PC 1960-1961-207,'~,. RBSOLUTION N0. 207. ,°,ERIES 1960-1961 A R$SOI,~IpV OP 1!~ CITY PIANN2NG C01~9~lISSI~i OF Tf~ CITY OP AHAHBSM __ 1'HAT PBTITION PQR VARIANCE a`:G. 1345 BE GRANTED I~ffitBA3~ the City Planaing Commiasion of the Cit~ of Anaheim did receivc a verified pelition for Vmmriaace fron James B, and Helen C. Starr, 1462 Kenwood Avenue, Anaheim, California, Oamers . • • ••of cerLaia reai property situated in the City of Anaheim. Countq of Orange~ StRte of Califorais~ ae deacribed ia 8xhibit "A" or ae follows: Lot No. 76 of Tract No. 2021 ; and e`~; c; i ;ri :( i ?., i. V' ' i!'• ~~'t ~ . ~ i.. ~ Wf~RBAB, the City Plannia~ Commissioa did hold a public hearing at the City Hall ia the"City of Anaheim~oa March 20, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M.~ notice of aaid public hearing having beea duly.given ae required by]aw aad ~a accordance with the provi- sioae of the AnQ,heim Muaicipal Code~ Chapter 18.68~ to hear and conaider evidence For aad agaiaet.said propoeed vnriaace aad to inveatigate .and make findi~go and recommendatione in~eonnection thereNitb; and NF~RBA3, anic~ Commieaion~ after due iaspec~ioa~ invEatigation~sad atudq made by it- aeif.sad ir~ ita behaif~ and efter due coneideration of ~-li evideace aad reposta offered as eafd hesriag~ doea find nnd determine the foilowiag fneta: • 1• .'~'!_+a_t +fi~' nu+aMap~.~ '~n...^+a G variaace fTOm t~Lw lnafi~l~ W~~1~1±~.,1 PnAw~ +_'~'~ ~~~..'.. Section 18.84,O10 to permit construction oF a swimming pool and a G foot fence in the required front yard of subject property. . ~. That there g~e ' exceptids~sai er e:rtraordiasry circum~tanee~ or eoaditioao applicabie to,the proper~y invoived or to the inteadeQ~ uoe of the propesty'thst do aot ~ppiy geaeraliy:to the propertq or ciams of uae in the ease viciaity a~9 soaa. 3. That the sequeeted variance ~,rL_ necee.sry fax the pseeervatioa sad ea,~oy~6nt of a enb~tas-tisl property right poaeeae~d by other propertr 'in the oame viciaitg~ ~nd zoae, mnd d.~nied to the propestq in que~tion. , 4. 1"h&t.the requeeted vsrisnce w:lii Nor be aaterieily detrisentsl to tae pubiia vrolfare or ia,{uri'oum to.the property or improvemente ia euch viciaify and sone ia which ~he property is located. S. Thst the requeeted variance w,~ NOT Qdversely affect the Conpreheneive Glenersl Plan. 6. THAT' THE SUBJECT PROPER7Y IS AW IRREGU~ARLY SHAPED PARCEL. THEREFORE~ IN ORDER TO.CONSTftUCT'q SWIMMIN~ POOL IT IS NECESSARY TO UTILIZE THE FRONT YARD AREA. 7. No one appeared in opposition te subject Petition for Variance, ~~ ~-1 ~i_ `... ~: ~ ~ ~~ ,r l , :~~Y; ~~ ~,~ . \` `~~, ~T ' t~~. ~ j ~ NO1~I, 17iBRHPORE, 'H8 IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Plenniag Commiasion hereby grants VARIANCE N0. 1345 ~ upon the follo~ring condi4ioab which are herebq found •to be a nr,cessary prerequisite to the propoaed use ef the aub3ect pro- perty ia ord,er to preaerve the safety sad generai Kelfare of the Citizens off Anaheim; ~ 1. DEVELOPMENT SUBSTANTIALLY lN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS PRESENTED, 2.. PROVISION OF A S.IX (6~ FOOT REDWOOD FENCE TO WiTH1.N TWO (2~ Ff•_ET OF THE FP.QNY . ' PROPERTY I.INE. ~, 3. PROVISION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TWO (2~ F007 LANDSCAPED 'aTRIP ABUTTING FRONT ~ ~ PROPERTY IINE. ~ . Tf~ PdtHGOiNG RBSOLUTIO~I ia aigned and approved by m2 THIS 2orH. DAY oF MARCH~ 1961. ATi89T: ~ ~'jC~C IM CITY PIANNING C SSI~1 BTATS F CALIPOR?IIh ) COUNTY OP W2ANGB ) sa. CITY OP ANANBIM ) CHAI1tIMN APiA}IDIM CITIC PI11tdNING COMM153I i I+ JEA~~ PAGE . Secretary of the City Piaaaing Co~3.sslon of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoing resolutioa ~aas paesed aad adopted at a aeetiag of the City Piaaaing Co~isaion of ttse City of Anaheim, held on March 20, 1961 at 2;00 o'clock P.M.~ by the followiug wte of the aeubera thereof: AY88: C(Y~lI$~I(Fiffit3: ALLRED~ GAUER~ MARCOUY.~ MORRIS~ MUNQALL~ SUMMERS. IdOBS: COMMI$SIQNBR$: NONE. A~$~~C ~1dMI.g$I~~g: µAPG00D. IN WI1NB33 kRiHRBOP, I harr hereunto aet ~y haad this 20th day of March, 1961. ~ SBCRH IH CIZY YI.ANPII COl~9dI35I~J VC?rA -y.. 1 i _ _ ____--- ....._.. __ . ~~,~ . _