PC 1960-1961-208___._____-_~.._._ ---~~---_ ---------- __ _----- r rr:~ ~: ' • ~ " ~\' ' w ~1 . ~ yJ ~. ~ ~i ~ [~ 3 ~• J ~, RBSC~,UTIOPI N0. 208 , SER I ES 1960-1961 A RH90LUTION'OP 1HB CI9'Y PIANNING C4lRdI8SI~i OP THS CITY OP ANAHBIk THpT pg1'ITTpN pOR`VqRIANCH N0.~1346 BE DENIfD ~H~tHA3, the City Planain~ Commisaioa of t}~e City of Anaheim did receit-~ a ver~.fied Petition fox Variaace ~Croa Sunkist Homes, 2283 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owner of certain real,property ai4uated ia the City of Aaaheia, County of Orange~ State o€ C~liforaie, as deacribed in Hxhibit "A" or sa follo~ra; ~ Exhibit "A" on.file in office of the Plaaning Department. ; snd f~. • '- j ' ~ ;.{ i•. 5 {- ~''', ;;•• : t`Ii ';~ I , f .~ ;~ , ;.~ el !:;1 . r9 '.,J: ; ~~.... :... i' :p'! WF~EtBR.B, the City Pi~aaing Cammission did h91d a public hearisg at the City Hs11 ~n the City of Ansheim'oa March 20, 1961 at ~:00 o°cl:,ck P.M.; aotice of said public hesring having benn duly given ae required by]aw and ia accas~iance ~vith the prov~- aiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Clinpter 18.68. 4o hesr and con~ider evidence for and againet said propoaed vsriaace and to inveet4gate end na~e fiadiaga anQ recommead+xiobs in conaection 4herenith; and ' ViHI3R8A9~ eaid Commieaion~ sfter due inepectioa~ inveetigotion~and etudq m~dc by it-' eelf.and in i4a behal~, s«G ~C4a~ Gue coneideration of •11 evideace snd reporta offexed es eaid hearing~ doea find and de#ermiae the _°a::c;:+ng fsat~:. ~ ~1. That the' petitioaer requeete a vnrianee from tho An4heim Municipei Code: OoeLion 17.08.100(c) which requires that reversed corner lots have a minimum width of 78.5 feet to permit tlie layout of reverse corner Lot Nos.38 and 43 of Tentative Map of Tract No. 3390.having minimum widths of 76.64 feet; and Section 18.24.030 (1-a, 2, and 3) tivhich s~tipuiate the required front,,rear, and side yards for single family lots to permit the development.of the 120 lots having front, rear, and sidc yards as shown on the plot plan submitted by the petitioner. 8. Thafi there'uxe No exeeptionai or extraordinarq cireumptaaceo or coaditiotu , applicabie' to the property involved or to the intend:3 uee of tha propert~l 4hs! do aot apply gener~llq to the propezty or clasa of u~e in the ~mae vicini4q pnd aoae. . 3. 'ahxt t~e requeelk'ed vsriaaee NoT aece~sary €or the preomrwtioa 4ad ~a,~oysent og e ~ub~tasttial propestq right poeeeemed by oth~r property in the ~sae vicinity ~nd zose, aad denied to'the propertq ia questioa. , ~ 4. That.the requeoted varieace wiii ba ^~terisliy detri~n4a1 to the pubiic weifsre ar id~uri'ou~ to the property or improecmeate ia~euch vielaity ~nd sona in r~hich the propestY ie located. ~ 3. That the requested variance wl.11 adveraeiy affect the Compre~eneive C4eneral Plan. . 6. THAT~THE,REAR;YARD SE78ACK5 DO NOT PROVIDE SUFFICFENT AMOUNT Or•REAR YARO AREA. " 7.' "7'HAT THE'S"fDE' Y~R~'SfTBACKb ON THE CORNER LOTS 8re'I•NAD'EQUATE.: "- ' 8. THAT THE FRQPOSEp PLAN N0. 6026 DOES NOT PROVIDE SUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF LIVING ARE'A'TO WARRANT•D"fHREE~CAR~fiARAGES. •9. `T'HAT "fHE PROPO5ED FRONT VARD SETBACK FOR lOTS FRONtINQ ON R10 VISTA STREET DOES NnT'PROV1'DE'~OR A 25 F00T FRONT YARD SETBACK. 10. VERBAL. OPPOSITION WAS RECORDED AGAINST THE PETITION FOR VARIANCE. V-1 „ ~1- F ---_ . . -._i___ -1. ~. _. ~ _. ' ;1' ~~. ,C • . ~ ~ I: /1 l i r, r i ? ~ ~, . rz' :r' ~ ~:: 'f ;" M~ ~~ ~ %` ~ `1. ! N~' T~~P~~ ~B IT RBS~LYHD that the Aaaheim City Pianniag Commiasion hereby deniea VARIANCE N0. 1346, POIt THE WAIVHR OP PRONT, RBpg qNp SIDB YARD Sgrgq~ ggQUigg_ MHNTS ON PROPOSBD SUBDIVISION LOTS. T~ PORSGUING RBSOLUTI027 is signed and approved by me this 20th day of March, 1961. A1T88T: ~ v // w _';: ~ ANAFiBIM C TY P INQ IdMI89T~i STA OP CALYPOdtNIA ) COUNT7f OP OItANGg ) sa. CITY OP ANAl~IM ) I~ JHAN PAGB , 3ecretary of the City pla~i~ ~~,8aion of the City of Anahei~~ do hereby certiLfy that the foregoiag resolution was paeaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planniag Commiasioa of the City of Mahein~ held oa March 20, 1961 a4 2:00 o'Clock P.M.~ bq the foliowing vote of fihe membera thereof: A~~ C~O~IISSIONBRS: ALLRED~ GAUERe MARCOUX~ MORRIS~ MUNGALLo SUMMERS. , N088: CQI~Q~II38IOdiffit8S NONE. A~'1~T~ C'Q~SI$$IONBRS~ HAPGOOD. I~ NI~B33 1VHHRHOP, I ha~~e hereunto aet mq haad this 20th day of March, 1961. 1~ j -'~%W!/C/ (/ ~~:n '~ S f.NAtiBIM CI7CY FIJINN CQAAlISSION ,~~I . jt+ ~.~.~D . I'' -2- '';~ ~,d___,__._. _ _......, . _ _.... .._.~ ... _ _, . . .._. . , _ ._._... _..,_ . . _ ,:.. . ....4~1 `. I '',°