PC 1960-1961-2671 ; rr ~I ` . ~fi ~../ . i R&SOLUTION P10 267 S9RiH 1960-fi2 A RB30LUTIOAI OP Tf~ CTTY PUiNNING CQMASI5SION OP THH CI1'Y OP ANAHEI~( RECQ~DING TO THH CITX COUNCIL OF THH CITY OP ANAHEIM THA~ PBTITION POR RHCIAS3IPICATION N0. 60-61-94 BE GRANTED i~tBA~, the City Pianning Commission of the Cifiy of Analieia did receive a ~erified Petition for Reclassification from John and Beatrice Craddock, 11752 West Kutelia qvenue, Anaheim, California, owners, proposing reclassification of tl:e following described property: Legal description on file in the office of the Planning Department. : ~ WH~tBAB, the Cit9 Planning Coamission did hold a public heariag at the ~ity Hall in the Citq of Anaheim on May 29, 1961 at 2;00 o~clott P,I~., notice of said pubiic hearing haviag been duly given as required by]ax aad in accn~~:unce ~tith the provi- aions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.72, to hear and conaider evidence for and a~ainst said proposed reclassification aad to 3nvesfiigate and mske findings snd reco~tea- dations in connectioa therewith; aad Wf~RBA3, said Com~ission, after due inapection,investigation, and atudq made by it- self snd in ita behalf, and after due cons3deration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, doea find and determine the followiag facts; 1. That the petitio~er propases a reclassi£ication of ti;e above deacribed pro- perty from tIIe R A, It~sident3al Agri.cuPteir~t :o ~he C-P, Neighborhood Commercial, Zane. 2. That the proposed reciaesificatton of aubject property ~_ necesesry or fleairable for the orde~rly and proper development of the com~unity. 3. That the proposed reclassification of aub,~ect property doea properly relate 4o the zottea and their permitted uses iocally establiahed in close proximitr tA aub3ect property and to the zones nnd their permitted uses geaera~ily eatabiiehed through- out the co~nuni~y. 4, That the proposed reciassification of aubject property cfoea require dedica#ion for aad standard improveneat of abatting atreeta because said property daeo relate to and abut upon atreeta and highwaqs which are to carrT the type and quaatity of tra£fic. ahich wili be geaerated by the peraitted ue~s, in ~~ccord- aaca with the circuiation eiem.ent of the Genarni Pian. 5. Tha~ reviaed plot plans su~bmitted bq the petit3onex incoxpo=aLea block waYls as reguired bq the Anaheim Municipal Code and makes psovision for a twenty (20) foo4 lazidscaping etrip along the pYanned highwaq right-of~way line abutting the northerly propert~ line of subJect property. 6. That no one appeared in opposi~ion to sub,~ect payi4ion R-1 -1- . ~'_- ~ .~....{1_- . '_.^-__"1__.~_: '. ,,.... . ~...~ , ~ 1.. 1 . ~ : i4 ~~ `~/~~.~~~ f ~ ~ ~.• ~t ~( l t~ , ~6P' ~~.~ % ~ [J ~./ J ~ ~ •• 1 /. ~. ~ ~~~ ._..._.._........--- 1 I I [iqni, T1i8R3PORB, BH IT RBSOLV9D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission iiereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassificatiori No. 60-61-94 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exciude the above described property from the R-A, Residential Agricultusal ~one and to incorporate said described property in the C-1, Neighboxhaod Commercial zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- sary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject oroperty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Develog~ent substantially in accordance with plans presented, Z. ISertica~tion of sixty (60) feet from the monumented centerline of Katella Avenue (forty feet existing), 3, Construction of concrete cusbing at the end of the service road abutting subject pro- perty from the west for proper cleaning and turn around with the Hngineering provided by ~he City of Anaheim. 4. Prepazation of street improvement plans and installati.on of all imprcvements in accordance with the approved standard plaas on file in the office of the City 8ngineer. 5, Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. Provision of utility easements along exterior boundaries as determined by the Director of tt3lities, 7. Provision of iandscaping pJ.ans for the twenty (20) foot landscaped strip and the paxkway portio:i of the future right-of-way to be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkvray Maintenance. . $. Postimg of a bond within a period of ninety (90) daqs to insure the accompliuhment of Item Nos, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. TfiB P~tHGOING RHSOLUTION is signed and approved by m his 2 th day of. MaS, 1961.~~ ; ~ ; I ~ 1 VICE C IRhL'~N ANAt~IM CITY PdANNING CQ~4dIuSION ATTB3T: . ~ SHCRB ANAFiBIM CITY P I CQ-'AtI3SIQN STATE OF CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAF~IM ) F~ J~N pAGB ~ Secret~ry of the City Planning Commission of the City of tlnaheim~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and udopted at a meeting of the City Plamiiag Comm4saion of the City of Anaheim, held on May 29, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P,M „ by the following vote of the :nembars thereof: AYBS: Cq+QtISSI0NE3RS: Marcoux, Morris, Munga.ii, Perry and Summess, NOBS: C(YY9~lI3SION~t3: None. ABSBNT: C~lI3SIOI~IDR3: Alired, Gauer, Hapgoad. IN WITNSSS 6VHHRBOP, I have hereuato set mq hand this 2agh da~ of M~y, 1961„ ~ SECRD IM CITY PIANNING ObAfI33I0N R 2-A RBSOLUTION N0, 267 -2-- s,, ---r-- , - --------------------.__._. __-~ ~------ ------------ -ac , : ' :.. ~ . ~ ~-;- ..~ -_-_..~__.__..._.1. . .