PC 1961-1962-178I i :r:. ~~ ~ :~~ ~ ;:~ ~ ~ , . ~. i >~, ~.~ :~ RBSOLUTION N0. 178, SHRIHS 1961-62 A RffiOLUTION OP Tfi'd CITY PIIINNYNG COM~lI3SI~V OP Tf~i CITY OP ANAHBIi4 THAT PBTITION PO~t CONDITIONAL USB P~tMIT N0. 179•BB GRANTSD WHffitBA3, the City Pianning Commiasion of the City of Anaheie did receive a verified Petitioa for Caaditional Uae Permit from ~WNtD D, and VIOJ_4 GRIGGS, 9181 Knott Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners, Southeast Mortgage Company, 2135 West Ball, Anaheim,Calif,,Agent of certain reai property situated in the City of Aaahein~, Couaty of Orange, State of California, as described in Hxhibit "A" or as.followa:Al1 that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, described as follows: That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of :'ection 15, Township 4 3outh Ran~e 11 West, San B~rnar- dino Base and Meridian, described as .follows:Beginning at a poin~ in he east line of said Section 15, 264 feet north of the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of.the northeast quarter of said 3eetion 15• running th~nce no *h 80 feet,to a point; thence west 630 fget to a point; thence south 344 ~eet to a po~nt in ~he south line of the northeast quarter of.the no=theast quarter of said Section 15; thence east 300 feet to a point 330 feet west of the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 15; thence north 264 feet to a point; thence east 330 feet to the point of begianing • - .. aad 1V}~RBAB, the Citq Planning Commisaion did hold a pubiic hearing st the City Hali ia the City of Anaheim on December 27, 1961 . at 2:00 o',clock P.tA., aotier~o.° said pubiic hearing having beea duly given as required bp3~-x aad ia accordance Ni.th•the provi- siona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64~ to hear and coasider evidence for and agninat said proposed conditionai uae and to inveatigate and aate fiadiags and reco~en- dations in coaaection thereMrith; aad pf~RBA3~ said Co~issioa~ after due inspection,inveatigatioa, and atudy made by it- aelf and in its behalf, and after due coneideratioa of all evideace and reportta~offered at said heaxing, does fiad•aad determine the follo~ring facls: 1. 7hat the propoaed use ~.~_ p=operly one for which a Conditioaal Use Perait is authori:.ed by this•Code, to xit: A planned unit development. 2. That the propoaed uae,will not adversely affect the ad,~o3aiag :tand uaea aad the groxth aad development of the area in rrhich it ia propoaed to ~:. 7.ocated, 3. That the aize and ahape.of the aite proposed for the use is adequate to g9.iow the full developmeat of the proposed u9e ia e aanner not detrimentai ta the parti- cular area nor to the peace, health, safety. aad general rrelfare of the citizeas of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the traffic geaerated by the proposed use will not impose au uadue bur- den upon xhe atreeta aad highways 0eaigned and proposed to etrry the ti~ffic in the srea. 5. That the gxaating of the Conditioaal Uae Yermit under the con,titi~as iaposed~ if anq, ri11 not be detrimentai to the peac2~ health, safety, and general relfare of the citizens af the Citq of Anaheim. 6. That verbal opposition by one owner of propeaty in subject area was recorded againat subject petition. ~ I i ~ 3 3 { j ~:i '~ i ~ ~;: ~ ~ i ~ 4 ~ >, -.~~. . -. . I -1- =': __. _ __. ..___ ._ -- ' ~ .- _ _