PC 1960-1961-242~, °r . y. `ti I::. l, i. t r ~S ~ I I ~ .~^ k RBSOLUTIOk N0. 242. 3HRIH5 1960-61 A RHSOEATIOt~i OP THH CITY P7hNNING C(~QdI8SI0t~T OP T!~ CITY OP ANAF;SYM ~l~AT PSTITION POA VARYANCB N0. 1352 BB GRANTHD WHffit8A3, the City Ylanuiag Commisaioa of the City of Anaheim did seceive a verified Pet3tioa for Varia~ce fram Alexander and Hulda Stark, 550 South Citron Street, Anaheim, California, Owners of certain real,praperty aituafied in fhe City of Anaheia~ Couaty of Oran~e~ St4te of (:slifornia, as deecribed in 8xhibifi "A" or ae follotva:IAta 3 and 4, Block A of Laird~s Subdivision, shown on a map recorded in book 6, pages 12, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County. ; and 1Vf~iRBAB, the City Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing e! the.City Hail in the City of Anaheim on' April 17, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of aaid public heaxing having been ~nly gieen as requi;ed by]aw aad ia accozdaace wi;h the psovi- eioas of the Anaheim Muaicipai Code, Chapter 1$.68~ to henr and conaider evideaee for~and against said propoaed variance and to iaveatigate and aate fiadinga aad recommendatioas in conwectian thereaiih;,aa3 tdF~R8A3~ auid Commissioa~ afLer due inepectioa~ inveat~gatioa~aad atudy made by a#~~ aelf.and in its behalf, and after due coneideratiaa of ali evideace nnd reporta offernd as said hearing~ dAea fiad aad determine the foiloxiag facta: •1. .Th~t the petit~oner requeeta a varinnce from the Anahefm Mueieipal Code: 9ection 18.80,080 to permit waiver of minimum floor area req•.:irement of 1,225 square feet to allaw a floor arez of 935 square feet. . ~ 2. That there ar~ exceptiottai or ~xtraoxdiaary cireumatancee or eoaditione applicable to the property involved or to the iateaded aee of the property th~! do aot apply geaeraily to the property or class of uae in.tb~ eaae viciaity and zoae. 3. Ttiat the requeated variance ~_ aeceasarq 4'or t~e preaervation sad ea,~oy4eat of a snbe4ms-tial ps~~erty right posaeaoed by o#her property 'in the eame visiaitq and zpne, enQ dc~'e~! ~+o the proper.ty ia question. • ' 4, xteat ~he~ reqssested variance ~i19. not be materialiq detrimeqtai to the ~nblic weifare or'3n3urioua to the property or improvemeate in s~ch vicinitq a~d zoae ia which the property is located. ~ 5. That the requeated vari•gace wiil not adversely affect the Cora~rehenaive Generai Plan. , 6. Tnat no one appeared in opposition to subject petiti~n. V-1 -1~ ~ ' _. _----r-- -._ _- _ -- ---.__ ._ __ ._ ..._ ._._ _ __.._...-- - ~ ..------ - -- -- -__._._ _ ~ _ .~. ~.. _ _ __ _._.. ..~1 . - -- ~ • ~ M __ _. --' . _ _ ~~ • '. ~: . ... _ , -- _ , - - _ ._--_ __ .-~.-- --- _ .:..:.~ _..__--~-------- ___...__._ ~_ ._.... _..--- ____.___......_ __.._.. -_ _._. -------- ~ •~ .. ~~ {_~ . ' ~ , F1dk1~ ~i&p'+OR~, BB IT R~SQ:LVBD tE~at the Analt~im Ci~y Pianniag Commission h~reby ; approves Variance No. 1352 ~ upon the folioxing conditioae which ; are hereby found to be a neceasarq prerequisite to tbe propoaed use of the aub3ect pro- ! perty in order to preaerve the eafety aad geaeral xeit~~re of the Citizens of Aaaheim: ~ 1. Development substantially in accordance with plahs hresented. 2. Removal of the existing residence within sixty (60) days after completion of the proposed construction in accordance with the letter dated biarch 8, 1961, signed by the petitioners, and on file in the office of the Planning Department. THR H~tHGOING RES6LUTIOH~i ie sig~ed aad approved bp ma this 17th day of qpril, 1961. pT7B8T: ~ $B Y ANAHBIId CIT'k P ING C~9dISSION 9TATB OP CALIPOAATIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. C3TY OP ANAFIDYM ) ~ !^ ~~,r O ~~r~il c~xa~rr ~ix cix~t tnxxit~ co~s~ I, JEAN PAGE , Secretary of the City Pianaing Ccmaias~'.on of the City of Anaheim, do hexeby certify that the foregoiag resolut~oa rras paesed and udopted at a meeting of 4he City Piaaning Commission af the City af pnahein, heid on Aprii 17, 1961 at 2:00 o~cloct P.M., by the following vute of the ae~cere theseof: AY89: COa4~lT33I~IHR3: Allred, Gauer, Mascoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers NQB3: COI~lY3SIONBR3: None. ABgHNT; COAfMT3SI0tVIDtS: Hapgood. IN WI NHaS ~BOP, I have hereua4o set ~ay hand 17th day of April, 1961. VC?rR ~--- I-- -- • -~' -_.._ , F--~____~ . . : .. _ . _. _.~.. ~ v~ yBCRBTARY IM ~CITY PL1Ni'~: C~ 2_ . --- ----'-- --- __ _... _ _ _ . .... . _ ,.. - .~-r~ , ._ _. _ .---- • ~