PC 1960-1961-281i ~,:~ i~ ;'~ .~ ~ 4 ~ J ,• ` ~~ ~ '~(~ ` ~ / ~/ ()~ ;~~f 1 ~ t) , '~• 1~~F"` ~: i ~.'7' 4 ~~ - .,• ~ ~ l i gggpL~Ip~Lp, 2$1, SHRIHS 1960-61 _ A RB$OLUTIOi~I OP Tfffi CITY PLAPlN?NG C~FD[ISSI@i. OP THB CITY OP ANAf~III RBCQt~4dHNDING a0 THS CITY COUNCIL OF T!~ CITY OP ANAt~IM TAAT pgTITIQN POR RE^~IAS31PICATIQN N0. 60-61:-104 BH C~ANTSD _ 1Vfi~tBA3, the City Planning Commission.of the Citq of Aaaheia dia reeeive a Petition for Reclassification Initiated by the City Planning Commission, 204 8ast Lincoln A~~enue, Anaheim, California, proposing reclassification of the following described pro- perty: The northerly 200 feet of Lot 7, of Orange Grove Acres, in the City or Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map thereof recorde~. in Book 6, Page 42 of Miscellaneous Maps on file in the office of the County Recorder of sa~d county, measured along the west line of said Lot 7 from t~e c~~-ter 13ne of the street adjuin~ng said lot on the north, of the westerly 120.00 fee$ measured along said center line. ; aad WHBRBA3, fihe City Planning Co~ission did hold a p~b13.c hearitfg at the Ci4y Hail in the City of Anaheim on June 12, Y961 at 2;00 o'cloct P.M.~ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required t7]ap and in accorda-nce ~rith the provi- aions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to bear aad consider evidence for aad against said proposed reclassificatioa and to investigate and make findinga tad secoamea- dations in connectioa therewith; and WHBP,BA3, said Commission, after due inapectioa,inveatigation, and atudq aade by it- self and in its behalf, and after due coasideration of all evidence and reporta offered at s~id hcarin~, ~oes fiad sm~ determine the following f~cts: i„ ~,t tae petit~OYser propnses a reclasaification of the above described pro- pefty E:r'rom tRc R_-A, Re~idential Agracnl$ural, Zone to P-L~ Parking Landscaping, 2one and ; M-~1, ty~;§t Maniufa.cturiag~ ZQ''le. 1 2. ~~'hat thee D=op~letF rteclaae':ificatioa of sub~ect property ~9_ necesaar~ or I r~esirablC far the orderiy an,~ ~~pe! '3evelopmeat of the co~aunity. ; 3. ~gt ihh~ proposed reclassification of aub,~ect property does properig~ :~ ~,61s4e fiO 'ttx zomea sad tsei.r permitted uses localiy establiahed in ciose proxiaitj ~o ~ 8~;,j~~1 r:psRty ~.nm ts tb@ zones and their permitted uses geaeraily estabiiahed thso~egh- E Okt the _.:~t'u~uri~ty. ~ q,.. ~Itt~it t~y~ }~roposed reclassification of sub,ject property does require dedica{tion fur and standard ~mprovemeat of abutting streeta becauae said pxopertr j doFB relqX! to acttl abut upoa streets aad highways which are ,y~onog_ to sarr~ the : type and quant.",y of trnffic, vdiich Kili be generated by the peraitted usea, in •accord- i anca with thC circulation element of the Generai Plan. ~ 5. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the pro3ected development ~ of the no=theast industaial area as indicated on the General Plan. 6. Tha4 no one appeased in opposit3on to subject petition. 3 ~ ~ ,' R-1 -1 , _ __-- --- _.~_ _--~--- -~-_._. _ _ _ _-------- -------- ---~.^.~~y---- ,. ...._._ . a..,~ . ~ ~.. .. . _ ~ .~~"~~ ` ~ ..~ ~ , _..r-- ~ .: . z ~ ~ .~ N(7W, 1I-IBRBFORB, BE IT RESOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission liereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification No. 60-61-104 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the pnaheim Municipal Code be amended to exciude the above described property fsom the R-A,.Residential ~ pgricultur~i,Zone as fo~3A6vR; , a strip of land fifty t50) feet in depth, after dedicatian~ ' abutting and parallel to-`the Fla~r-ed highway right=of-way line on La Palma Avenue shall be i incorporafedia the P~:., Parking Landscaping, Zone; and, the balance of said pr.ope=ty shall be l incor~orated in the M-1, Light Manufactur3ng, ZoAe,,,upon the following conditi ons vhich are lie`reby-found``to be a necessary prerequisite to tfie proposed use of the subject property in ' order to preserve the safety and general welfare~of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Dedication of 53 feet fsom the monumented centerline of La Palma Avenue (20 feet existing).~~ 2, pregazation of street impro~rement plans add iastailation of all improvementa, in accordance with approved plans on file in ttie office of the City Hagineer, at time of development, 3, Payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lighting purposes at time of development or installation of ~treet lights at time of deveJ.opment as approved by the Director of Public Utilities. 4, Time limitation of niuety C90) days for the accompiishment of Item No. 1 or in accordance with the time limitation stipulated by the City Couacil. 5. Provision of a fifty (50) foot landscaped strip abutting the planned highvray r.ight-of-way line of sub,jPCt propert~, except for access drives or waiks. Plans for said landscaping and water supply system shall be subject to the approval of,the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance. TH8 PORBGOING R&40LUTION is signed and approved by met s 12th day of June, 1961. \ C IRMAN ANAHBIM CITY PIANNING COhAlISSION ATTEST: SE Y ANAHEIM CITY P N~ NG C~SSION STATH OF CALIPQRNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHBIM ) I, ,JBAN pAGB , Secretary of the City Pianning Commission of the Citq of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoiag reaolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plamiing Commisaion of the City of Anaheim~ held on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M., b}~ the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CO~AfISSI0NBR5: Allxed, Marcoux, Morris, hfungall, Perry~ Summers, N~89: Cd~4dISSIONffi~3: Noae. ABSSAif: C0~4ISSIOI~ffiR3: Chairman C.auer, Hapgood. IN WITNFIS3 WHBRHOF, I have hereuato set my hand this 12th day of June, 1961, ~iti/ SHQtSTAR ANAHHIM CITY PIANNI CObAfI9$ION R 2-A R~SOLUTYON N0. 281 -Z-- ---- --~-------._.__..~.---,..___._.~___.__..._...._~_.,_~.-__.___~..~.. .. ; _ -- _ -- . . _ . . .. . .._ ..__._. . . 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