PC 1960-1961-266,i . h~+•a -. .,r~:....,.........,.~_....,.,.....,...~..._. ...~..... ..ce-:.:..~ .,.•w-~,.,. _o,.,.o...:.,: .,.~:,,,. ...... . .....~,, e..r.,.._. -__. _._,. z 'r ~~ ~ ~`„ • ~' _ , ;~ .. l ~; i ~/ J_,1' ;u.~• F,,, i!~', ~, . ;q• . ~~; RHSOLUTIOAI N0. 266. SHRIBS 1960-61 ._ ~ A RBSOLUTION OP TFYH CFTY PIANNING Cd414ISSY~lt OII+ ~3 Q1'Y Q~ ~ RBCO~IDING TO TH8 CITY CUUNCIL OP TfiB CITY dP ~I91 '1~AY' PETITT~d POR RBCIA33IPICATIOAT N0: 60-61-96 BB DHNIflD WHffitBA3, the City Pianning Commisaioa of the City of Aa~ei~ did S~CE$~ a~+yt~ffimt Petitioa for Reclassif3catioa from George Reish~ 1926 Bast Center Street, l~naheim, California, Owner, proposit~g reclassification of the.following described property: Lot 98 of Tract No. 1635, in the City ~f Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 49, pages 1 an3 2, MiscelYaneous Maps, records of said Orange Cou~ty;.BXCHPTIl`~ the east 125 feet thereof i ~ VlE~RAAS, the City Pianniag Commission did riold a publie &e8ri9g $4 t~ ~tr 1Is11 ia the City of Anaheim on May 15, 1961 at 2;00 o'clOe~ P.M.~ sotiC! Od 80if1 ' public hearing having beea dulq given as reqaired by]ap aad iai aCCO~dnSCe VB,tb tha psot~i- sions of ~the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,T2, to hear 1ia8 conAides ~Yidl~s For and against said prnposed reclassification and to investigate and aake fie~~iA~O 9stQ s6COt~1en• dations in conaection therew3th; and WFffiRBAS, said Commiasion, aft.r due inapection~iaveatigstioa~ aad s3adp ma~{e by ib- self and in its behalf, aad after due consideration of al! eYrideqCe and se~otta offesed at said heariag, does find and determiae the followiag facta; 1. That the pet~itioner propo:+es a reclasaifice4ioa of tht aboVO describeQ pro- perty from the R-1, ONE FAMILY RESID:BNTIAL, ZONH to the C-1, NBIGHBC1RIi00D CUMMER~IAL, 20NE. 2. Thst the Dropoaed reclassification of aub~eet psopexty not ~eesrASy or desirable for 4he orderiy aad proper development of the coe~ueiiy. 3. That the proposed reclassification'of subject property would set a precedent for reciassification of proper•ties in the same vicinity to the C-1, Neighborhpod Com- merciai~ Zone. 4. That a letter of opposition from the Anaheim Civic Association was filed against subject petition~ and a petition of support, signed by fourteen property owners in the vicinity, was filed in favor of the subject pe4ition. R-x -1- __.. .. _ ~ . ~ _ -- - - _-_ _. _. - :~r , ~. . _.. ~~l~~ . . ~ ; . . _ . _.,.,. ,.;.. ,..,...,...._.w ..._......_...._,,~..,..~... _..._,...___.__.....,,____._...__ __----..___._.. ._ . - ---- ~ .._. __ ... .... ......._._ _.. , ~ (T} ,~ . NOW, Tl~RHFORH, BH IT RBSOLVHD that the Anah~im City Planning Commissicn hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclasaification No. 60-61-96 be deaied and, by so doing, that Title 18-2oning of the AnahQim Municipal Code not be amended to exclude the above describ~d property from the R-1~ ONB PAMILY RESIDBNTIAL zone and to incorporate said deac~~.bed property in the C-1, NBIGHBORAOOD COMMSRCIAL zone; TFIB F~tHGOING RH30LUTION is aigned and approved by me this--1 th day of May, 1961. ~ ~ ~~` ~~.. ~~ ~~ VICS CHAI '+~ IM CIT.Y PIAPININ'.G CC~fMISSIOdV ATTB9T: • -J ~_~i-~~ SB 8 Y ArFAHEIM CITY PLfd~IING COMMIS3IUN $TA1~ OP CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OF GRANGH ) sa. CITY OP ANAFffiIM ) . iy I, ,TBAN PAGB , Secret~ry of the City Planning Commissioa of the City of ,7 Anaheim, do hereby certify that the forego3ag resolution was passed ~nd adopted at a i meeting of 4he City Planaing Commission of the C3ty of Anaheim, held on May 1$ 1961 ;~ at 2;00 o'clock P,M., by the followimg vote of the members thereof: i,~ • AYE3; CC~AlI53IONHFt3: Alired, Hapgood, Morris~ Mungall And Summers. 4. 'r~ NOH9: CQMMI3SIONBR3: Marcoux. ij ABSHNT: C~lMI3SI0~1ffitS: Gauer. IN WITNB,4S WHHRBOP, I h~ve hereunto set my hand this 15th day of May~ 1961. ~~ ~ SBCRB ANAHBIM CI P HG COl~fI3SI0N R2-D _y_ RHSOLUTION N0. 266 t y~ i "3 .~.._..r-r-- -- _~_ _------------..__....------- -~...._---- ------~ _-___~_.. , , . - _ . . ... ~{~ . I . . ~ .~