PC 1961-1962-17~ - .~_, ;~: • . ' ' ~ ~" ;~ . ~ ~ ~-~ `~ . ~ ,~ t~~ .:- ;~,, .4. ~ RBSOLUTInx pp 12 SEItIH3 1961-62 ~ ~ I A RBSOL*JTI~I OP TEffi CITY PIAHNIti"v C~0(ISSI@i OP Tf~ CITY OP ANA2i8Ilt REC~NDING TO TlIB CITY CdiTNCIZ OP 1H8 CITY OP AHAE~IM THAT pB1ZTI@i POR RBCIA3$IPICATIt?N NO 61-62•-3 BH DHNIBD. 11HBRBA3, the City Piaaaiag Commiaeion of t}u: Cit7~ of Anaheia dia receive a oerified betitioa for Reclassif~.cotion fxom ORA E. and ByELYN D, HARDACRE, MURRAY W. SPORN and MARTIN SCRRIN, 1016 North Magnolia Avenue, Anaheim, Cali;urnia, Owners; Martin Sorkin, Agent, proposii~g reclassification of the followin5 described property; All that certain land situated in tl~e City of Anaheim, described as follows: Lot Ttvo of 17cact No. 1948 as show~: on a Map recorded in Book 58, pages 41, 42 and 43 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California: lot 1 of Tract No. 1948, in the city of Anaheiai, county of Ormnge, state of California, as per map recordPd in book 58 poges 41, 42 and 43 c~f Miscel- laneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county. : aad 1Kl~tBAB, the City Planning Co~isaion did hold a public heariag st the 6ity Haii in th~e City of Anaheim on July 24, 1961 at 2:00 o'cloct P.ll., notice of said publ3c hearing having beea duly given as required by ffix and in sccordattce xith the prnvi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evideace for and againat said proposed reciasaification and to iavestiga2~ and aake £indings sad secasAen- dat3ona in coanection therewith; und Wf~RAA3, said Comxiasioa, after due inepection,iaveatigation, and atudy aade by it- seif and ia ita behalf, aad after due consideration of ail evidence and zepor+Ya offered at saiG hearing, doea find and determine the foilovring facts: 1. That the petitioner propoaea a reclasaification of thE above descsibed pro- perty from tII~ R-1, One Pamily Residential, ~one to the C-1, Ne~ghborhood Comm,ercial, Zone. 2. That the propoae3 reciaeaification of aub,~ect property not aeceaear~ or desirable for the orderly and proper developmeat of the co~uaity. 3. That the proposed seclassification of subject property uould permit a use of the sub,ject property that is not compatible with the R-1, One Pamily Residential, development uf the tract of which sub,ject properky is a part. 4, That a large amount of commercial acreage locaxad nor:herly of subject property is available for co~mercial development. 5. That no ene appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~ i ! R-1 i _ __. - _. ` . . ~ y,A -~' -1- --- _ .. - -----.__..~. _ _ _ ---- - - . ~ ~ .. _ . - ----__ . ; Y ~~'•' ~ ~^~ ..-•o ~.~ ~v 1; '--M....._.._.,,_.~'------ s, .~ i: 5'. ,. ~' ~ 1~ ~~ .i i: ,I~ ppMl, THBRBpORH, BB 1T RBSOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planaing Cormniasion h~reby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Petitioa for Reclassification No. 61-62-3 be denied and, by ao doiag, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code not be amended zoneeaad to incorporate saidcrdescribed ~roqertr~in the R-1, One Pamily Residential P F Y C-1, Neighborhood Commercial zone. TF~ PORHGOING RRSOLUT:{ON is sigaed and approved by se 24th day of July, 1961. CHAIRMAN ANA}~IM CITY PIAHIiII~FGG C~ Q~1 A1TB3T: Y ANAHSIM ITY P ING COMAIIS4ION $TATS OP CALIPQRNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGB ) $s• CITY OP ANAHSIM ? i I 1 1 I~ JgpN ppGg , 3ecretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of pnaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing cesolution was pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plamiing Commiasion of the City of Anaheim, held on July 24, 1961 at 2:00 o`clock P,IN., by the following vote of the membera thereof: py83; C~9dIS9I0NSRS: Allred, GauQr, Marcoux, Morris. Mungall, Pebley, Perry and Summers. NOH3: COMMI3SIONffit8: None. AH9ffidT: C~MMI3SIONHRS: Hapgood. ~ E IN WITNB3S WHHRHOP, I have hereunto aet my hand this 24th day of July,, 1961. ~~SCY~ ANAHEIM C TY P ING COIA~[IS$ION ~ i ~ R2-D -2' RBSOLUTION N0. 17 ~_,^_---._~ ._ __----- -.. --- -_ _ .._ .._ .._ _. . ._-- - _ __ _ -----_ _._ .. n>;i ~ ~;