PC 1960-1961-222:" .~. RBSOLUTION N0. 222. SERIHS 1960-61 A RBSOTATldtd OH 7HB CITY PIAN[ddNG CddMI9SI~i OP THB CIT7~ OP ANAH)3TM TfWT I'BTITION P~JR VARIANCB N0. 13~0 BE GRANTED 19HffitBA3, the City 8lannin~ :~ommiaeioa of the City of Anaheim did receivr s verificd Petitio~l for Veriaace fron Moraga-Pulton Building Company, c/o Perman Bui].ders, 6505 Wilshire Soulevard; Los Angeles 48, California, Owners. oF cestain reai:property aituated in the City of As~aheim~ Countq of Oraage, 3~ate of Califoraiw~ as deacribed in Flxhibit "A" or ne folioxe: Hxhibit "A" on file in the office oY the Planning Department. ; and itlf~tBAB, the Citq Planning Commissioa did hoid a public hearin~ at the City Hall 3n the City of Aaaheim on April 3, 1961 at 2;00 o'ciock P.M., ao4ice of said pudlic heariug hayi~ng been duiy given as required by]aw eud in accordance with 4he provi- aiotts of the Aaahe3m Muaicipal Code~ Chap4er 18.68~ to hear and coasider evidence for and agaiast said propoaed variance and to inveatigate and make fittdinga end recommendatione in conaection there~aith; and Wt~RBA3, aaid~Commissioa, after due inapectioa~ investigatioa~and s4udy mede by it- aelf.aad in ita ~:ialf, and sfter due conaideration of all ev3Qeace and reporte offered ae asid hearin6r doem find and determiae the following fucte: •1. Th~t the petitioaer requesba a variance from the Anaheim I~ua'cipai Code; ~eCLion 18,32.050 (1 and 2) to permit a tract lot layout with minimum areas of 7,370 square feet'and minimum wid~hs of 70 leet. ~ " ; ~ ;~ 2. That there ~e exceptional or extraordiaaxy circunat4acea or coaditioas applicable to the property involved or to the iateaded use of 4he propar~y 4hat do aot ~ apply geaerally to 4he property or class of use ia the aame vicimity and zone. 3. That the requeated variaace ia aseceeea*y f~r t~e ~seeereat?o~ a~8 an~oyaas4 of a 6ub,74antial property right posaeeaed by other pra,pertq ia the aam~e eiciuity snd zonG, and denied to tht propertq in qucatdoa. • 4. ~het the requeated variance wiii not be materially detsin~entai to the public weifare or in,~urtoue to 4he property or improvementa ia auch vicinity aad zone in ~ohich the property ie Socated. 5. Thmt the requeated variance wi11 not adversely affec~ t4~e Compreheasive General Plan. 6. That 'the subject Petition for Variance is submitted in conjnnction with Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2962, revised March 9, 1961, Said Tentative Map was originally submitted under previous R-3, Multiple PamiYy Residential, Zone requirements in effect at that time. Cooperation by the developer with the City of A,--aheim in the City~s ne@otiation~ for the acquisition of adjacent property for park facilities resulted in the expiration of the two year time limitation by state law for the filing of the final map, The R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential, Zone Code requiremeni:s have been revised since the approval o£ the original tentative tract, therefore, in order to permit the development of the subject property in accordance with the origina]. tentative map and due to the coopera- tion by the developer, the subject Petition for Variance is considered necessary, 7. That the Ci4y Attorney's office did prepare and file with the subject Petition ' for Variance a legal opinion, dated March 31~ 1961, that said Petition fos Variance I3o, 1350 shouid be granted and Tentative Map of Tract No. 296z be approved, 8. No one appeared in opposition to subject petition. d-1 _1_ . -.___ .._ :__.. .,.~ _ - ___._ _.._ ... , A.~ _ _ . _ ~ ... _ ~ ~ :; , ~~:4 - ~.r.~..~ i~ ;_, `~ ~ NC~V, 1HBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planniag Commission hereby approves Variance No. 1350 , upon the folloeving c~nditions r~hich are hereby found to be a aecessary prerequisite to the proposed use of ~he subject pro- perty in order to preaerve the safety and general xelfare of the Citizens o£ Anaheim: 1. Subject to the recordation of the Final Ma~ of Tract No. 2962, 'rWR p~stc.nrNr po,~py~I~ is signed and approved bp me this 3rd day of April, 1961. ~'` ~ `.. ~: ; :.;,.i ~ F ~ / L7.GL~~d`l-d' -.`•_f: , CHAIRIMAN ANA}~YM CITY PIAHNING COU4d 3ION ATTB.9T: ~ S,B Y,ANAY~IM CITY P ING CO[~9ISSIQN S TB OP CALIPQRNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY 0~ ANI4f~IM ) I, JFAN PAGE , Secretary of the ~City Plaaaiag Comtiiasion of tht Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoing sesolutioa was passed aad adopted at a meeting of the City Pianaing Commission of the Citq of Anaheiq, held on April 3, 1961 at 2:00 u'cloct P.M., by the following wte of the aeabers thereof: AY&Q: COh4lT33IO~iffit3: Allred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. xn„gg: Cp~IgSIONBRS: None. AH:3HNT: 00[+AlI3SI0N~t3: Hapgood. IN b1ITI~3S WfiHREOP, I have hereunto ae# my haad this 3rd day of April, 1961. w~ ~ SIT Y ANAHBIM CITY P ~iII~C; CQ1~II95Y0~T VC~A 2- ,,.,,... ._.._ _...,. _ -.. _..__.... _.._..... _ . __.......... _..__ __ __. .__. _ . a~.: ?