PC 1960-1961-288 iI (` ~ ' ~ lJ RBSOLUTION N0. 288. SBRIES 19~i0-bl P~ RHSOLUTI03~T OP THH CITY PIANNIIdG C~O~lISSI~I QP THB CITY OP ANAHHIl4 1tBC~DING TO TF~ CITY COUNCYL OP TliH CIT~i OP APTAtIBIA! THAT PHIZTION PQR RHCIA35IPICATION N0.50~61-101 BH DHNI~ 6~F~'tiBAS, the City Pianning Co~ssion of the Citq af Anaheim did receive m~erified Petition for Reclasai~ication from Hll~ffiR L, and LBSLSY G, WOODS, 223 Coiin, Compton; Califosnia, Ov,mers, proposing reclassification of the following described property: All that certain land sitnated in the State of~California, County of Orange, City of Anaheim, described as folYows: The north 180 feet of the east 60 feet of the west 308 feet of the ea~t half of the north haif of the nosth half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quartes of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. ; aaci WF~EtBA3, the City Planning Commission did hoid a public heariag at the ~ity Aa11 ia the City of ~naheim on June 12, 1961 ~t 2:00 o•clock P,Id.~ notice of said public hParing having been duly given ~s required bqiax and in accordance ~rith the provi- sions of the Anaheim Mun3ci;:al Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear aad consider evideace fos and against said proposed reciassification and to investigate and make fiadings and recoamen- datiotts in connection therewith; and ~ ~HAS, said Commiasion~ after due inspection,investigation, and studq mad,e by it- self and in its behalf, and after due consideratioa of all evideace aad repoxta offered at said hearing, does find aad c;Etermine the following facta: 1. `~hat the petitioner pro~osES~ a seclassificatSoa of the above desc2ibed pro- periy from t~e R-A, Residential Agricultusal; Zone to the R-3, Multipie Pamily Residential, Zone. 2. That the propoaed reclasaifica~Yioa of sub3ect property ~„not neceeaary or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the comaunity. 3, That the proposed reclassif3ca43on of se~b,~ect proper3y doea not properiy reiate to the aonea and their permitted usea iocaily es+iabliahed in ciose proziaity so sub3ect praperty aud to the zanes and their permitted uaes geaeraily eatabliahed t9irough- out the commustity. 4. Tha~ p1o~ plans ouiiining-~he psopo~ed Qev~lopmen~ of.sab,~ectfpsopestrq:and~tlie 83de qarc~ dinteasions do not confosm wiLh Code requxsements-for the R~3, Multiple Pam~tly .Re~idea~3a1.~;,Zane. ~ ~ ~: ~ 5'; "~Tha$ the zeclasaification of sub,~ec$.proper~q:would set a precedent for-multiple, :amily sesi~ential zoning and dev~lopment in $he asea.,. ' 6, Ths~ veshal opposi4ioa~ 3n addi~ion ~o writ~en oppos3tiot~, wese recorded against sub~ect pe~itiott. F.-1 I I ~ i _ . _. ___. _ . . - - .._._..._... .sr~,' _ . _~_ . . ._ . , . _ . .'.,';it~ -1- , •. . - , ~ ~ . i :~; _ ~ ~; ~ ~ ,~ ~. I~ ~ 7r7a~ - .. ,.. . ;f~ _ i . , ~ . ~ . . \.~ `~.,~ i ~~~:.,:~.~ . i titii I t. x~>: :Y' NqN, TFffiREPORH, BE IT RHSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Plaana.ag Commission ~ereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Pe4iLipn for Reclassification No. 60-61~101 be denied and, by sn doing, that 'Citle 18~~oning of the Aaakeim Municipal Code not be amended to exclude the abov~ de3cribed property from th~ R q, Re3idem~ial Agsicul~usal zone and to incorporate said descritsed property in the R-3, Mult~ipie PamiYq Res3deu~~a1 zorte. THB PoFtEGOING RB30LUTION is signed and approved by me s'12~ d~y of Juaeo Y961, ~~ "~.8 CHA RA:'AN ANAtIBIM CITY PYANNITdG CQA4dISSYO~i ATTB3T: SS Y ANAF~IM CI'TY PIAIVN G CQM~lISSIOId S OP CALIPdRNIA ) _ COUNTY OF ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAFIDIM ) I+ J~ti pAGB~ , Secse~ary of the City Planning Commission of 4he City of Anaheim, do heseby certify that tha foregoing resolution was paased and adopted a4 a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on J~e 12, Y961 at 2;00 o~cl~ck P,M „ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYBS: C069~tYS33C,YER3: xilsed, Ma$coux, Morr.lso Mungall~ Perry, Snmmess. NOB3: C(~h1MI3SI0NBR3: None, , i ABS~N'`': CaMMISSIONHRS: Chai~~~a~ Gaue~:p Hapgoad, IN WT2?dB35 WfiffitgOP, I have hereunto set my hartd Y2~h day of June, 196Y. .~ SIT Y ANAt~IM CITY P ING CQ`rAlI33IOId ,~:,~--~ R2-D _2_ RHSOLUTION N0. 2$8 ~.~_'_-..._T_.. _..._.,.__...,,,,__ .~. ~~~""'_.._...__.... ~ Q. _„ ,... ~'::~ . .. . , , . . . '~ , __' ..._...__ ._ . . . . - .. .._...~.~. . . . . .. _ ... _.__._. .. ~ . . . ~::4 . . ' .. ~ . _~-•-•-_..........,.....~... . . _.. L. .'E