PC 1960-1961-261~ >~. ~-. :;,,~, : ~`,~ RffiOI.LTTIaQi H0. 25~. SHRi c ~a~n-F~ A RBSOLUZT~1 OP 1F1B CYTY FIIINNINa Cd9+lI8SIQ~i OP THII CY'P't OP ANA}i~IA! THAT PStITE02i Fdl VAR7ANCB N0. 1~63 BE (3iANT"aD _ 6HiSR8A3~ the City Pisnaiag Comaisaion of !hs City of Anaheim did receive s verificd petiLio or V imACa ro 3pohn and Basbara Swa~n~son, 820 North West Street, Anaheim; Califor- ~vn~rsn~~~D~'B~ucco~a,~37~6 Newp~rtnBo levard~~Ne o~t~Heack-,N~alifosniat'pgenteim,Caiifornia, of certain reai.'property aitusted 3n the City o~ Anahein~ Couatq of ~san~e~ 3tate of Celiforais..ae deacrib~ed in ~ibiL "A" or sa foiyoxe: . $chibit "A° on file in the office of 4he Planning Department. • ; and Oif~'A8, the City ~lssaaisg Corrmiesion did hoid a pubiic hearing at the Ciby Hail ia the Citq of Aaah~im~oa May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o~ciock ~.IQ., notice of eaid pnbiic heasiag having beea duly ~iran as required,by2aM ac8 ia gccor8ance ~ei#h the ~rovi- aSona of tha Nnatein Mua~cipal Code, C`usgter 18.68. 4o heas and conaider evidence for~aad agaiaat aaid propua~d varisnce and 4o iaaro~tigate aad. aste ~iadiags ..asd recoa~eadatione in'coansctioa t-sercwitb;:ond 1lFIDRBA9, esid Coemiaeion, after d~e iuepectioa~ 3a~veati6atioa,aa4 etudq sade by it- self.an0 in ita betulf, sad sfter dae conefderatiomm of ~~& eaidence eoad r~porta offered ns aaid ~earing, does fiad aad determine the folloxing facta: •A~, ~e~i 8he petitioaer rQqueata s v~riance fros thm Aaa~e~ INtaicipsl Code: BeCtioa 18.2f1,630 (4).to permit the secordatian and deeelopment of a tract composed of 8,000 square foot lots. 2; ~ys4 tp-ere ~,e ezeeptionsl os e~stsaordinary eircumaetsacer or eonditioas appiicabie !o the pror~a#y iavoived. or to the ietended use of t1u peoperty that 9o ao4 spply gc~raily to !he ~zoperty or ciaaa o€ ua~ ia the~a~e viciaity snd soae. . 3. Tha! the requeated variance is neceesarq fos the preoervatioa and ea,~oy~est of s.~ubstantial property r3ght poeaesaed bq other psoperty ia ~he aasoe vicinity nnd zone~ arid denied to t:: property in queatioa. . • 4. That the ;equested'variance'g,ili n~t be materialigr detrimental to the public ;<~xedfare or ia3uri'ous to the property or improvemeate 3a`eucE~ vicinitq and zon~ in Nhich the property ie iocated. ~ , 5. `Phat the re9uested variattce wiil not adveraely affect 4he Comprehensive Genesal Plan. '6. That the proposed de~velopment of subject property would be compatible with the existittg residentiai de~elopme*_et in the area. 7, That vesbal ~pposxtion by one property owner in the area was recorded against subject petition. • 8. TY:at the petitioner's agent expressed the'intention to acquire the parc~l ten (10) feet in width abutting tihe rear pr.op~rty lines of Lots 4 and 5 to be made a part of subject psoperty. , V-1 ~__ ~ ~ -- - -1- e , y_.. _ ___.___ _---.---- ~ ., . . _ __. _ ~.----- -----~-- ~ ~ ~: ,' :~ .t - .. . - ,_...._........_.~A..~._.....-~-------___~.___.._~_:_.,_...._..~_._...._..,_._.....~..__,.._..w_--------__.. ____ _ ~ ,:;~~::'` ~,. ~ ~ NON1, 1~iBRBPORB, 'BB IT RBSOLVBD that the Anaheim Ci4q Flanniag Commiesion hereby approves VARIANCH N0. 1363 , upoa the folloNing condit3ons whic~, are hereby found to be a aecessary prerequiaite to the proposed uae of the sub,~ect pro- perty ia order to preaerve the aafe~y and general ireifare of the Citizeas of Anaheim: 1. ,Sub,ject to the recordation of the Final Ma~ of Tract No. 4152. Tf~ P~tHGOING RBSOLUTI~I i~ eigned aad approved by, e thi 15th day of May, 1961. I _ ~ HAIRMl1N xM CITY pIANNING C0~4~4Y&$ION ATTBST: ~~ ~~ ANAHBIM CITX PIAN! y G C~GIISSI~i 8 il1TB OP CAY,I PORNIA ) COITNTY OF tl~tANGB ) sa. • CITY OP ANAt~IM ) I, JBAN PAGE ~ 3ecsetary o: the Cit~ F.leaaiag Commissioa of the City of Anaheim, do h~reby certify that the £oregoing resolutiou aas paased and adopted at a neetiag of the City Piaaain~ Comnisaioa of the City of Aaahein~ heid on May 15, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the fo3Yowing vote of the aeabers thereof: AYB8: COaMlIS3I~ffit8: Allred, Hapgood, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall and Summers. NOB3: CQF4~lISS,TQI~ffiR3: None. AE9BNT: OO1~A4I3SI~iffit3; Gauer. :N WITNB9$ i1~B£,80P, X have hereunto set mq hs~ad this ~Sth day of May, 1961. vc.~-,~ RHSOLUTION N0. .'.61 i v I S$atE ANA~ffiIM CITY' P ING COFQdZ3SI~i -2- ..`_ -~--- _.._._.._~_._._____..._--__._..._. ~: , . _ . _ . ----. . : ~. , :.- ....