PC 1960-1961-252..w,.: ,,,~,,, . . .. , . , , -.--~. ~. ,,,. .:. ~.,~_.. . : . . , .;, .. .. _ t_.. .µ..~..~__ .. . . .:r~;. _ ,~..t. - ~r ~.p,~',~`` ~1~:, :~ 1taSpLVY'ION NO 252 SBRIHS 1960-61 A RB50LUTIO~d OF THB CITY PIANNII~G C~ASISS~(FI OP Tf~ CITY CF ANNHBIM ggCC~1~iDI1~ Tp T}ffi :,ITX CaUNCIL OP THB CIT9[ OP ANAHBIM TAAT PHTIIZOPI POR RBCIASSIPICATION N0.60-61-87 BB QtANTED: _ WHffitBAS, the City Pianning Cocmission of L•he City of Anaheie did receive a oerified Petitioa for Reclassificatioa fsom Raymond Spehar, 1532 Beacon Avenue, Anaheim. Califor- nia, Owner, proposing the seclassification of the foilowing described property: legal description on file in the office of the Planning Department. i ~ WFffiRHA3, the City Planning Co~isa3an 8id hold s public hearing at the City Hali in the City af Anaheim oa Ma~r 1, 1961 at 2:00 o~cioct P.li,~ notice of said pubiic hea~iag having been duly given as requireS by]a~r and in accor~ance aith the provi- siona of the Aaaheim Municipal Cade~ Chapter 1$.72, to hear and consider evideace for and againat said nropos~d reclassificatioa aad to investigate aad aate findiagm sad recoamen- dationa in coanection therewith; and WFffiiHA3, said Commiaeion, after due inapection.iavestigation, aad atudy sade by it- s~elf aad in ita behalf~ aad after due consideratioa of all evidence and reporta offered at said hearing, does fiad and determine the foliowing fac4s: 1. That the peti4ioner proposea a reclassification of the above deecribed ~ro- pe=ty fram t~e R:A, RBSIDSN~IAL AQtICLZTURAL, ZONH to the C-1, NBIGt~~tH00D.COhAfIIRCIAL, ZONB. 2. Tkat the propoaed reclassificatioa of aub3ect propertq ~_ aeceaaar~ or deairable for the orQerly and proFer developmeat of the co~tunity. 3, That the propoaed reciassificatioa of sub,~ect property doea _ properly relate to the zones and their permitted uaea locally establiahed in•ciose proxi~i.t~ to subject propertq and to the zoues anfc their permitted uaes geaerally eatmbliehed through- out the co~unfty. 4, That the proposed reclaasificatioa of aub3ect paoperty doea re~uire dedication for aad atnndard im~roveaeat of abutting atreete becau~e gaid propesty does relate to and abut upon etreets and highwaya which are arooosed to cnrr~ ~he tppe and quantitq of traffic~ which wili be geaerated by the perait4ed uaea, in •tccord- ance vrith the circuiation elemeat af the Geaeral Pian. 5, That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. R-1 ~:; _._ ~---:~, , -... . ,'r~..~ -1- _..._ ....~ ..,,.: ,.; ~-_ ~ .. . i r _ f . ~` ~ :~; , - , .,. ,.,:... .~~..~. __.~.._--__-- ----___.._.....~,~w.._...~,_..,.._.. -- _.___._.__----.___._.. ______ ' ____ . _.. ___...__.~.~_.. ':"i V! 7t= ~ `~1 4: ~:• :: r .- .!'6~' ' ul~ 1 .4 . c~ ~1 ~ ' ~ j 7 ~;, ~ r . . _ ~r ~ ~3 NdW, 1fIBRgPORS, BB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Rlanning Commission hereby recommends to the City Cauncil of #he City of Anaheim thafi Petition for Reclassification No. 6(i-61-87 ba approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described pro~ierty from the R-A, RBSIIIENTIAL AQtICULTURAL. zone and to incorporate said described property in the C-1, NSIGHB~tH00L` COhiMHRCIAL zone, upon the following cond3tions which are hereby found to be a neces- saxy prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property ia order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Dedication of 53 feet frc+m the monumented centerline of Buclid Avenue (50 feet existing), 2. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of La Palma Avenue (50 feet existing). 3, Payment of $2.00 per front foofi for street lighting purposes on both Euclid Avenue and La Palma Avenue, 4. Time limitation of 90 days for the accomplishment of Items I3o, 1, 2, and 3, 5. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented with the exception that the parkiag layout be realigned. 6. Provision of 45 parking spaces in accordance with Code req~irements. TtID PC1RHGpING RE30LUTION is signed and approved by this st day of May, 1961. VICH C IRElAN ANAHBIM CITY fl'IANAIING COA4dISSION ATTB3T: Y / ~ SH ANAHSIM CITY P CQ-N47$SION STATB OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP 02WNGg ) ss. CIT7t OP ANAHBIM ) I, J~AN PRGB , Secretary of the City Pirtaning Commission of the Citq of Anaheim, do aereby certify that the foregoing resolutioci was p~ssed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plarmiag Commission of the City of Ana;ieim, held on May 1, 1961. ,at 2;00 o~clock P.M., by th~ £nllowing vote af the members thereof: AYBS: COA9~tI3SI0N~tS: Ailred, Gauer, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall ~;nd Summers. NOB3: CObU1I3SI0NBR3: None. ADSBNT: COI~lI35I02~t3: Hapgood. TN WITNBS3 WFffiEtBOP, I have hereun4o set my hand this lst day of May, 1961. ~C~c~,,~/ 8~a~tS IM CI`1'Y PLANNIN COyl.MI98ION R2-A -2-- RHSOLUTZON N0. 252, SHRIHS 1960-61 -~.~-~-~---.,.-___ _______._----•-------------___. -~`~ ~ _ ,.,__...._.,::....__, , • ~a __ :--:-r----