PC 1960-1961-227 i ~ ' ~. ~ / ; .. t- . _~ ~ RBSOLUTION NO 227 SERIHS 1960-61 A RHSOI.UTI@I OP TFffi CITY PIANN1Nu CQOdISSI~I OP THH CITY OP ANAI~IN ggC~iDZNG TO THS CITY COtJNCIL OP 1HB CITl' OP AHAHBIFI THAT pH1ZTI03~1 POR RBCIA33IPICATION N0, 60-61-80 SB GRANTED. _..:..a, '~ ~ `!~ 1 ~ r ::1 ~ i ~ 3 ~ 1 ;.~ i i ;' ,i i ;I ~ ~ ,~ ~ i ~ E ~ ; 1{ "'; i 1 i i ; 4~ ' i II 1 :t ':~ ;i t~f1~tBA3, t2~e City Planning Co~nission of the City of Anaheis di~d receive a~rerified Petition fot Reclasaification from Hna G. Moutard, 1314 South Brookhurst, Anaheim, California, Owner and Smith and Lusin, 1180 North Los Angeles Stree~, Anaheim, California, Agent, PRQPOS~NG RECLASSIFICATION OF THF. FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Legal description on file in.the office of the Planning Department. i 8IId MFIDRSAB, the City Planning Comniasion did hold a public heariag at the Ciity Hrli ia the City of Anahei~,on April 's, 1961 at 2:00 o~cloct P.11.~ aotice of snid public hearing having been duly given as requirrd by]aK xad in eecordtcace rith Lhe provi- eions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evideace for and againnt said proposed reclassificatioa and to investigate and take fiadiaga sna reco~men- dationa in coanectioa therewith; aad Wt?~tAA3, said Commiasion, after due inepectioe,3avesligati~n~ and atudy sade by it- self and ia its behalf, and after due coasideratioa of a12 evidenca sad re~~xta offered ct said hearing, doea fiad and de2ermicd 4he followiag fRete: 1. 7Chat the petitiouez propoaea s reclassification of the above deacxibed pro- perty from tIle R-A, Residential Agricultural Zane to'the C=`1;.N~tghborhood Commercial Zoae. 2. Tliat the para~ recissai~ficatioa of snbjec4 property ~_ nec~aaar~ :,r desirable for the orderly and proper development of the coawnity, 3, That the gaug~ reclassification of aub,ject properYy does properly relate to the zonea and their permitted usea locally establiahed in close proziaitr to subject property and to the zonea and thsir permi4ted usea generally eatabliehed through- out the co~unity, 4. That the ~xa~ased reclassification of aub,~ect property dqea require dedicatioa for aad standard improveseat of abuttiag atxee4e becauae said property does relate to and zbut upoa atreets and highways which are oronosed to carr~ the tppe and quantitq of traffic~ mhich wiil be generated by the peraitted uaea~ in ~accord- ance with the circulation element of the Geaeral Pixn. 5, That verbai and written objec*,ions were recorded against the proposed reclassi- fication of the soutY~erly portion (104 feet abutting Hmbassy Street) of the subject pro- perty to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, 7.one. No objections were recorded agains± reclassification of the northerly portion (216.24 feet abutting Lincoln Avenue3 tc~ the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, 2one. R-1 -1- ~ ^~ <; s ~...: :- +. N~JW, THBRBPOR&, BB'IT RHSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Plannin~; Commission ~hereby recommends to the City Council of ine City of Ana.'~eim that Petitior. for Reclassification No. 60-61-80 be approved an~d, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Mnniciual Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-A, Residential Agric~_ttural zone and to incorporate said described property in 4he C-1, Nei~hborhood Commercial, an~'the R-1, One Family Residential, Zones as follows: th_° northerly 216.24 feet oi sub,1'~ct'property abutting,Lincoln Avenue on the north be.incorporated in the ~-Z Neighborhood Com~aercial Zone limited to business and professional offices anly; and the southexlY 103,77 feet o~' subject property abutting Bmbassy Street on the south be incor- porated in the R-1, One Pamily Residential, Zone, upon the following conditions uihich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the prbpcsed use of the subject property in orde~ ~o preserve the yafety and genezal weiFare of the Citizens of Anahaim: 1. Dedication of 28 feet from the monumented centeriine of Smbassy Avenue (26 feet existing). 2, preparation of street improvement plans and installation of xll improvements in accord- ance with approved standard plans on file in the ofPice of the City Bngineer, o?± Lin- coln Avenue only. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front €oot for street ligh~ing purposes on Lincoln Avenue only. 4. Installation of sidei+talks on Bmbassy Street. 5. Time limii;ation of 90 days for the accomplishment of Items No. 1, 2, 3, an3 4. 6, Acquisition of one (1) £oot "Lot B" along Bmbassy Street within limits of ~uY~ject reclassification. 7. Piling of deed restrictions liniting the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, zone to business and professional offices cnly on the r.ortherly 216.24 feet o£ subject property. 8. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall se~arating tke R-1, One Pamily Residential~ Zone and the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone on ~he subject property, TH8 POREGOII~ RB90LUTIOI` is signed and a~sproved by me this 3rd day of April, 1961, ATTB9T: -/ ~- ' Y ANAHBIM CITY P IIrG C0~4~t SSION STATB OP CAL3PORNIA ) COITNTY OF ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHE~M ) CHAI---~P~~~ANAHHIM CITY PIANN NI G COA4`fIS ~iOW I, JBAN PAGB , Secretary of the City Planning Co~ission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that 4he forego3ag reaol~tian was passed aad adopted at a meetiag of the City Plaaning Commission of the City of Anaheam, held e~ 1~pri1 ~', Y962 at 2;OQ o'clock P.M.. by the followiag vote of the members thereof: AYBS: COtAfISSIOAiHRSs /:lired, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris. Mungall and Summers. NOAS: COtM~tI3SE0N~lt3: None. ABSENT: COa4lY3SIONBR3: Hapgood, IN WI1NB33 WF~RSOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of Apri1, 1961. ~~~ ~ SB Y RId,1HBIM CEiY P , G COI~A;I9eI0N R2-A -~-- Y ' e __._.. . ' . _._""__._._'_.._._~;,,Nt