PC 1960-1961-297F ~ -! 1 1~~' '' ~_ - :P * . . k ~~~ •~ ~ ~ F 3 ' ' ~ ~;. . ~- ,~l_.;, r ~ ' : : ,;,:. ~ __._._ _ _ ~ - -~ 1 I ~ l_..i l ~ ggSOLUTION %O 297.~HRIES 195;Z:,Aa~_ A RHSOLUTI~1 OF TF~ CIT3t pIANNIPiG C~IxSSI~e GP. ~'L8 CITY tiP ANAI~IM AHCtl~OdF~iDIA'G TO THS CIT3f GDUNCYL OP 1Hii CITY U~ 11PIAHBIM TfiAT PgTITI47] POR RECIA38IPICATION tJO. 60-51-106 AA APPROVEA 1tHBEtBAS, the City, Pianning Comssisaion of the City af Analit~.s did xeceive a Petitian £or Reclaseifi.^.atioa initiated Uy the CITY PLA1;+IVING COI~iI3Si0N, 204 Hast Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, proposing reclassificatioa of the folloxring described property: Legal descriptioa on fiie in the office of the P2~n~ing Department. ; ~nd WfffiRBAS, the City Plaa.ning Commiasion did hold a pub3ic hearis~ ak ~~z~: c:34~ HalE in 4he City of Maheim on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o'cl~~k P~~Y~, uo~ice ofc s~id pubiic hearing having been dufy given xs required bylaa and in sc~:.~rd~r~ce triYh the pzovi- sians of the Aaaheia Municipal ~ode~ Chapter 18.72, ;o hesr and coasidrr ev~.dence for and against sa3d ~:oposed reciass~£icati~n and to iavesti~ate and mate finding$ and recoaanen- dations in coanectiou therewith; and Wf~iRBA3, sai~E Commf~aionr aff:er C,ue inepection~iavestigatiou, aad s4udy made by it- self and in ita L.ehalf, sad aft~.r due c.o~s3deration ~f all ev3~lence arad s~parts offex;eci at s~:.d heaxiag, doea find aud determiae the follorhing facte: _ ~ : ~ :~ ~ ?. 'That the petitioner proposea a reclassifir.ation of the abave,d',cacri'b~d pso- per:y from 'hLe C-1, Neighborhood Commercial,~Zoae to R-1, One Pamily Res9.dential, Zone. 2. ?h;~t the propoaed reclasaification of aub3ect propts2y ~_ neceseasy ar desirabie.far the orderly and Froper de~elopment of the comatuiifiy. 3. Thnt the proposed reclnseificat~o~a of aub3ect proper8y doea pxoperip selnte to the xones and their permitted uees I~ocaiiy eatabiiahed in ciose peoxinit~ to subject propexty aad to the zoaea and 4hef.~~ perm3tted uaea geaeraSiy establiahed through- o~it the co~unity, 4, That the propoaed r~cl~aeification of~`aubject propetty does require dedication for and staadard improvement of a street because said propetty does relate to and abut upon a street whicb is proposed to carry t2~ type and quatttity of traffic, uh?~h w.:11 be generated hy the pernitted usea~ ia •accord- ance vtith the circuFatioa element oi 4he Geaeral Plaa, but that said dedication_and im- provement will be completed in con;unction with the recordation of Pinai Map of Trect No. 4233. S. That the proposed reclassification of the sut~,ject property frum the C~1, NeighborhooQ Commercial, Zone to the R-1, One Pamily Residentiai, Zone w%11 psovide for };~Q propez zone and the orderly aevelopmen# of the subject property and wiil be cc~mpati.ble with the single family residential development of the properties ~butt:ing the subjer,t pro- Fe=ty on the north and on the east. 6. That the subject development will consist of eleven C11) single family residences containing frora 1,400 to 1,550 square feet of livxng area and runging in pxice from $20,000 to $22,000... ?. T_hat no one appeared in oppositioa to subject petition. ~ _y_ , R_1 ~, . I ~ ._- - ~ ~ ---------~---- ~ --- _ _ .,_ _, -------- -- ------- ~ ----- - -- - --- . . - -- - ----- - - -- r _ _ . ._ ~ . . _ -~- = . ~'~l ' . , ~ . ~~ ~\.~ .. . ~' ~ ` ~. ~ ~~`.. ? . i I ~. ~~I ~bML. ~.i ~.. y' ~i ~ ' ~~~~~ ~~ ~7 ~ ~~ }7 ~: L.~~ I~;, ~ ~ ~ t ~e ~ i ~ : `, r . t . .y ~,...! \ ..` ..~ ~ NCk7, THBRHPORH, BH IT RHSOLVBD ti~at the Aaaheim City Plaaning Commissioa hereby ~ recommends 4o the City CaunciY of the City of Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification ~~ No. 60-61-106 be approved and, by so doing, that Titie 18-Zoning of the Anaheim ! Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the C-1, Neighborhood ~ Commerical zone and to incor orate said described ' p property in the g~J., One Fsmily'Resi- deatial zone, upon the followiag conditions which are hezeby found to be a neces- ~i sary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pzoperty in order #o preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citiaens of Anaheim: 1. ~a 1, Recordation of a Pinai Map of the subjeCt property. B 2. Subject to the appioval of Petition for Variance No, 1373, TfiH FORBGOING RH90LUT1'ON is signe3 and Ppproved by m~ this 26t day of June, 19(il. ~ ~ ~ ATTBST: i~ . ~r-~--,~.J SHf:Tt9 AINP.HJ3IM ~CIT3f P I $3~4! I~ JTATB !JF ~,.4,LIPORNEA ) COUNTY OP C1RFu'VGL~ ) gn, CITY OP ANAH~Y~! ) ~i ' I, JDAN PAGS, ; Secretary o2 t2~s City Pisinning Comaission of the City of ~~ Anat.eim,. cio heseby certifg thst the fozegoing ze~ulut.ion was passed and adopted at a ,.~ meeti::« of •.tYie City Plasming Comn:ission of the ~~;ity of Anaheim, held on June 26, 1961 ,rj at 2:U0 o'cIloc~; P,M,, by the follouring vot~ of the members thereof: ~~ ~ AY9S: COMhtY5SI0NHR5: Hapgood, FSorris, Munpall, Pebley, Perry and Summers. .;;~ NOB3: COA4~lI$SION~t3: None, ~~ ABSB1~iT': C01~4I3SIOI~t3; Alired, Gauer, M~ccc~~x. ~. ~~ IN WI1lZl3~ itiEYBRHOP, I have hereunto set my haad this 26th day~ af June, 1~61. C) ~ ?~ S73(.'RBT/~R IM CITY P NG COD9~lI33ION ~~~., ,, R2-A -2-- ; R$SO'LUTION N0. 29? ~ .. ~,._,_,_~ i , __ ~ . _ t ' _._...____ _ _ . __ _ ._. ,~ :., ::,.. .w ._~~ -. ~ s ._ _.r. -- ~_ ~,.,,,~ 1 ; . _ _ __.___ . . . _ .... . ,._._,_. . . . .,