PC 1960-1961-293r ., ~~ i > '~ RBSOLUTIOPI N0. 293, SHRTHS 1960-61 A RHSOLUTI~f OP TFIH CITY PIAPQ~TNC CQPBII3SIQN OP Tf~ CITY OP ANAHBIM THAT PHTITION POR CONDITIONAL USH &ffiUlIT 1V0, 130 BB GRANTHD WHBRSAS, the Citq Planniag Commiasioa of t~e City of Anaheim did reccive -, verified Petition for Conditionai U8e Fe=mit fron MAGNCLIA HAPTIST CHURCH OP ANAHHIM, i20 South Magnolia Avenue, Anahiem, California, Owner of certain real property situated ia the City of~Aaaheiv~ Couaty of Orange, 3tate of California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as followa: ~'he south 313 feet of the west half of thp fractional weat half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 18, in Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 10 et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange Connty. ; and WF~RFA3, the City Planniag Commissioa did hold a pubiic h~aring at the City Hall 3n the Gity of Anaheim on June 2b. 1961 a~t 2:00 o'clock p.M.~ notice of said pubiic heariag having been duly given as zequired bq]aN and in s~ccordance xith the provi- sions of the Anaheim Nunicipai Code, Chapter 1~.54, to hear and conaider evidence for and against said proposed coaditionai use and to inveatigate aad make findiaga aad reco~ea- datYOns in conaection therexith; and W.HBRBAS, said Commiasion~ after due iaepection~investigation, an~ study made by it- self ami in'its behalf, and after due consideration of all evideace and reports offered at said hearing, does find and detarmine the follo~ing facts: 1. That the proposed use ~g_ properly otae for xhich s Conditionai Uee Pertit is authorized by this Code, to xit: ckurch expansion. 2, That the propoaed use i • not advezsely affec~ the ed,~oining iaad usea and the growth and development of the area ia which iti is propoaed to be located. 3. That the size aad shape of the aite propoaed for the uae ~ adequate to aliow tgie £ull developmeni of the proposed use in a nanaer aot detrimental 4u the parti- cular area nor to the peace~ heaith, safety~ and geaeral ~reifare of the citiuas of the City of Attaheim. ' 4. That the traffic generated by tLe proposed use rr~li not impoae aa uadue bur- den upon the atreeta aad high~rays deaigaed aad ia~roved to earry the traffic in the area. S, That the grantiag of the Conditionai Use Permit under the conditioas ispoaed, if any, vci1Z not be detrimentai to the peace~ heaith~ aafety~ and geaerai xeifare of the citizena of' the City of A~aheim. 6. That the Magnolia Baptiat Church has been established on the subject property, . since 1957 and the propo3ed expanaion will be compatible with the existing~development':'-' 7, That the wall and fencing presently ~n existence on the subject property is adequate f~r the preseat time and the posting of a bond for u two (2) year per3od of tiate. will assure the installntion of walls in accordance with Code requirements if abutting properties are deveiop~d for resideatia,l purposea. 8. That the `•<:ight ]imitatio:i for the sanctuary and the campanile is hexeby waived, as provide: r.or in Code, Section 18.64.070, to permit a maximum height of thirty- nine (39) feet fo•c :.~e sanctuary aad a height of seveaty (70) feet for the campanilc. 9. That rn •..e appeared in opposition to subject petit3on. C-.y . ..1_ _ __ _ ! ~`~'' ~'~ ~ \ ~...~ ~`;. 1-: NpiV 7HSRgPORB 'BB IT RHSOL`.~.'D that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission hereby - approves ~ CONDITIONA~ uSB PERMIT N0. 130 , upon the follorring conditions which are here~7q found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pro- `• perty ia order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 4, ~ r; 1. Dedication of 53 fect €rom tHe monumented centerline of Ma~holia Avenue (30 feet existing). ~~ e' 2. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for stzeet libhting purposes. t~: 3. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented. 4. Installation of a six (6i foot masonry wall on the east property line at such time as the abutting property is deveieped for residehtial purposes. Post?ng of a bond for a two (2) year per:.od of time to assure said wall installation. 5. Posting of a bond for a two (2) year period of tiime for the installation of a six (6) foot masoury wall along the north property line at such time as the abutting property to the north is developed for residential purposes. 6. Time limitation of one hundred and eighty (180) days fos the accomplishment of Item Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 5. Tf~ PO~tSGOFNG RBSOLUTI03~I is signed aad approved by me this i h day of June, 1965.. ~~ VICB IRMAN IM C T'Y PLANNIHG COA4fI33I0N ATT83T: ~G~v~' ~ S8 Y ANAHBIM CITY P ING CfY~11dISSIQ~i STATH OF CALIPORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OF+ ANAHHIM ) • I~ J~ p~GB~ , Secretary of the City Planaing Co~dssion of the City of Anaheim, do he=eby cestify that the fo=egoing resolution iaas passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Coffinission of the City of Anahein, held on June 26, 1961 at 2;00 o~ciock P.M.~ by the fo~lowing wte of the ~aembexs thereof: 1-7t~.S: COAAlI33IONIDtB: 'riapgood, Morris, M-mga11, Pebley, Perry, Summ:~rs. NOB3: CLriAlI3SIOI~RS: None. ABggNT; pOMMI3SI0Nffit3: Allred, G:~uer, Marcoux. IN VIISNBSS 1~IBRBOP, I have hereuato set ay hand this 26th day of J~ne, 1961, ;,.~+t~~ (/ SHCRS ANAFrdTIM CITY pIANN CC ^f 4 t ~ VC2-A -2- ~ 's RBSOLUTION N0. 293 i _ ... ----- •- . . . . . ~~ ~ k.~ . 1, . _ _ -- --- _ . . , _ ._.,,.___._..~...~. _ ._;..~ _ __ ...._ ~ G` ~ ~ . . __. . . . _ .. . . . _. . .---~ . _ .l ~-:_ s