PC 1961-1962-179•---......~.~.u..:~....raarvww:i.~r:L•L!CA3 ~ til'Y'f!:f":~GJ~::"..4.:.^'.;'i^:-': t•`SM. t+~:'r:~~~:.:T;T/!'_ : ^ne•n~:-n.--rvrw~.7w.........~.~..___-... .~` ~.~ ~ NCkf, ~iffitHPQRH~ 'BB IT RBSOF,VBD that the Anaheia City Pi~nnin~ Commissie~n hereby . approves CANDITIONAL USB PERMIT N0. 179 , upon the faliowing conditioas which are hereby iound to be a aecessary prerequisite to the progosed nse of the sub,ject pro- p~rty in order to preserve the eafety and general welfare of the Citizeas af Anaheim: 1. Subj~ct to the app=ovai of Peti~ion for Reciassification Noo 61~62-48 and Petstion for Varaance No. 1420. 2. Develapment subs~antially in accordance witrh Hxhibit Nos. 1 and 2, 3, Installation of landscap.ing in the proposed entranceway of subjzct pro}~erty in accordance with Hxhibit Nos, 1 and 2, said landsc~ping to be 3nstalled prios #o Pxnal Building In- spection. 4. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centerline of Knott Avenue (30 feet existing). 5. Yreparation of street improvement plaris and installation of all improvements for Kno~t Avenue, subject to the approval of the City Hngineer ~nd in accordance with the adopted standard plans on £ile.in the Office of the Ci}y Engineer. 6. Payment of $2.00 per front foot fos street lighting parpoges on Knott Avenue. 7. Payment of a Yarlc and Recieation Pee of $25.00 per dwelling unit to be collected as part of the Building Permit. 8. Provision of trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitation Division, which are adequate in size, accessi~le to trash--truck pick-u~, and adequately enclosed by a solic~ fence or wall, prior to Pinal Building Inspectioa. 9. Installation of,a six C6) f~ot masonry wall along the westerly 300 feet of the southerly boundary of subject pro12rty, along the westerly 344 feet of sabject property, and along the westerly 30Q feet of the northerly boundary of subject property, said walls to be installed prior to Pinal Building Inspec#ion. 10. ~osting of a bond for an eighteen (18) month°s period of time to insure the installation cf walis in accordance with the requiremeats of Code, Section 18.32,090, along the northerly and southerly bound"aries of the easterly eighty (80) feet of subject property. 11. Subject to the approval of construction plans for the installation of carports by the Building and Planning Departments, with the stipulation that the rear wall of the pro- posed 'carports may be constructed at the location of the required wails in which case the sear Kails shall be at least the equivalen~ of a six (6) foot arasonry wall. 12. Time limitation of one hundxed eighty (180y days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 4, 5, and 6. 1}~ PC~BGOING RBSOLUTIfPi ie;eisaed sad approved by ae this 27th d3y of December, J1961. AT~ST: ~ Y AIiAFIDIN CETY ING C~UiISSI0B1 T~l OP CALIPOFDRA ) COiiNTY' OP ORANGB ) sa. CITY OP ANAHBIM . ) .,2 CHAIRMAN ANA}ffiIM CITY PLANN~NG CQ~S'dI I, ,rHAN PAGB , 9~cretary of 4he Ci2y Planaiag Co~iaaion of #he City of Aaahein, do hereby certify that tLe ;foregoing reac;lution tsa~ paeaed and adopted at a a~eting of 4he City Planain~ Commias~us of the City of Agahein~ heid oa December 27, 1961 at 2;QO e'c?.ock P,Al., bp the follo~v'Lag vote of the menbera 4he=eof: pY~B;. COl[dlgglQPiffit8; Ga~tex, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Summers. NOB3: ~OkA9I33I0I~R3: None. AB9BNT: 00l~II9SI~iBIt3: Allred. IIiTI~IY1~89 Y~iBRBOP, E have hereunto set ay hsadthis 27th dsy of December,1961. ~v SIT Y ANN~IbI CI1'Y ING CQMMI85IQi4 , V~A - 2- RBSOLUTION N0. 178 ~ _-'~j '~--~--------~----------__.------..____._~~.~_~__.._..-,~ ; _ ,. _._ .__._ _ . -__, . : ,,.,,,......,_. __.. . i. . . .. . _ ._._._., . u~u...~, '--.~.v..m.%xa^.1C*:ry'ST<S.SL^~:RLSSf'.f~4.vn:acCa»vr«~eY.s~.^uLY,JYFS>1^C:'S':^::3.~"w3::V:Fail.ttnln'~4':~',;SIYry~:2!°!~f?'.1/`^..:r~i:.'5.:Mr;tMn,;.klT . ~ . ~_ ~i ~ •~. __. ...~ ....~.._ ... . . . .1L. . .. . . . I~~• I`~', . !I ~~. RESOLUTION N0.-179• SHRIES 1961-62 ;;. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR Vt~RIANCE N0. 14~0 BE GRANTED • WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Vadance from EDWARD D, and V30IA GRIGGS, 9181 I{nott Avenue, Anaheim, California, Owners; Southeast Mor4gage Company, 2135 West Ball, Sdite B, Anaheiia, California, Agent of certain real property situated in ttie City of An~tleim, County of 0iange, State of California, as described in Sxhibit "A" or as follows;.Al1 that certain Sand situ~ted in the State of California, County of Ora~age, described as follows;That portion of tiie nortlieast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 15, T~wnship 4 3outh, Range 11 Wesf, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows; Beginning at a pdint in the east.line of said 5ection 15, 264 feet north of the southeast cor- ner of the northeast quarter of the noitheust quarter of sa€d Section 15; running thence north 80 feet to a poin4; thence wast 630 feet to a point; thence south 344 £eet to a paint in the south Sine of the northeast quarte= of the ~slo;rtheast quar.te.r of said Section 15; thence east 300~feet to a point 330 feet west of the.southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 15; thence north 264 feet to a point; thence east 330 feet to the point of beginning. ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on December 27, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heering having been duly given as requited by law end in eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear and coasider evidenae for and e&ainst said proposed veriance and to inves~igete and make findings end cecommendationa in connec- tion theremith; ~aitd WHEREAS, seid Commiesion, after due inspection, investigation, and atudy r.