PC 1960-1961-289 ~ r ;~,_,,.....~~....,....,~.....,.....,_.,.~,._......_.,r.~.....~ ,.,, _. ....... .. _ _ ,.._..~ , ,.,<,. ~.. ,.,. ,. .,.~...~.~,,,_.~.. ~,.. ~,. _ .. .. _ .. . . . _. ~~ ;~~a' RBSOLiTTION N0. 289, SBRIBS 1960-61 A R830LUTI~T QF THB CITY. PIANNING CQPOdISSI@i OP THS CxTY OP AI~TAI~I3( RHCQi~9~SBNDING TQ Tf~ CITY COUNCIL OP 1~ffi CITY QP ANA}~IM Tf1AT PBT'ITT~I FOR FtBCIA33IPICATTQY N0. 80-61-102 BS QtANTBD RfHHRHAS, the City ,~lanning Conim3.asian of the City af Anahei~ did receive a oexified Petition for Reclassificatioa from ILUSSELL J. and MARy C. MURRAY, 922 North Alamo, Anaheim, California~ Owners; John T, and Sf2via Callahan, 1014 Nar4h Alamo, Anaheim, California, Agent, proposing reclassifica~ion of the following described property: ?egal descsi~tion on file in 4he office af the Planning Department, e ~~ ~8A3, the Citp Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearia~g at the 8ity Hali in the City of Anaheim on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o~cfock P,M.~ aotice a£ amid public hearing having been duiy given as required by]ax and ia accordance xith the g:ovi- aions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and conaider evideace for and against said proposed recl}asificatioa and to ia~estigate and make findiags and secommcu- dationa in connectioa therewith; and V7f~RBAB, said Commissioa, after due 3nspection,investigatioa, and study aade by it- seif aad in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evideace aad reporta offered at said hearing, does find aad detesmine the following facts: 1, That. the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the abo~e descril~ed pno- perty from the R..1~ One Pamilq Resadential, Zone to the C-1, Ne3ghborhood Commercial,2one. 2. That the propoaed reclaesification of sub3ect property ~_ neceasar~ or deairable for 4he orderiy aad proper development of the coemunity. 3, That 4he proposed reclassification of aub3ect propesty does p=operly reiate to the zonea and their permitted uses locaily establis~ed in close proxisit~r to a~tb3ect property and to the zones and their permitted uses generaliq eatabliahed through- out the cac~tunity. 4. That ~hc proposefl reciassificatioa of sub3ect prqpertq dae~ not require dedication for aad staneiard in~provement of abuttiag streets becauae said property does relate to and abut upon streets and'high~vays whi,ch are imoroved to cazr~ the tqpe and quantitq of traffic, svhich wi11 be generatefl by the permit4ed uses~ in •aecord- ance with the circula4ioa eiemeat of the Geaeral Plaa, , S. That.no one appeared in opposi~ion to subject petition. ~ a R-1 ~ -1- ~ i. 1 ; {;: ... ,.-~:. .,:...,...._.....~,.,,___. --- .__.'"..,.:~; 'r` - _ .`;~:: ~.~ ~:J NOW, TfIBRBFORH, BB IT RESOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planniag Commission hereby recoaunends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petitiou for Reciassification No,60~61-102 be approved and, by so doing, that TitYe 2.8-'r:c~~:i:~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described pr~pcrt;.Y;~~n ihe R-1, One Pamily Residen~ial zone and to incorporate aaid described property :ir, thP C?•r::. Neighborhoo3 Commercial zone, upon the following conditions which a•re iie~eby f~unc~ to be a neces- sary prerequisite to the pronose~ use of the sabject property ir. J~d•:r to preserve the safety and genera]. welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim; 1. Development arid provision of parking aies~ i~i accopd3nce with the details as outlined oa Bxhibit'"A". 2. Inatallation of driveNay apions in accordance w3th the approved ~tandard plans on file in the office o#' the City Hn$ineer. 3. Psovisiott of landscaped areas in accordawtce with the areas outlined on Hxhibit "A". 3aid landscaping to l~e subject to the approval by the Superintenlent of Parkway Maitttenance. 4, Time limitation of ~3nety (90) days fos the accomplishment of Item Nos. 1, 2, and 3. T!~ P(~3tBG0ING RBSOLUTION is signed and approved by me tY:is 12 h day of June, 1961. CHAI ANAHHIM CITY PL4NNIN.^s C9A~MISSION AITEST: SH TARY APIAFIgIM CdTY P NING COA4Y(ISSION OF CALIPORNIA ) OUNTY OP OREWGg. ? ss. CITY OP ANAHEIM ) I~ •1~ PA~. , Secretary o€ the City planning •Commissi>>n of the Citq o£ ,1naheim, do hereby certify that t;ie foregoing reaolution was passed and adopted at a meetin~ of the City Plsiming Co@misaion of the City of Anaheim, held on June 12, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by the followiag vote of the members thereuf; A~~ CO[~4NISSIONBRS; A11red, Marcoux, Morris, Mungall, Perry, ylimmers, NG`1S: CGY~4dISSI0NBR3: None. AHSBNT: CQ~AlI3S.!~:~~R3: Chairman Gaues~ Hapgcod. IN WITNBgg WHHRgOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of June, 1961. .P~d.w./ SBQt$T~ pNpHBIM CI PIA NG C'~; dIu3IS,t{y~ %/ R~-~ -2-- R.BSOLL*i'ION N0. 2$9