PC 1960-1961-302;~ ';~: :I :~: ';;; .. . . ___,.....,~.....~.,,.. ~...~v,,,.nu..,._,..,.....,......_....~._._.._..__._~....,.... __ , ... ( ~ . k,...~.,......,.., ._..,...~..,....,_,.,. _......~ ,._. -- ~ ~~ ~ gg~pyUrIpN Hp 302, 3HRIHS 1960-61 A RBSOLUTI~i OP TFffi CITY ~IANNII~€GG COYJIISSI@I OF? THB CITY Og ANAIIBIB[ gSC~iDING TO ; fi8 CI'T7 C~ITNCIL OP 1H8 CITY OP ANJ-HBIM TAAT pRTITION POtt RHCIA38IPICATION N0 60-61-.Z12 BH APPROVHD lif~BA3, 4he City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheia did receive ffi oerified Petition for Reclasaificat3on fsom PRANC 7{. VBLTHN, 1903 Noxma Lane, Anaheim, California, Owner, John W. Buckhaltex, 1320 Rickep Lane, Anaheim, California, Agent, proposing re- classification of the following described properties: Lot 1 in Block 4 of Tract No. 221, in the City of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 4, Miscellaneous Maps, reco~ds of said Orange Coun~y; EXCHPTING THHR$PROM the easterly 50 feet thereof. Lot 2 in Block 4 of' Tract No: 221, in the Citiy of AiiaHeim, as shown on a map thereof re- corded in book 13, page 4, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orahge County; BXCSPT the easterly 50 feet. Ti:° east 50 f'eet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 of Tract No. 221, in the City of Anaheim, as shown a map thereof recorded in book 13, page 4, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; and Wf~RBAS, the Citq Planaing Comnisaion did hold a public hearing at the City Hsll in the City of Anaheim oa June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.R.~ notice of said pubiic hearing having beea duly given as required by]ux aad ia accordance nilh the provi~ sions of the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and coa~ider evid.eace for aad ag~ain'st said proposed reciaseificatioa and tc invcstigate and mate fin~4inga sad xecoamea- dationa 3n connectioa thererrith; and WtffiRBA3, said Commisaioa. af'ter due iaspection,inveatigatfon, and study made by i4- self aad in its ~ehalf, mnd after due consideratioa'of ali evidence ana rep~orta offered at said hearing, doea find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petition2r proposes ,a reclassificatioa of the abov~ d2scribed pro- perty from tIIe R-3, Multiple Pamily Residenfial, Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone. 2. That the propoaed reciaseification of snb3ect p=operty ~_ aeceaear~ or desirabie fcr the ordesly and proper develogment of the comwnity. 3, That 4he propo~ed reclassification of aub,~ect propert~ doea properiy relate to the zoaea aad ~heir permitted uaea iocaily establiahed in ciose proximitr to sub3ect property and to the zones and the3~r permiLted,uaes geaera3ly ea4abliahed through- oe~t the eommunity. 4. That 4he proposed reciassificstioa of aub3ec+,• property doea =equire dedication for aad atandard improveaent of abuttiag s4reets becauae said proper+~y does selate to and abut upoa streeta aad high~va-ys wr.ich are uronosed to carr~ the tqpe and quantitq of traffie~ rhich vdli Let gea~erated by the perai4ted uaea~ ia ~sccord- ance w3th the c~rcuiation element of the Generai Plan. S, That verbal opposition by oae owner of adjacent prope~~ty was recosded against subject petition. R-1 -1- _-- ...------- - __'~._" .-._~•.... ...-.~__,_ .,.-.::_~.._.._.._.-r--------^_...~"__ ~y, _ . ~ - . a~d . . . . . 1 ~ . . ~ . . ~a.~. . ,.... . ~ . . _. . .. __ ._~_._" {_~ ;~~~ NdW, 1HBREPORB, BB IT RBSOLV~A that the Anaheim City planning Commission hereby i recoaunends to the City Council of the City of. Anaheim that Petition for Reclassification No. 60-61-112 be approved and~ by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-3, Multiple Fam- ' ily Residentialzone and to incorporate said described prapertp in the C-1, Neighborhood i Commercial zotte, upon the foliowing conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- sar~ prerequisite to the propo~ed use of the subject proper.ty in order to preserve the safety and general welfa;e of thc Citizens of Anaheim; , 1. Dedication cf 45 feet from the monumented centerline of Los Angeles SEre.: (34,75 feet ~; existing). ~ 2. Time limitation of ninety (90) da•}-y for the accomplisfimeat of Item No, 1. 3, Development substantially in accordance with plans presanted with the building setback line established two (2} feet eASt of t~he pianned highway right-of-vray line of Los Angeles Streeto 4. Provision and maintenancE of a two (2) foot landscaping strip ia the two (2) foot setback from the planned highm~y right-of~way line of Los Angeles Street. TlIB PQRHGOING 3tS90LUTI0N is signed and appxoved by ATTB3T: ~ / ,i~. SH N1~FiBIM CI , Y I COh4A SS~Oa1 STA OP CALYPORNIA ) COUNTY OP OItANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHEIM ) this 26t~4 day of June, 1961. I, ,TEAN PAGH ~ 5ecretury ot the City Plaaning ~o~ission of the Citq of Anaheim~ do hereby certify L•haY the foregoiag resolution'was psssed and adopted at ~ meeting of the City,Plaiming Commission of the ~ity of Anaheim, held on June 26, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock F.M., by the folloming vote of the members thereof; AYBS: CQhAlIS3IONE~CS: Hapgood, Morris, M~~ngali~ PebZey, Perry, 5ummers. NQB3: C~AlI35IONI~t3: None. AASHNT: C0I~4lI9SIOI~t3: Ailred~ Gauer, Murcoux. IN WITNB,gS Y3HSRHOF, E have hereunto set my hand 26th day of June, 1961. R2-A j RBSOLUTION No. 302 i r. i ~~.. ~ ~..- _ _ -.- '~ ~ ` ' t , SSCRS~jI ANAHBIM CITY PIA NG CQhUSI33I0N ~ v~ i _2__ ~I I ; i . ----.~ ; ------~---- ---- - .___ .__-_. ----~-~ ~-~-------- ~ _ _ ___. __ __.. .~ ~ -_ ._. . _..