~ade by itself end in its behelf, end efter due consideration of all evidence and reports offe:ed es seid hee.ring, does f~nd and determine the foliowing fac4s: 1. That the:petitionee requests a varience from the Maheim Municipal Code: Section 18.32,060 to permit the construction of two-story structures on subject properfy within 150 feet of property classified in the R A, Residential Agricultural, 2one; Section 18.32,090 to permit the construction of a fence along the boundarie~ of subject property; and Section 18.32.120 to permit the construc~ion o~' one and one-quarter covered spaces (carports) per dwelling unit in con unction wit~ti ttie:proposed development on subject propertp ~. That the requested:waiver.of Code,. Section i8.32.090 3s hereby deemed to be in- compatib~.e w.~th -the proposed use of ~sbject property. and the existing,development of subject area.-3.•That there are exceptional or extraordinarv circumstances or conditions applicable to the property inVOYved or #o the"intended use of the pmoperty 4hat do no~ apply geriezaYlq to•ihe property or class of use in.the same w3cinity and zone, 9. That the requeated vacience is necessary for the preservetion and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the aeme vicinity end zone, and denied to the pmperty in question. ~5; That the requested vedance wiil not be meterielly detrimentel to the public welfate or injurious to the pmp- erty or impmvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property ?s loceted. ' :b: That the requested vadance will not edversely affect the Comprehensive Generel Plen. 7. That verbal opposition by one owner of propertp in subject asea was recorded against subject peti4ion. ,c Vl-G -~ _r i ~ ~r--~ -----•____.,_~, ,_ ~' "_ . . .__ ----- - -- ~ ~ ~~ ~; 3: J ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby g~ant subject ~ ; petition for Vadance, upon the following conditiona which are hereby found to he e necessary prerequisite to the pro- 'posed use of the subject pcopecty in oider to p~eserve the safety a~nd general welfare of the Citizens of the City of ~t, Anaheim. ~i= 1. Subject to the approvai of Petition for Reclassi.fication No, 61-62-48 and Petition for Conditional Use Permit No. 179. 2. Development substantialiy in.accordance w3.th Hxhibit Nos. l~and 2, rj 3, Installation of landscaping in the proposed entrance way of sub'ect property in accord- ance with Exhibit Nos, 1 and 2, said landscaping to be installe~ prior to Final Bnilding Inspection. ~ 4. Installation of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the westerly 300 feet of the southerly J% boundary of sub'ect property, alottg the westerl~j 344 feet o£ subject propertyi and along " t•he wester1y:30~ feet of 'the northerly boundary of sub,ject property, said wal s#o be s;~, installed prior to Fi~Aal Bailding Inspection. ~3. 5. Posting of a bond for an eighteen (18) month9s l~eriod of time to insure the installation ~r of walls in accordance with the requiremenfs of Code, Section 18.32.090, along the north- erly and southerly boundaries of.the easterly e~.gh4y (80) feet of subject property. 6. 3ub3ect to the approval of constructioa plans for the installation of carports by the Building and Planning Departments, with the stiL~ulation that the rear waii of,the pro- posed carports may be constructed at the location of the required walls in which case the rear walls shall be at least the equiv.alent of a six foot masonry wall. 7. Dedication of 53 feet from the monumented centesline of Bnott.Avenue (30 feet existing). 8, Preparation of street,improvement plans and ins+talla4ion of all impsovementa for gnott Avenue, sabject to the approval of the City Bngineer and in accordance with the adopted standard plans on,file in the Office of tha Cit~y Hngineer. 9. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Bnott Avenue, 10. •Payment of a Park and Recseation Pee of $25.00 per dwelling unit to be collected as part of the Building Permit. 11. Provision of trash storage areas as determiaed bq the Department of Public Works~ 3anitation Division, which are adequate in size, accessible to trash-truck pick-up, and adequately eaclosed by a solid fence.or wall, prior to Pinal Building Inspection. ' 12, Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accooplishment of Etem.Nos. 5, 7 , 8 , artd . 4. THE FQREGOING RESOLUTION ia signed end epproved by me this 27th day of December, 1961, ATTEST: ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS SECR~RY ANAHEIM CITY PI~INING COMMISSION S'd'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jean Page, Secretary of the Ciry Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cedify thet the fa~~ going resolution wes passed end adopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of die City of Aneheim, held on Decembex 27, 1961 et 2:00 o'dack P.M., by the following vote of the mernbers the:eoE AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley; Rerry, Summers. NOES: COMhiI5SI0NER5: None . ' ABSENT: CCStiIMISSIONERS: A].Zred. IN WITIJFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thi~ 27th day of December, 1961. tiA SEC ARY ANAHEIl11 CITY P NNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0179 ~ V2-G I .z. ~ 3 ; ' . , ~ _"i_"- . --~ - . ._.._.~ ~ ia?o . . . . . . , ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . _ _, . . ~ . - . . . . . . . ~ --~ . . ~ ` .