PC 1960-1961-216~ • ~:: ;. ' !: ;' i 1~. 1 _.... ,~, ~ w ~ ....,.- . ~ .. .. , ,...,_:~.~ ~ . - ,.: l '~. :,".P"~qyh~p . ...I -r ~:-~~_ RHSOLUTION N0, 216, SIIRIHS 1960-61 A RHSOLUTION OP THH CITY PLANNING COt+9MISSI0P1 OP TtIH CITY OP ANAHEIM RfiCOMMHNDING TO THH CITY COUNCIL THI~ AMSNDMBfiT OP TITLB HIG{iTBHN, CHAPTBR 18.24, ZONING CODE - "R-1" ONB PAMiILY RH$IDHNTIAL ZONE, BY ADDYNG SECTION 18.24.030 (5) "GAT2AGBS", TO TI~ffi ANAHBIM MUNICIPAt CODE. WHSRBA3, saiil Ainerid~dent aaas in said Chap$er provision for the off-street p3rking requirement for said specific zone; AND, ~ WHHRBAS, the City Planning Commission deems it necessary that the Zoning Code be amended to provide for the proper off~-street parking requirement for above specified zone; AND, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did initiate and conduct a public hearing t~n the 20th day of March, 1961, and did adopt said Amendment at a Regular Meeting on March 20, 1961; NOW, THHRBPORE, BH IT RASOLVBD THAT THH CITY PL4NNING COMMISSION DOBS RBCOMMHND TO ; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY QF ANAHEIM THS ADOPTION OP THB AMHNDMBNT TO TITLE % BIGHTSBN, CHAPTER 18.24 ZONING CODB -"R-1" O~TS PAMILY RBSIDBNTIAL ZONB, OF THH ANAHBIM ~^.RdICIPAL CODH AS FOLLOWS: Section 18.24.030 (Sj - GAItA.f-~pS. Por all R-1 uses the minimum off-sireet parking requirement shal.l be two spaces per dwelling unit in a garage. THE POREGOING'RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 20th, day of '„~_. March, 1951. I CHARIMAN ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMIS~ ; ATTSST: .i ~ ~ i SH ARY ANAf~IM CITY ING COMMISSII' i. i. STATE OP CA.LIPO_RNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGR ) ss l~ CITY OP ANAH6IM ) • I, JHAN PAGB, Secretary of the Ci7y Planning Commission of the City of ~ j~ !-naheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RIISOLUTION N0. 215, SHRIBS 1960-61, was ~~ passed and adopted t; a motion duly made, seconded and carried, at a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 20th day of Dfarch, 1961. ' ' IN WITNBSS WFffi.RHOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of March, 1961. ~ SHCRBT ANAHEIM CITY PIANNI CQ~IMISSION ~..~. ~t ~ s ~, ;:~> ~ ~ 3 ~ ~, ~: . ~. :~ -; .~ ... . _ _ _ . ___ _ _ _ _ __.____.._ ._... ~ .... ~ .~.._ . _._-___ ,.Y_.__ . :: . ~ ~: ; . ~,~ _ . -,, ,, _ ; _ ., : . _ _ _ ~ .___. .