PC 1960-1961-215. , . .: . . ~ ~~:. ` ~. . . .:. a _ ~ ' ....: :;, :' ;.. ~.~.2 ., ~~ :.'' _ -_ -_ ~ ~-. . _.,. ...~ .. .. ..... - ~. ... . . .. ~~ ~,.~ '-~ ~... L......._..l ,. . , ' -. -. _-_ ~:.:= - _ ~.-._. . .._ .._ _ . , . .... .. , ... ~ _ .. .., . ~ .. ~ .,._....~... _ ~~T~!' RESOLUTION N0. 215, SIlRIE~ 1960-61 A RESOLUTION OP THH CITY PIAIVNII~G COMMTS3ION OP THB CITY OP ANAHBIM RHCOMMENDING TO THB CITY COUNCIL TIiB AMHNDMHNT OP TITLB HIQiTSBN, CHAPTBR 18.20, ZONING CODH ='R-0" ONE PAMILY SUBURBAN 20NB, BY ADDING SECTIQY 18.20.030 (d-5) "GARAGHS," TO THB ANAHBIM MUNI- CIPAL CODE. ~. . WHHRBAS, said•AmeYidmer.t adds in said Chapter provieion Eor the off=street } parking requirement for said specific zone; AND, I WH~:~iBAS, the City Planning Commission deems it necessary that the Zor_ing `.~ Code be amended to prc+vide for the proper off-street parking requirement for above ~; specified zone; AND, '~ WHHREAS, the City Pianning Commission did initiate and conduct a public hearing on the 20th. day of March, 1961, and did adopt said Amendment at a Regu7.ar Meeting on March 20, 1961; `_::; N(xV, THERBPORB, BB IT RE90LV8D THAT THH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION DOSS RECOhA9BA'D TO THB ~:;' CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP ANAHRIM THE ADOPTION OP 1HH AMHPIDMHNT TO TITLS BIQiT3HN, `~:' Ci-IAPTBR 18.20 ZONING CODB -"R-0" ONH PAMILY SUBURHAN ZONH, OP THE ANAHHf.-.1 MUNICIPAL CODH AS POLLCIW5: ~;~'; Section 18.20.030 (d-5) - GARAG89. Por aSl R-0 uses the minimum off-street parking iequirement shali be , two spaces per dwelling uni~ in a garage. THE PORBGOING RB30LUTION is signed and approved by me this 20th. day of March, 196i. Q u. ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHHIld CITY PIANNING COMMI ATTHST: ,.. Gvs~/ Ct~ 3HCft~ ANAHBIM CITY PIAN G CObAlISSION STA OP CALIaQ.RNZn ) COIINTY ON ORANGE ) ss C?TY OP ANAHBIM ) I, JBAN PAGE, Secretary 4f the City Planning Commission of the City of Aaaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RBSOLUTION N0. 2?5, SHRIBS 1960-61, was pasaed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried, at a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 20th day of March 1961, IN WITNHSS WHBttBOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of March, 19b1, 3SC HBIM CITY PLANNI COMMISSION ~~