PC 1961-1962-13~~~ ' `, ~,~ ,~ RBSOLUTIaN N0. 13. SHRIBS 1961-62 ~ ' '£: , a= ~ A RESOLUTI0.1 OP Ti~ CITY PIANNING CONa[ISSId~I OP T~8 CITY OF ANAF~IM R8CG~9d~VDING TO Tfffi CI1'Y C~TNCIL OP 34~ CITY OP NNAI~IM T~AT PBTYTION POR ItECIA3$TPICATI04d N0: 61-62-6 BB APPROVSD ' WHffitBA3~ the City Pienning Co~mission of the Ci4q of Anahei~ did reeeive a pex~fied Petition for Reciassific4tioa from THItIFTIMART MARKBTS, 1439 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles 7, California, Owners; Charles Wagner B.~terprises, 5455 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, Caliiornia, Agents, proposing xeclassi£ication of the fol?.owing described property; Legal description on file in the office of the ~lanning Department. : ~ Wf~1tBA8, the City Planaing Cesffiission did hoid a~ubiic hearia}g at khe City Ha11 ia khe Citq of Maheim on Ju1y 10, 1961 at 2:0(1 o~cloct B.~Q,~ aotice of said pubiic hearing having been dulq given as required bq]a~- and in accordance t~£fh the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 16.72~ to hear and coasider evioience £or and agaiast said progoaed reclasaification and to iavestigate and aake find3.aga dad recoamea- dations in connectioa therewith; and Wt~RHAB, ~aid Commisaioa, aftez +'~ue ia~p~r.tion,inveatigation, aad sLu~l~ made by it- seif and in its behalf, and after c~uc ca~::sidera:ion of all evideace aqd repoxts offered at said hearing, doas find aad determ3.a~ ~he fo11o~3.ng facts: 1. That the petitioner proposea a reclassificatioa of the above described pro- p~rty from t0e R-A, Residentbal Agricultural, Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone. 2. That 4he propoaed reclaeaification of se~~~ect prop=rfiy !.s necese~y or deairabi~ for the orderly aad proper developmeat of tk~e c~omaausit;y. 3, That the n=o~sed reclassification at sab,ject propert~ doea pro rl reia~e to the zoaes and their permitfed usea loca3Zy ~stabiiahed ia close ~rrozimi4y to sub,ject property snd to the zoaes and their permit~ted usas geaerai].y ttstabiiahed through- out the co~munity. 4. That tlae proy~oaed reclaasification of sub,~ect propertp does not require dedicatioa for aad staadard impasoyeneat of abuttiag .atreete beeause eaid propert~ do~es rr~late to aad abut upoa stree4s and h3gh~-ya evhfch arr imnroved fio esrrq tP-~ type and quantity of traffic~ mhich xi3.1 be.geaerated by the peraitted utsea. .in •aceord- ance with the circulatioa element o€ the Geaerai Plaa. 5. That the proposed reclsssification is compatible with the surrounding develop- ment and is in accordance with the projected development cf the Disneyland Area as delimited on the General p?aa:- ' 6. Thut no one appeared in opposi#ion to subject petition. ;t-1 -1- i: i i ~ ~ - _-_~------._.__.__._____.__.__..._...:~__._________...___. ..r.., ~ . . ,. , u. . ~ , ~ ~ . ~ ~ . _~,.__._. _ . ~ - .... ~.,.,,.. . ~ ~. . . ._ .._._ .__- ~__- ,.. ~ !'~ ! ~'~~ NC~V, 1HBRHFORE, BS IT RESOL.VHD that the Anaheim Czty Planaing Commission hereby ; zecommends to the City Council of 4he City of Anaheim that Petition for Reciassification i No. 61-62-6 be approved and, by so duing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the ab~ve described pr~perty fram the R-A, Residential Agricultural zone aad #o incorpoxate said described property in the C-1, Neighborl;ood Commercial zone, npon the fol2o~viag condition3 which are hereby found to be a neces- sary prerequisite to the groposed ~sse of the subject property in ordeE to prese=ve th~ safety and general welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim: l. Provision of three (3) foot landscaped strip and hedge abutting the planned highway right-of-way line of subject'property, except for acces~ drives or walks, ~nd the pro- visi.on of five (5) fonf by ~ide (5) foot tree wells at iorty (40) foot intervals in the parl~way ~ortion of sai~ right-di-way adjacent to the planned highway sight-of-way line,and the insi~allation of street trees therein. All portions of said parkway not filled in ivith concrete shall ce properly landsc3ped in the manner provided for herein. Plans foi said land~caping and water supply system, incJ.uding the spacing of stseet trees and hedge, shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintena~~e. 2, payment oi $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Harbor Boulevard. 3, Compliance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City $ngineer for the i.nstallation of sidewalks and driveways. 4. Time limitation of nittety (90? days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 2 and 3. Tf~ P~tHGOII~'G RHSOLUTION is sigaed and approved by me this 10th day of July, 1961. . . VICB HAIRMAN ANAf~ CITY PIANAIING C0I~4~SI~SION ATfE3T: ~ / ~ Y AI~.,t~IM CITY Y TdI~C~Al~33ION PA'T~ OF G'.TPORNIA ) CLVJN'^_' ~a ~e.PIG3 ) 83. . i:ETY OP ANAHEIM ) I, JBAN PAGE ~ Secre4ury of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the C3ty Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 10, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., t:~ the followiag vote of the members thereof: ~iYB3: CU~AlI53IONBRS: Allred, Morris, weangall, P~bley, Perry, Summess. NOB3: Cf~4lISSION~t3: None. AHSBAl'C: CO-IId::4SI0I~R3: Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux. IN 1dI1'~9 W}i~tBOP, I have hereunto set my hand this lOth day of July, 1961. 5~(~tR'" ANAHflIM CITY PLINNI ~ COFfASI3SIQN ;.' g2-p -Z-- } RHSOLUTION N0. 13 _,. .~~_ ~ .~_ _._. - - - , ,, ___. ..__-- -.r ._ ~ ~` ° -- . --- - -----_._..._...._ .__, _~_. _._____, _ . ~ . M, n. 1 ~ . _ ___ _.._..__ ~_. _.'_'__...-'~ , ~..~ _ ~ • ~ .._ _ . _. _ __ • ~