PC 1960-1961-258r ~.. . ~ .::~~~'~ ~'--~.1-f. . c~f ~~ sssor,vx~o~t rio. ass, 1960-61 A RBSOL~1TIQtd OP Tgffi CITY PIANSIIAFG CQtArlI&SI~T OP THS GITY ~~ 4.yAHEIM THpT pBTI1"!UN POR VARIANCB N0. 1360 BB GRANTEU 1~iID~tBA3~ the City Planniag Com~aiaeion of the City of Aneheia did receive m verified Petition for VariaaCe froa Theodore•B. Pish, 1234 Hast CentEr Street, Anaheim, California, Owner of cextaia resl prope:ty eituated ia t'he City of Anaheia~ County of Orange, SLste of Csl3foraia, ae deacribed in 8xhibi.t "A" or ss followe: All that certain iand situated in the State of Calitornia, Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, County of Orange, City of ~naheim, described as follows: The easterly 165 feet of the southerly 352.97 feet of the east half o£ the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of t he northwest quaster of Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, said land being further described as thg east half of Lot 4 of Helen and Lynch's Addition to Anaheim, as shown on a map recorded in Hook 442, page 188 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California. ' ; aad 6~"Fi5f1BA3; 4he Citq Plariaiag Commisaion did hold a pubiic hearing st the City Hall in the City of Maheim~on May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.Id., notice of said public hearia~ heeing beea duiy given as required by]a~: and in accordaace with the provi- eiona of th~ Anaheim Muaicipai Code, Chapter 18.68~ to heas and conaider evidence for and againat~sa$d pr.oposed variaace and to inveatigate and mate findiage end recommeadetiona ia conaectioa therewith; and ~BA3. oaid Commisaion~ after dme inapectioa, inveatigation,and atudq made by it- eelf.and in ita behslf, and after due coasideration of aii evideuce and reporte offered as said hearing, does find and•determine the foilowing facta: •1. That the petitioner requeata a variance from the Anaheim Nunicipnl Codee Sectian l8.32,060 to pe~mit the c~nstruct3on of a two story apartment development on a parcel of property classified in the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential, Zone within a distance o~' 150 feet from property classified in the R A, Residential Agricultural, Zone. 2. That there are exce~tioaai or extraordiaary circumstancee or conditione applicable to the property invoived or to the intended uae of th~e property thut do not apply generelly to the property or cl~ae of uee ia the same v~.cinitq and zone~. 3. That the requeated variance ia necessary for the preeerva4ion aad ea,~ay~eat of a eubstantial property right posaeoaed by other property ia the same viciaiLq and aone, and den3ed to the propertq in queatioa. • 4. That the requeated varisace ~ill „ot be materisliy detrimental to the pubiic weifare or in,~urious to the property or improvemente in 8uch vicinity and zone in tahich the propertq ia located. S. That the requeated variance will not adveraely affect the Compreheaeive ~ Generai P1.an, 6. That the subject property abuts the R-3, Multiple Family Reaidential, Zone on the east and the C-3, Heavy Commercial, Zone on the north~ and that two-story R-3~ Multiy~ie Pamily &esidential, development ia established across Pampas Lane to the south. 7. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition and that one letter of support k~as filed with the Commission. V-1 -1- --.~.-- ~ `~ `~' '~ :~; ~ .,, . . . . ,_ , , . ,_:~ ~ . ~. .,._:,....~x,~ .,, ..,._ . _~ ~.... . _ ,..~~ ,. ,-,_<.., ~.._._ .,~~.._,...~.~...._,__...,~_...~....,ti.~..:..u r,._ ~.....,.,_ ~,. , ~.o..., ,.,~ ~ ~ Hv ~«± ,~, ~ ~/ ~' ~ P'. ~ 3 ~ ~' NWf~ 1I~BRBPORB, ' SB ET RBSOa.YBD that the Anaheiai City Pias~£s~g C~amiasion h~reby appsoves VARIANICB N0. 1360 ~ u~oa 4h~ fellorefag condi:iozas ~hic:i` are hereby fouad to be a neceasury prerequiaite to 4he propoaed use of the aub3zc; yPb- perty ia order 4o preaerve the safetp and generel xelfare ~f the CiLi~ceas of A~hein: 1. Development subatantially in accordance with plsns presented. 2. Installation of sidewalks on Pampas I.ane. 3, Payment of $2,00 per front foot for street iighting purposes. 4, Provision of utility easements along exterior boundzries as 3etermined by the Director of Utilities, Tf~ PatBGOING RBSOLUTI~i ia ai~ned aad approved by sc th3:s'S h day of May, 1961. ~1 ~~ ~ '' i.G~.~ `V3CS CNA ANAfIDIN CIT3f pIJ-plilItiG COA4IISSION AITBST: ~~L !>Y'r~-~ Y ANAF~IM CITY P ING C~4lISSIQN 8TR'fE OP CALI:~ORTiIA ) . COUNTY OF ORNNGH ) sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) ~ I, JHAN PAGB ~ S~cre4nry of the City Plannimg Co~isaion of the C3tq o;F Aaaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoiag resolution xas paesed and s4,~pted at a neeting of the Citq Plaaning Co~i.saioa of the City of Aaahei~, heid on Mr;~ 'w, 1961 at 2:00 o'cloclc P,M., by the following vote of the ae~bera thereof: AYB3: Ca-@lIS3I~IIDt3: Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, 4`_~~all and Summers, lIQB3: COtrAlI3SIOI~R3: None. AB;~BA1T: OQ.~tI3SI~I~tg; Gauer. IN WITI~3$ 1tHHBRSOP, I have hereunto aet ay hnad this 15th day of•May, 1961. /~ S IM CITY P NG CqBlISS3QIV ';~ ',4s. -:t _.t ;p 3 '; ti ~ , VC?rA .,G_ RESOLUTION N0. 258