PC 1960-1961-286f,.. ... ~-`.. j ;, ---- _ _ -- -- -- . _ ~ i f ~ ~ ~J .~, RBSOLUTION N0, 285. SBRiHS 19b0-bi /k RB30LUTiQN OF 1HS CITY F7ANNIN6 C~lilI3SI~I OP TfIH CITY OP ANAHBIk THAT PBTITION POR COAiDITIONAL USB PffitUfIT N0. 132 BB GRl1NTHD.._• ~A3,~the City Pianniag Co~issioa of #he City of Anaheim did receive g verified Peti#ion for Cq~1ditional Use Pgreii ~frpn ~~TT and CLARA M. HINKLBY, 1437 South Rose Street, anta Ana, CaliYOrnia; Owners•, K.'~: Daedrich and C. Prodsham;c908-8as.trQleande=,.Br~a; Cali- ~ornia`:L•esaee oi cer~ain rea~ property aituated in the Citq of Anaheia~ Couaty ~'f 0iacige~ 9tste of Caiiforaia, as desoribed in ~chibit "0" or as'folloxs: Ali`that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Ora:.o::, City of Anaheim, described as follows: The east half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 2, in Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridi'~. ~ , ; sud WFIDRBA3, ~he City Planning~Commission•did hoic3 a pubiic hearing nt the CitY H,all in 4he City of Ana~eim on June 12~ 1961 aL 2:00 o'cloct ~.M., notice of said publiE,heariag'"haMiag beea'duiy given as required by]aw $nd in accordaace pith the pzodi- sioas of khe Anaheim Municipal ^ode, Chapter 18.64, to hear a~nd cbasider evideace fos and againat safd propased condi~ional use and to inves•rigste asd may0~e findings and recanmaea- dations in conn:ct~on tt~erea#`tta; and ^ T~H3RBA3, sa4~ Commis~3~~~, a~~ter d~e iz;s~ectioa,invesiigation, and atudy aade bq it- self and ~n its behaif, aaci mfter due coasideratioa ~fr ail ev.idence aad reporta offe=ed at said hearing~ does find aad determine the followimg.fac#e: 1. That the propoaed use is properlq one for xhich a Conditioaai iTae Perait is su~;~oriud•by this Code, to wi~: single story garden ap~rtmerlts. 2.~ That the proposed uge rrili not adveraeiy affect the adjoining~isad useP and the groxth and development of the'area in rfiich it is propaeed to be located. 3.,..,That the size aad shape of !he sifi4 proposed for the use is ' adequa#e to allow the fu11 deveio~ment qf the ptd"posed use in,a aanner aot detrimental to the parti- . cular area nor to the peace, he~ith~ safety~ and general welfare of the citizens of the• City of Anaheim. ' 4. Tha! ~:he traffic ~~aerated b}c #he proporsed uae aili not impose aq-,i-~-ddue bur- dea upon .tfie~ streets and highways~ desigtud aad .proposed~+to esrry the kzaffic in~the area. 5. That the graating of the Conditioaal Uae Permit nnder the condixions i~osed,° if a'ny, wiil not be detrimentai tb the peace~ henith~ safety, aad general welfare of 4he citizens of the Citq of Aaaheim. •.. '~- ''~ 6. That the twenty (20) .foot spacing between building fronts a~ proposed is considered adequate for subject development, and is considered•to be a specific exception to the Code requirement for"the R-A, Resiaential Agricultural, Zone for which provision is made in Section 18,64.070 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 7. That no one appeared in oppositi:on to subject petition. Verbal support in favor of subject petition was"recorded., 2. C-1 -1- 1 . ~ J ~ .-.~ _.._~'_ "'........_.___._,_...._~_ .~.r..~...:..~ ' . : .. ' i.. .. . '__. . ~..__" 1~'" . , . V; . . ': ~...... . . ... _...- . . .. .._ _~ , m1'•~ . ' ( ~ .. . . _ . . . . ,. ~;S ~~i ;i ~' !ii ;.<<r,. ~`;~;:sa,` ~%?'~ :~ ~ ~~~' ~' •i'..1ti5!'. ~..~_..__..------. _ . K . i :~ - (\ ~ ~,~ ~ ~;Qn, y.~pC~, 'gg IT ggSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby ~ appsoves ~Gi:;~~I:AaL USB PBRMIT N0. 132 , upon the follo-~ing conditions which : are hereb•y ~ound fio t,e a aecessary pzere4uisite ta the proposed use of the sab,~ect pro- 'd erai xelfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: perCp 3's orae_, to pr~sarve the safety an gen 1, L,~e~opment su~~~antially in accordance with p].ans preseiited. ' 2, "r•`;:~.v.sion of laYidscaping in accordance with plans preseafied, Plans £or said landscaping ta be submitted to and approved by the Superintend2nt of Parkway Maintenance. 3. II~dication of 53 feet from the monumented ce~iterlirie of La Pa1ma.Avenue (30 feet existing).! 4w ~reparation of street improvement plans and installation of elli improvements in a:ccordance with approved standard plans on file fln the office of the City Hngineer. g, paywent of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. 4r,vision of utility easements along exterior boundaries as determined by the Director of Public.Dtilities. 7. Payment of $25.00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreatian fee to be collected as part of ~I ~ Building Permit. ~ i ~ 1 i ' s THg p~t,gGpING RBSOLUTI~I ia aigneG and approved by ae 12th day of June, 1961, ~ ~ ~p,N M CITY PL1tiNING C07,9dI$$ION ATTEST: 3H y ANAHBIA4 CITY P G C~9~llISSION g QP CALIPORNIA ) COIINTY OP ORANGII ) sa. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) i, J~ PA~~ , Secretary of the City Planaing Co~iesion of the•City of paahein, do hereby certifq that the foregoiaa resoiutioa xas passed aad adopted at a aeeting of the Ci+ly Plaaning Co~isaion of the City of Anaheia, heid oa June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o'cloct P.M., by the following vote of the aeabers thereof: pygg; ~op,g,~Igg;~gRg; Allred~ Murcoux, Morris~ •Mungall, Perry~ Suunners. NQBS: CO~g!IS5IONHR3: None. SggBNT; 0pl~AII3Si0Nffit5: Chairman Gauer; Hapgood, IN WETT~SS ~~OP, I have hereuato set ay dC?rA lt]3SOLUTION N0. 286 2- this 12th day of June, 1961~ ~ `I ~.P~ Q~A~~ - -r-------------------__---- ------ ~--- __ ` ~----- ~;;:;I , _