PC 1960-1961-213,..... ,,~~~ ; ~ RBSOLUTI(:N N0. 213, SERIES 1960-61 A RB$OLUTIOAI OP THB CITY PIANNII~ Cq~tI3SI~1 OP 1~ Ci?~y pg pNpHBIIt RHC~IDING TO 1~ CITY COUNCIL OP THB CTTY OP ANAkBIM y'H1-T PBTIITON PQR RECIASSIPICATIO~N NO 60-51-77 BB DfltiIED 1~tEA3~ the C~.4y Pianniag Commiasion of the City of Anaheit dfd receive a~erified Petition For Reclr,esificaLioa from Emil VanCasteren, 2508 K'est Ba11 Ruad, Anaheim, California, Owner and Clurence L. Hall, 9273 Hrookhurst Street, Anaheim, California, Agent. Lots 13, 14, and 15 and the North 1 acre of Lot 16 of the P. A. Stanton Tract, in the City of Anaheim, as shown on•a map thereoi' recorded in book 5, pages 23 and 24, Miscell- 2neous Maps, records of said Orange County; ~CGHPTING THHRBFROM the south 10 acres thereof. ; aad WHIDtBAB, the City Planning ;,oruaission did Lold a public heariag st the C3ty Hall in the City of Anaheim on March 20, 1961 at 2;p0 o•cloct P.K„ notice of asid public heariag raving been duly givea as reyaired bq7At~ aad ia accordance xith the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.72, to hear aad c.onsider evidence for aad agaiast aaid proposed reclassification and to invest°_;;ate and ~eate findinga tad recomnen- datioas in connectioa therewifi~; ~nd • Y.'~ffiRFA3, said Commission, after due inspection~investigation, a-u! atudq made by 3t- e self and in its be$al£, and after due consideration of all evideace aad reporta o£fered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: ~ 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassificatioa ~f the above described perty from tIle R-A, Residential'~griculiural, zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercia~P~ zone to permit the development of a small shopping center. 2. That the propoaed reciassificatioa of aub3ect propertq ia n° necesaarp or dpairable for 4he ordexly and proper development of the community. 3. That the praposed Eeclaesificatioa of aub,~ect property does not pro rl relate to 4he aonea 'and their permitted usea localip eatabliahed in ciose pro:iai.t~ to aub,~ect property aad to the aoaes and their permitted uaes generaily eatabiiehed through- out the comnunit~, 4. That the propoaed reclasaificatioa of aub,~ect pLOpertq doea require dedicatioc~ for and staadard improveaent of abutting atreeta hecauae said proper4p doea relate to and abut upoa atreeta ar-d higbpray8 Nh3,ch are orooosed to carr~ th~e type and quaatity of traffic, which wili be generated by the per~itted, uaea~ in ~accurd- ance with the circulation ~lemeat of the Geaerai plan. 5. That the proposed reclassification of a 5 acre parcel adjacent to the establish- ed C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, development to the west appears to be a speculative venture, and therefore does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Commission, 6. That a sufficient amount of C-1, Neighborhood Commerciai, z~ning haa been pro- jected for the subject area, some of which is undeveloped at the present time. 7. No,one ,a~peared in opposit9.on tn the subject petition. R-1 _1_ i R ~ ~~~~~';~~t -.::; , > , NUW, THBRBPpRB, BB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning ~'ommiasion hPreby recommenda to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petitioa for Rec~msaification Ho. 60-61-77 be denied and, by so doiag~ that Title 18-Zoai ng of the Anaheim Municipal Code not be amended to exclude the above described property :rom the R-A, Residential Agricultural zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone, THB F~RHGOING RHSpY~JTION is ~igned and approved by me this 20th day o;'idarch, 1961. /~,~.C~-ui4~-.~ ~ ~~. G.P CHAI1t1~41N ANAF~IM CIT7C PTAFINING C SIOtd i i:: i ; , ~. ATTBST: _..._.,.. Y t _ ~ Y ANAHHIM CITY ING COM1dI$3ION TS OP CALIPQRNIA ) COiJNTY OP O~tANGB ) ss. CITY OP AIdAHBIM ) I, J~N PAGE , 8ecretary of the City Planniag Commisaion of thr, City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that thc foregoiag resolution was passed aad adop~ed at a meetiag of the City Plae~-ing Coumiasioa of the City of Attaheia~ heid on March .~, 1961 mt 2:00 o'ciock P.M.~ bq the following vote of the me~bera thereo£: AYB3; CONMI59IONBR9: Allred, Geuer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers, , NOB3: COMMI33I(3Nffit8: None. AB3~iT: CmNMI8SI0~IBRS: Hapgood. ~' IN WITNBSS WHBRHOP, I have hereun4o aet mq hand this 20th day of March, l961. ' 9B Y IM ' 2'Y Y' ING COki~'iI~ION i R2-D _y_ ; ,- ~ ,.. . _..._.. _ . .... ,._.,. . ~.; ~ ~~ . , : ~ , , a ~ .:.,,: ::. .__..._..._ ..`. , .. _ , . .... . . -~----,. - - 1~.. ~ ~"~