PC 1961-1962-121 . ~~ ~~ ~ ., ~ ~~~ •~~ 1 ~„~i...w......~..~~,~..__..__"_ _" ~ ~ ~ 'r i ~ i r ~ ~~~: RBSOLUT.iON N0. 12. SHRIHS 1961-62 A RBSOLUTI~i OP TH8 CITY PIANNING C~0IISSI~I OP Tlf6 QTY OP ANpF~IM RBC~}DING TO Tf~ CITY CCIUNCIL UP 1HB CIT3C OP ANAHBIId THAT PBTITION POR RECIASSIPIGITIQN N0 61-62-5 BH APPROVIlD y 11HffitBAS,,the City Plasning CoOnisaion of the City of Anahei~ did receivc a~erified t Petitian for Reclaseification from ELHERT R. PATRICR, 2600 West Chapman, Orange, 3 California, Owner; Hlmo Vickers, 3409 West Beverly Boulevard, Montebello, California, Agent, proposing reclassification of the following described property: Legal description ~ on file in the office of the p7.anning Department. . ; aad WF~tBA8, the City plann3ag Co~isaion did hold a pe~lic heariag at Lhe C~ty Hall ia the City of Anaheim on July 10, 1961 at 2;00 o'clock P,N,~ natiee of said pubiic heerittg having been duly givea as required by]aN and in accor¢ance ~ith the provi- aions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Ch$pter 18.72, to hear and conaider evideace for aad againat said proposed recla9sification aud to iavestigate and sake findiaga ana recoamea- dationa 3a connection therewith; and NIfffiitBA~, said Commiasion~ after due inepection~invealigatioa, and atudy aade by it- seif and in its behaif~ and after due conaideration of all evideace aad zeporta offezed at said heariaQ, doea £iad aad determine the follo~ing £acta: 1. Thet the petitioaer propoaea e reclaeaification of the above deacriLed pro- perty from 4ae R-A, Residential Agricultarai, Zone to the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residential 2one. 2. That the propoaed reciaeaification of aub,~ect property ~_ aecessu~ or deairuble for the orderl~ aad proper developmeat of the coiuuniLy. 3. That the propoaed reclaaaification of au'b,~ect property doea psoperiy relate to the zoaea aad their permitted uaea iocailq eatabliehed in cloae proz~laity to aub3ect property aad to the zoaea aad their permitted uaea geaerslly eataClisued through- out 4he comnuaity.. 4. That the propoaed reclasaification of aub,~ect propexty doea require dedication for aad sYaadard iaprove~ent of abutt3ag atreeta becauae safd propert~ doea relate tn and abut upoa s4rects and highrrays Nhich are ~~,g~~_ to carr~.the tqp~ and qaaatity of traffic, which xiil be gaaerated by the pes~titted uaea, in •aecord- ance with 4he circulation eiement of the Geaersl l~laa. 5. That verbal opposition was recorded against subject petition, R-1 -1- ',;;k~ , w~ ! I ;~., ~ `~' . ; ;y y~~\ ~ ~....~ ~ ~ NOW, ~1BRHPORB, BB IT RHSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anahe3m t~at Petition for Reclassification No, 61-62-5 be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-2ony.ng of the Anaheim Municipal Code be a~ended to exclude the above described property from 4he R A, Residential Ag=ic~~iturai zone and to zncorporate said described pr~perty in the R-3, Multiple Pamily Residentiai zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces- sary prerequisite to the pr~posed use of the subject pr~~perty ia order to preserve the safety and seneral welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: 1. Development substantially in accordance with plans presented indieating oLe ster.y constructian. 2. Dedication of 32 feet from the monumented centerline of 3ycamore 5treet (30 feet existin~). 3, Payment of $2.00 per frant foet for street lighting purposes ori Sycamore Street. 4. Compliance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer for the installation of sidewalks and driveways. 5. '_'ayment of $25,00 per dwelling un3t Park and Recreation fee to be collected as part of Suilding Permit. 6. Time limitation of ninety (90) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. 7. Provisioa of iandscaping.in the frant setback area of the existing duplex, said land- ~caping plans to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintenden~ of Parkwaq Maintenance. 8. Provision of off-s~ireet parking facilities in accordance ~.vith pTans presented and pro- hibiting the use of the front yard se~back axea for parking pur}pdses. THB FOREGOING RBSOLUTICN is signed and approved~by me this l~th day of July, 1961. ~ VT~B IltlklAN API~Fi3IRi (;ITY PLANNING C~4dISSION ATTE9T: SB Y ANAHBYM CITY ~ ING CQ~A! SION STATB OF CALIPORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGH ) ss. CITY OP ANAfffiIM ) I, JHAN PAGB , Secretary oi •the City Planning Caacaission of ~1te City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution'was passed and adopted at a mQexing of the City Plusiaing Commission of the City of l4.naheim, held on July 10, 1961 at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by the fo3lowing vote of 4he meabers thereo£: I I4Y~3: C~ASI93IONBR3: Alired, Morris, N,ungall, Pebley, Ferry, Summers. , IdOB3: COAAlI3~ION~t3: None. ~ ASSE:VT: CQF4438SIONffit3: Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux. IN WITNB33 WF~RHOP, Y have hereunto set my hand ~ihis lOth day of Juxy, 1961. SBQtB ANAHBIM CITY P C~SI88ION R2-A RBS~LUTION N0.12 ,._ -,. _ . ~ _-~. - -2-- , ~ ._ .,...,.._...... Y~ ;; 'd ~ i i i f ~ -'