PC 1961-1962-107~ ~ .. ~ •f__~ ~.,~ ~) 4 ~_ _. __.._.... ~~ ~ ~l . ~ ti~ (`. !1 RESOLUTION NO 107 SERIEG ~9F1-5? A RHSOLUT30~1 OP THB CITY PIANNING COAAtISSIQN OP Tf~ CITY OP ANAHHIM THAT PHTITION POR VARIANCB NO 1407 nu nuuritn_ WfiIDLBAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified petition for Variance from JESSB and DOLORSS N. ARRIOIA, 225 Hast La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Aaaheim, Caunty of Orange, State of California, as described in Hxhibit "A" or as followa: Lots 6 of Gresswell Subdivision AND FURTHER DESCRIBEp AS 225 EASF LA PALMA AVENUE ~ ; and ~ ~ i ~ - -----s-- WE~ABA3, the City Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at Che City Ha~l in the City of Anaheim on October 16, 1961 at 2:00 o'c1~ck P.Rl., notice of eaid public hearing having been duly given as required by]aw and ia accordance with the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,68, to hear and consider evidenae for and againat said proposed variance and to iavestigate and nake findings and recommendatione in connection therewith; and WtID1tBA3y said Commiasion, after due inapection, inve~tigation,and atudy made by it- self and in its behalf, and afier due consideration of all evidence and reposta offered xs said hearing, does find and determine the following facta: l. That• the petitioner requests a variance from the Anaheim Nunicipal Code: 9ectiors (1) 18.32.030 (2) which requires for subject property a seven and one-half (7}) foot interior side yard to permit an encsoachmr.nt of six (6) feet with an existing garage into the required interior side yard; (2) 18.32.120 which requires toz subjzc't property one and one-qu~rter parking spaces per dwelling unit in a garage or a total of t:vo and one~half parking spaces in a garage to permit the ~evelo~ment of i ibject qroperty witYa the proa•ision of two (2) parking spaces in a garage; (3) 18.32.030 which requires tk,at the minimum space between the exterior walls of main buildings end to end s?iall be ~i minimum of ten (10) feet to.permit,a space of eight (8) feet; (4) 18.32,080 (1-a) whici~i sequis:es foz aubject property an.exterior side yard of not less than fifteen ('15) f~et ~to peroit an encroachment of seven and one-h.alf (7~) feet into tlt~. exterior,.side ya:d w~'.;; the proposed dwelling and to permit the,existing dwelling to encroach three (3)•feet~fnto the requised fifteen (15) foot exterior side yard; (5) 18.32.100 which r~:quires foc subject property that the ingress and egress f'rom and to any garage be fro~ tlie abutting alley only and not from the street to permit access to an exis4ing $arage f~:~m the stseet; and (6) 18.80.080 which requires for subject property that any single f.amily dwelling to be Constructed on subject property shall have a minimum liveable floor space of not lrss than 1,22:i se::are feet•.to pezmit the construction of a single family dwelling with a minimum la.~~:r~r'_:• ~3oor space of 800 square feet. 2. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right poss~ssed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. ~• 4, That the petitioner was not present to represent his case and to submit revised plans. V-1 -1' ___. ___ ..._ _.__ _._ . . --_ _. _ _ . ____ _.. _ . _ _ _-- -- - ~ __. ,. .. ~ . ~ _,_ _ ._ __._._ „ ~___ ... , , _ ~ ~_'~" , ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: ~ . ~, ~r ppy11~ THgRBp0Rl3, HB IT RB90LVBD that thc Anaheim City P~a:ming Comaisaion hereby denies Variance No. 1407 PQR PHRMISSION TO WAIVH MINIMUM PLOOR ARBA, PARRING SPACH, AND BXTBEtIOR SIDHYARD RBQUIRHMBNTS; AISO TO PBRMIT HNCROACHMHNT OP ATTACI~ffiD GARAGH INTU INTffitIOR SIDBYARD ON SUBJBCT PROPBRTY on the basis of the aforementioned findings. Ti~ffi PORBGOItvG RBSOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 16th day of October, 1961. ATTBST: ~ y pNAHBIM CIT7t Y I2iG CObAtI3SI0N TB OP CALIPOAr1IA ) C(7UNTY OP ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHHIM ) ~•, ~ C}ipI ANAtiBIM CI1'Y P ING COD4rtI v ~ I~ JgpN ppGg , Secretary of the City Plaaaing Coosi.saion of the City of Anaheiv, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~vas passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planaing Comnission of the City of Anaheis~ held on Octo~er 16, 19G1 at 2:00 o'Clock P.M., by the following vote of the membera thereof: pygg; COhall'9SIONBit3: Allred, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Summers pQ~gg; COIA~(IS9IOt~iSRB: None. pggHN'p; COA4~(I33IONBRB: Morris, Perry. IDT pITNB3$ Ylf~itHOP, I have hereunto aet my hanci this 16th day of October, 1961. ~ _%~"~,C/+~t~ 1L.• S Y ANAt~IM CI Y COhMISSION {fC2-D +2_ RHSOLUTION N0. 107 _ ....__~ ~t _.._. t-f .