PC 1960-1961-269~4 , w. ~ ~, ~~: R~SOQ.UTIQ,d N0. 269. SBRIBS 1960-61 A RH90LUTIaSV OP 4i~ID CIT~f PI/~.NDTING Cd~lISSY~1 OF TFID CITY OP ANAl38IM THA:' PHTITI~1 PO(t Vf~z.ANCB N0, 1~6~ BS GrRNfHD WHBitBA3, the City Pianniag Comniasion of the City of Anaheim did :e~~ivr a verified Fr~~ition for Variaace fram Colony Investments, 1925 Anaheim-Olive Road, Anaheim, Califor- nia, Owner . of certaia real prcpersd aituated ia t~e City of Aaaheim~ County of Orang~e, State of Cali£oraia, as deacribod ia 8ahibit "A" or as~fqlloNS: Ail that certaia land situated in the 3tate of Californiz, County of Orange, City of ~lnaheim, described as follows: Lot 4 and the east 2C feet oF Lot 3 in Black D of the Lorelei Tract, as shown on a map recorded ia Book 29, page 24, Misc~llaneous Records of Los A~geles County, California. ; eIId R'~~ffiR.BA3, tlie City Pianning Commiasion did hold a public ~earing at the City Ha11 in the City o£ Anaheim~on i~ay 29, 1~61 at 2:00 o'clock P,IS., aotice of seiG pubiic hearing Y-aving been'duly givea as required bq]aw aad in accordeace with the provi- eiona of the Mlaheim Municipnl Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and couaider evidence for aad againet said propoaed variance and to investigate an9 make findinga and recommeadations in connaction ~h~rewith; and 1VFIDRBAS, said Commiasion, after due inapectioa, 3nveatiga~ioa~aad study made by it- ae'_f.and in ita behalf~ and affier due conaideration of oll evidence and reporta offered aa said hearing, does find aad determiae the following facta: ~ 1. lfiat the petit3oaer requeats a veriance from the Anaheim Muaicipal Code; 8ectiun 1~.28.010 to permit ihe establishment of a sign painting shon ~~ an exiating structure on a parcel of property classified in the R-2, Ttvo Pamily Residential, Zone. 2. That thece are exceptionai or extraordiaary circumatances or coaditiona applicnbie to the proper4y invoived or to tl~e iatended uae of the property that do aot epply generally to the property or clasa of uae ia the oame viciaity and ~one. 3. That the requeated variaace ~_ aeceaeary for the preservatioa aad en,~oydea} of a eubstantisl prepexty right poeseeeed by other property in the enme vicinitq an4 zone~ end denied to'the propertq in queatioa. . 4. Thst the requeeted Vari4nce rr~l1 net be matorisliq detrimente-1 to the pubiic welfare or in,~usious to tho property or improvemeate ia'auch viciaity end zone in which the property ie SoCated, S. That the n~equeated variaace not adveraely sfFect the Compseheneive Geaeral Plan. 6. That no oae appeared i~x oppoeitioa to aub,~eCt petition, V-1 i Y ~ _..~~ ..._. .. ~~ ~p:~j ~ . .. . ..... E'.'G~ ~1- . . ' . ~. ... ,. . . . . ._.~._...: ;~ :; s `1 1( ........ . ..... ....._......._._...._...... .'._.._..._...__..~... /J '~ _._ _..~.~..~-~......~ . ~ ~ ~'e ~~ ~.`) NdNI, ZHHP,aPORH, SB IT RB30LVHD that the Aneheim ~ity Plaaniag Commias3oa~ herebp approves Variance No, 1367 ~ upon the folloNing conditions which I are hereby~ faund to be s aeaessary prerequiai4e to the proposed use of the aub,~ect pro- ~erty ia order ~o preserve the eafe4y sad geaesai xeifare of the Citi~ens of Anaheim: ~ 1. Subject tc the inspection ~nd cpproval by the Pire.Department and/os :he Buildiag Department. ~ 2. Replacement of da~na~ed and~cr hazardoua aidewalks. T!~ PptHGOTN(~ R~90LUTI~1 ie si~aed ead approved by ;(e th3a 29~h day of May, 1961. '1 I ATA'88T: ~ ~ .~ V ~ ;; ~TARY Ik CITY PlAI~Q1IIifi C W + 8TAT8 QP PORNIA ) ~~.~ COtlHTY OP OdlANfiB ) n. ~ CITY OP ANANSIM ) ;~ I, .JSAN PA(ie, , aecrstery of ~tha City pisasing Cossi~eioa of the City of i;~ Aaahtim~ do hereby eertigy that tho 4'ore~oia~ xesolution asa pa~~ed aad adopt~d at a •seetia~ of the City 8lanais~ Coaaoi~~ioa of the City of Aasheia, haid oa Mes 29, 1961 ;j et at00 o~clock p.M.~ by th~ lollowia~ vo#e of the aeaber~ theraoge AYSbs CG19iI8SICti~tBt M~rsoux, Morris, Mangall~ Perrq, Summera, ~`~ ~:~ NOSSs C~P~dI~8I0A~RSc None, , ABaBN'a~ (701~tL89IW~ta1 Alired, Gauer, Hapgood. IN 1VITt~d NHFIIt80P~ i have hereuato set mg haad thia 29th day of May, 1961, IM CITY P COIQ! VC29A ,2- , R890LUTION N0. 269 ~ I ---- - .-...r.'~ _~... . . ' .. . ..._ . ,•,;~i „ -r' - - _~--'-- _ __-- .. ___ _ _~_ _- --- ---- ,-- -"-'- ----- ~ ~~ ' ~ "---..._ _.. ,.... 1. _ ; <i ; i i ±:7 -E . [: