Y 'Y ~ING COhAQE' - ~ ~;,i ~ I, JBAN PAGS , Secretary of the Citq Plaffiing Coem~iasion Qf the City of ?:I Anaheia, do hereb/ certify that the foregoing resoiution waa paesed and adopted at a ,;;.I meeting of the City YSanning Coamisaion of the City of Ana~eim~ held on March 20, 1961 ~i at 2e00 o'Cloct P.M., bq the foilowing vote of the membera thereof: - : ~';~ .~;+ AY$$; C~Q(I$SIONPAgt ALLRED~ GAUERo MARCOUX~ MORRIS~ SUMMERS. 'S.1 ' ;}; NQBS: COhQ~4I$8IOAIBRSC MUNGALL. i. 'cr ~ AH$BNT; C4A9~IISSIOAIBR$: HAPGOOD. j~ ..~. ',~ J-.,.--~~ IN WITNBS3 WHBREOP, I have hereun*.o aet mq hand this 20th day of March, 1961. f 3 liC.~:''~ P/ . SE APtNiFlIM CI'TY pIJ~At COAMI3~YQT? ;': `'~,` VC2-D _Z_ ~ ~ ,. ..~ ._ __ ....._ <_.:~ ._. ~ ~~ _ . ~. . .~~.:. _,...~:~, _.. . . . .- . ;:: ; ~ , ; . :..,. . ,:_...._ _' _ _. . ..-... _. _.~ ..:. ..., ....~.... - r--,_.