PC 1961-1962-100_ , ~ .~ ;~~, nQ .~ ......... ,, . .,...._-___ _. ~_..~ .. : . _ . . _ . f _... _ , _ . . '~ ~~ .,~ ~ /'.y. ,~~. ,.~ .-.: ~ ~ . RgSOLUTION N0. 100,_SBRiHS 1961-62 A RBSOLUTIO~i OP 1IiH CITY PLINNING CaM/I3SIai OP THB CITY OP ANAHHIl4 THAT P~TITION FOR (:OHDIIZO~IAL U9E PffiiMIT N0. 164 BH ~RANTSD. 9VHHRBAB, the City planning Commiasioa of the City of Anaheia did reeeive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit froo JOHN C. STBINMETZ, P. 0. Box 56, Shaver Lake, California, Owner; Hazel M. Dascenzi,7481 La Palma Avenue, Buena Park, California, Agent of certain real property eituated in the Ci4y ~f Asfalieim'~ County of Oraage, State of California, ae described in Bxhibit "A" or aa fclloxa: THe south half of the east half of the northeast~quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 14, in Tovmahip 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, city of Anaheim, as shown ori a map thereof recorded in Book 51, page 7 et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, secords of said Orange Couaty; BXCBP'rING TF;BRBPROM the south 483 £eet; ALSO HXCHPTING THBRSPROM the east 200 feet of the north 89.16 feet of the south 572.16 feet ; acd MIf~R8R~8~ the City Planning Commisaion did hold n public hearing at the City Hail ia the City of Aaaheim on October 2, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notiee of said public heariag having been duly givea as required by ~r aad in accordance ~oith the provi- siona of the Ansheim Alunicipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and coaeider evidence for sad againat said propoaed conditional uee and to inveatigate and dake fiadia~s.ana zeeoa~ea- datioas in coanection thesevaith; aad Wf~R8A3, asid Commiasion~ af#er due iaepeetioa~invemtigatioa~ sad etudy aa8e f~:~:2- seif and in ita behaif~ and after due coniideratfoa of R11 evideace ac~d cr.portn,~*f~ered '• at eaid heasiag~ doea fiad aad deteraine the folioxiag.fact~: I ' i. That the propoaed uae ~_ properiy oa: for xhich s CoarYiticaal Ue~e Permlt ° ie aut2torized by this Code, to Nit: a rest hume. 2, 'fiat ~the proposed use ~11 not ndaeraely affect !he ad,~oiaing iaed uaes aa,: the groath and developmeat of t-~e arsa ia xhich i~ ~a propoaed to be locateG. 3. That the eixe sad ahape of the aite propoeed fos fihe uBe ~, adeqaste to allow .the fuli developmenL of the proposed use ia a aauner aot detrimeatni to the par4i- cuiar area nor to the peace~ health~ eafetq~ aad geaeral relfare of the citizeas of the City o~f Aaaheim. 4. That the traffic genesatad b~ the propoaed uae will not impoee an undue bur- `' den upon the atreeta and highwaqa designed nnd proposed to esrzq the traffie in the arta. S. That the graatiag of the Conditionai Uae Permit under the coaditione iiposed~ if aaq, will not be de*rimentai to the peace, heaith~ safety~ aad geaeral xeifare of the citizena of the City of Aaaheim. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. C-1 _1_ ---- -- ---,-- --____ ---..__.- - ------ _ _ ..._._._...---... ,; .__ _- -- ~ ~ i ~; - . : ; i i ~ ~ ! t i i , : , . o. ~+' ~~ ~~ ~ I s - ,,~ (_j ~ ~ . ; NdNI, 14iBRHPORB~ 'SB IT RBSOLVED that the Anaheia City Planuing Commiasion hereby approves Conclitional Use permit No, 164 ~ upon the foliox3ng conditiona which are herebq found to be a necessary prerequisi~e to the propoaed uae of the aub3ect pro- perty in order to preaerve the safety and generai xelfare of the Citizeas of Anaheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. 2. Dedication of 45 feet from the monumented centerline of western Avenue (20 feet existing). 3, preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improve- ments for H-estern Avenue in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. ' 4. payment of $2,00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on ~yestern Avenue. 5. provision of•utility easements along exterior boundaries 'as determined to be necessary by the Director of public Utilities to adequately serve the sub~ect properL•y and other pr~perty, 6, Time limitation of one hund.~ed and eighty (180) days for the accomplish- ment of Item Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. TNB PQtHGOING RBSOLUTIODf ia aistted aad approVed by ~ee ~his 2nd day of October, 1961. A17F8T: Y ANAFIDIN IT'Y ING C~UfI35Iai 8~'AfiB OP CALI PORNIEI ) COUNTY OP ORIWGH ) as. • CITY OP ANAE~IM ) C-HAIA~~~ANA}IDIM CITY PIANlfING COMt~i PI ~ I~ JEAN PAGE , 8eczetary of the City Plaaning Co~nission of the Citq of Anaheim~ do hereby certify thet t~e foresoias reaolut~ou aas paeeed and adopted at a meetiag of the C~Ly P16tlIIftlg COII~.BD~.O*S Of the Ci4y of Anaheia, heid oa 0 c t o b e r 2, 19 e l, at 2:00 o~ciock P.M.. bq the fo11rn-iag vute of the ae`bera thereof: AY88: COiAdI83I@IBRS: pllred, Gauer, Hapgood, 1lqarcoux, Niungall, pebley, perry, Summers. NOiB3: C064~lI33IOI~t9 : N o n e. ABSHNT: QOldMY8SI0N8R3: Morris Iti b~l3TDIB3$ TA4i7fltBOF~ I haVe hereuato ae} ny ~a this 2nd day of October, 1961. VC2-A SE ANNIDIDA CITY P G C~OlI8SI~1 -~2- Resolution No. 100 t : _~._._... ' + ----------•--- _ ---. --- _.. ~ r-- _ _ --~ - ' __ _ --_ __.. _ ____._.. - -_ - _._. .._--- - ,, , _ ..... _ . _ _ -- - - _ _ _ .::_. . .