PC 1960-1961-259~', .~ `' ;.~ ,~ RBS(l~A1I0N N0.259, SBRIBS 1960-61 A RHSOLUTI~I Ok 1HB CITY P7ANNING COt~O~lI8SI~1 OP TH8 CITY OP ANAHS7]~l ~7~AT BBTITYODi P~t VARIANCB N0. 1361 HH c~tAtdTHD iH~.R8A3~ the City Planning Commieaioa of the City of Anaheim did rsceive s verified Peti~iott for Variaace froa Robert H. and Alice E, fiager, 1006 Onondaga~ paaheim,~Califor- nia~ Ownera •of certain real,property situated ~~ the Ci:y~of Aaaheia, Countq of Oran~e, Stm4~ of California~ ae deacribed ia 8xhibit "A" or aa folloare: Lot 67, Tract No, 2082 and 1Vt~ltBAB, the Citq Planniag Commiasioa did hold a public hesriag ut t~e City Hall in the City of Aaaheim~oa May 15, 1.961 at 2:00 o'cloek P.N., aotice of asid public henring having beea duly givea ae required bq7aw ar~d ia accordaace rrith the provi- aioae of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18,68. to hear snd conaide; evidence for and againet aaid propoaed variaace and to intreatigate snd aate findiage and recc~mmeadations ia conaectioa therewith;,attd DiF~tlBAS~ said Commieaion~ after due inepectioa~ iaveatigatioa~nnd aicudy made by i4- aeif.aad ia its behalf, and after due coneider~tioa of ali evideace tad reporte offered as aeid hearing~ doea find and deteroiae the foliowiag facta: • L That thc petitioaer requeata a v~;cinACe from the Anahei.m lduaicipal Code; 8eetion 18.24,030 (3) to permit the encroachment of six (6) fF~et into t'r,,;: :~equired rear yard in order to construct a family room in conjunction w3th an existing rr.sidence. . 2. Thst there are exceptioaai or extraordinary circumeEaacen or canditioas applieable' to the proper+~y invoived or to the inteaded use of the ~~~roperty that do aot appiy generaliq to the property or ciaae af uee ia the aase vicinity aad zoae. . 3. 1'hat the requested tnriance ~~ aeceeearq for the pseserwatioa nnd en,~oysea,L of a subelantial property right goaaeBaed by othes ~roperty ia tha same v€cisi~tq end zotte, and denied to the property ia queatioa. ~ 4. 'Phat the requeated variance wi.ll no* be mnteriA~ly detrfae:etai to tht publi~. welfare or'in,~uribua to the propert}~ or improvemeate in svch viciaitq aa,9 ~~~tte in rrhich the property is Socated. ~ S, That the requeated variance will .,ot advernely affect th~ ~'i,~frpre~easive Geaerai Plan. 6. That an adequate amount of rear yard will remain after the proposed construction, occupyiag approximately S,1 percent of the required rear yard, is completed. 7, That no one appeared in opposition to ~ubject petition. V~1 _1_ _ f' ~ ~~ ' ~ :~ ~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~.c~ ~; , ~ =` ~:~:; ~ ~ ~ .~ . ~ ---- ~ '~t. ----_ ___ . _-- , --,- -- ( ~ ;;V~; ' ' d ~ F NdN, ~IBRBPO~tB~ ' HF3 IT RfiSOLV)3D that the Anatieim City Pianniag Comm3esion hereby 3, approves VARIANCFi N0. 1361 ~ upon the folloMiug coaditiona xhich `~ are hereby found to be a aeceseary prerequiaite to the pr.apoaed use of the sub,~ect pro- ;:~ perty in order to preserve the eafety and geaeral xeifare of the Cit~zena of .Aaaheim: 1. Development substantialiy in aecordance with plans presented. ,~ 1!~ PatHGOING RBSOLUTIOei is si6ned aad approved by )ee this Sth day of May, 1961. . ( / ,, / ~; VI }LIIRMAN ANAHHIM CITY PIANNING COW`l183ION AT1E.4T: ~,Q~~ ANAMiHIM CITY P NG CQAAI5SION STATli OP CALIPORNIA ) CORTNTY QP ~tANGH ) sa. CITY OP ANAF~IM ) I~ JBAN PAGH ~ Secretary of the City Plaaaiag Co~isaioa of the Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoin6 resoiu7ion rras paased and adop4ed at a neetiag of the City Plattaicg Comnisaioa of the Citp of Anaheia, heid on May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o•ciock P.M.~ by the following wte of the aewbers thereof: AYB3: C~AlY33Ia1SR8: Alired, Hapgood, Marconx, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOS3: COFAfI3SI0I~ffiEt3: None, AH9BNT; ODL9~[13SIadEtt3: Gauer. IN YlITNHS3 N4iBRBOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 1'Sth day of May, 1961, ~ S Y ANAIiBLI CITY P ING CpWISSIQ~I VC2rA -2- RBSOLUTION N0. 259